What difference will the indicated appointments of Elon and Vivek to the new shiny Department of Government Efficiency (now there's a oxymoron for you!) make to America, and by extension, to the world?
In short, will the DOGE be any more effective than the infamous Department of Administrative Affairs of "Yes Minister" fame?
The inimitable, highly experienced, but just possibly terminally jaundiced-of-outlook Bill Bonner sets out his reasoning.
But as is always the case, we must critically examine the core assumptions (often also unstated) upon which his reasoning is based. It's always the lazy assumptions that catch us out when we venture up the perilous path of predicting the future.
Especially the 'things have always been like this, therefore they will continue to be like this' assumptions.
What if some don't hold this time?
Firstly, which might not hold this time?
1) The Federal Government will continue as it always has.
It won't.
Following the Civil War, in exchange for a loan, the states subcontracted the administration of the federal government to the Crown, the City of London, and the Vatican, who as owners set up the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC corporation to administer that federal government, thus achieving power in exchange for money. The USA has always been a Crown Colony. At that time the Internal Revenue Service was set up to recompense the owners for their loan. A complex and thorny succession of historical bankruptcies later, this corporation is now said to be legally defunct and without standing (work with me here!).
As yet it is unclear what will replace it, but the original Congress of the States may behind the scenes have been resurrected, and the flag has been restored to the care of postmaster Russel-Jay: Gould, one assumes for the benefit of the original Republic now reconstituted without public fanfare.
The Federal Reserve Bank being neither "federal" nor a "reserve" but a private bank owned by bankers will not be likely to feature in the new monetary arrangements - a new asset-backed dollar issued by the Republic in accord with its Constitution will likely stabilise the monetary system and stop the inflation that has robbed the people of their buying power ever since the FRB was instituted in 1913.
A rebalancing of Federal/State powers along similar lines to Argentina would return the power to spend their own money to the States and to their peoples.
2) The Continuity of Government
Following the 'illegal' ratification of the fraudulent 2020 Election results, power was transferred to the military under a state of emergency, the military whose oath is to uphold the Constitution rather than to uphold any particular temporal civilian office-holders (DJT in his role as Commander in Chief has been in power all along?).
The charade of the Biden Administration has been permitted to run its course in order to show the people what the imposters are really up to and to prepare them to accept the enormity of the truth when it is finally revealed: that we have been watching "The Greatest Show on Earth" all along ...
3 - n) These assumptions are left as an exercise for our readers - but I think I've said enough already to indicate that Bill Bonner's analysis may be seriously flawed under some circumstances ...