We should be so lucky!
These days there are so many versions of the truth available from a multiplicity of sources that it's become an adventure to merely establish what we think might be the truth of only one of the many stories that are daily offered to us.
At least in times bygone, most of the few media outlets tended to offer much the same story (albeit with left/right leanings as befitted the particular outlet) so we felt that if a number of independent sources told much the same story. then it was likely substantially correct.
In fact, it now seems that far from being independent, they all got their headline stories from the Deep State's Ministry of Truth, and the conjecture is that this may have been going on ever since Zionism became an international thing; valid or not, the mainstream compulsion to support Israel's version of events in Gaza and elsewhere does little to dispel the idea.
Some even go so far as to suggest that blatant all-out fakery of news reports is endemic nowadays, not only in the mainstream but also in the alternative media!
But anyone can make unfounded assertions, so maybe we should just discount such notions ...
... Oh wait! This wasn't just anyone, this was a high-ranking journalist from Germany, Udo Ulfkotte, who in 2004 reportedly became an independent journalist reporting on matters the authorities deemed inconvenient. Inconveniently for him, he is sadly no longer with us.
(20 minutes)