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It seems preposterous that all the ancient history we have been told is fake - but it also seemed preposterous that PolPot should murder all Cambodia's intelligentsia, that Big Pharma's jabs should be anything other than "safe and effective" for our health instead of "safe and effective" for some other undisclosed set of criteria, that our "democratically elected" government should serve vested interests first and foremost and their electorate last.

So preposterousness is evidently no bar to fakery.

The usual "down the rabbit hole" advice applies. 

This is one of those stories that you are either ready for, or not.

I strongly suggest that those new to my site should review the earlier Down the Rabbit Hole series, starting with 1 2 3 and 4.

Still sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin ...

"Everything we know about Ancient Greece is a story invented by AI in the last 200 years at the German-Nordic Institute in Germany, run and funded by the Jesuits!"

That's one helluva lot of stuff to have to make up! And some sort of AI would seem to be necessary given the limited number of fake classical authors available ...

But AI was only invented in the 21st century, wasn't it? 

"The village of Athens had 7000 inhabitants in 1863 and none of them were Greeks but Arvanites, who were a mixture of Arnauts, Epirus, Tuscans, Arameans and Gegians"

OK, now you're beginning to get the picture, dive into the article(s).

And begin to wonder what they haven't faked ... where for instance would this leave the Bible, given that much of it was translated from ancient Greek texts?

This will be a fakery too far for many, but it's certainly a useful exercise in critical thinking!