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Greater Reset!

  • Reality Werkz Perfek


    Clif High provides another inimitable ramble around the current fall of the global control matrix.

    The mental construction of a world where we all comply with the world government(s) under the illusion that they have our best interests at heart and anyway there is no other option...  that construction is collapsing under the weight of all its inherent contradictions as they are relentlessly being exposed.

    There's a bit more to it of course, but you don't have to agree with all his reasoning - just enjoy his idiosyncratic universe-view that is unlike any other. Along the way we may begin to understand why we are all here, the purpose of life, the universe, and everything ...  and why the WEF cannot succeed.

    (56 minutes)



  • The Fulford Report - Monday 16 January 2023


    "Some tectonic shifts have taken place in Geopolitical power structures during the past week"

    So moves are afoot for the marginalisation of the ancien régime whilst the régime nouveau is constructed around it's failing remains.

    Alas some of the new seems (I suppose inevitably) to be tarred with the same brush of secrecy that so bedevilled the old, and one wonders if that veil will ever be fully lifted.

    Modest subscription required.


  • So, Despite the War in the Ukraine, the CBDCs Are in LockStep to Replace the Dollar Order?


    Despite the appearance of being at loggerheads over the Ukraine, Taiwan, and whatever other flashpoints may yet surface, and despite the BRICS countries moving ahead with their own basket of interchangeable currencies supported by "hard assets" and the Western nations still wedded to their essentially worthless paper, is there really uniformity of approach to base the new world financial system on the existing Central Banks and the Central Bank of the Central Banks, the Bank of International Settlements?

    Would that not simply leave the foxes in charge of the hen-house?

    "it was the West's sanctions that helped the BRICS nations achieve a long-held monetary policy objective, In June 2022 the BRICS member states announced their plans to establish an alternative to the IMF's special drawing rights (SDRs). A basket

  • The Fulford Report Monday 9 January 2023


    A most encouraging report from Ben today.

    "Hungary has decided to leave the EU"

    "... in the Middle East ... the Turkish and Israeli military join forces against the Satanic forces led by false Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu"

    "In the United States, a final showdown between the Satanists and the white hat military is taking place at the Supreme Court"

    "Let us start with the Russian offensive because it involves a 1.5 million-man Christian army marching straight into the Satanic headquarters in Western Europe"

    Yes, nothing is as it seems

    Maybe 2023 really will be the year that the world is changed.

  • What will the Post-Reset World Look Like?


    It's possibly the most serious question of our age.

    That there will be a reset seems certain.

    Either it will be the WEF-UN Reset as envisioned by Klaus Schwab and we will all be subjugated into insect-eating human cyborgs, or those who would rule the world will be removed somehow or other. Various South American countries are showing the way, and the US patriots will no doubt strike at a time to suit their own situation. The US military are sworn to defend not the President, nor the Supreme Court, nor the Senate, nor the Congress, but the Constitution - and they abide by their own military law that predates the Civil Law.

    So let's assume that the WEF-UN-Central-Bankers-Global-Corporates get taken down / collapse from bankruptcy, as seems likely.

    With WEF-UN corporate puppets controlling every government, corporation, and "not-for-profit", when they all get removed what will happen?


  • 2023 - The Year Like No Other?


    Kim Goguen is not a familiar name to most people.

    Ben Fulford has previously remarked that he thought she might be an AI bot! I guess she might at that.

    Some people may have heard of the QFS (Quantum Financial System).

    If Kim is to be taken seriously (and it's your judgement) then we should pay attention. What she is saying implies dramatic changes to the way the world works - my reservation would be that we will need a lot of guidance better tailored to our current circumstances if we are to relate to what is coming - trying to swallow the whole upgrade within a single presentation like this isn't going to cut it for most.

    We all recognise that we have to work within the system within which we exist...
     ... but what if that system is now obsolete?

    I do not pretend to follow all the ins and outs of everything that she

  • The Donald, the Uncomfortable Truths, The Great Reset that Nobody Expected


    Charlie Freak made the first video relating the Donald's world tour of 2018-19, where he "forced the capitulation of every major country, corporation, and major Cabal entity".

    If Charlie says that this is the better (and shorter!) video, then so be it:

    (46 minutes)


    The video below provides perhaps a higher perspective...   make of it what you will, but whatever you think of the presenter, I suggest that it's the message that needs our attention.

    (35 minutes)



  • The WHO has Utterly Lost It!


    The unflappable Ivor Cummins lays it out.

    Their end must be nigh soon now.

    (14 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Is it Better to Travel in Hope than to Arrive?


    As another year draws to a close one cannot help but reminisce about our life journey so far.

    I look back over a happy childhood, teenage confusion, transition to a productive employment, kids, later years and finally, "independence" in retirement...  except that retirement turned out to hold just a few unexpected twists and turns that now look as though they were merely a prelude to a world turning inside out, a process that still unfolds day by day with increasing speed - and yes, I'm loving it!

    It's true that I wasn't happy about the way things were unfolding, but knowledge brings confidence and I was never in much doubt that the Covid had to be a scam - then the jabs roll-out confirmed it in spades. So yes, I was well equipped to understand what was going on and my dabblings in politics in support of Brexit had given me enough basic political and web hosting experience to enable me to set up this site. Sheer luck or divine guidance? Who is to say? But it's certainly worked out and it's

  • The Fulford Monday Report 26 Dec 2022


    An upbeat report indeed to end 2022 on - let us all be hopeful that Ben is not "controlled opposition".

    I have to say that I put more store by his earthly reporting than his insight into off-world phenomena, fascinating those these undoubtedly are.

    But it still may be true (as far as I know) that the two may turn out to be - shall we say - not independent of each other.

    As for the COP15 Biodiversity Agreement, we all know by now how the UN and its agencies are skilled manipulators of ambiguous language that can be interpreted in multiple ways according to the reader's preferences. If these last years have taught us anything at all, it is that no communication from the "Great and the Good" can be taken at face value.

    Still, the report that the US and the Vatican voted against it may be encouraging.

  • Fulford on Friday 23 Dec 2022


    A useful update this week.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Slavery is Optional - Reminder


    As the Christmas holiday approaches with all the subtlety of an oncoming train, it is appropriate to remind ourselves of matters spiritual.

    Since I have little faith in our temporal Lords Spiritual and hold that we each have the potential and indeed the imperative to forge our own individual personal spiritual identity and destiny, it behoves me to offer something other than another hackneyed version of the Churches' Christmas message.

    Fortunately and indeed gratefully I am able to point those of you who have not yet sussed our Rolling submenu (craftily hidden beneath the Latest main menu item!) towards Martin Geddes, who is very generously chronicling his own journey towards the spiritual so that we too may benefit from his experiences.

    I think you may agree that it is no mean thing to open up your

  • The Road to Super-Abundance?


    Jack Mullen writing for RobertDavidSteele.com provides as succinct an exploration of the world's current predicament as we might hope to find.

    Yes it's a bit long and certainly America-centred, but the UK isn't that different in most fundamental respects.

    In truth nobody has any special capacity to predict the future, but as a checklist of things we should be thinking about as 2022 turns into 2023, it's probably as good as any, and maybe better than most.

    I commend it to my readership!


  • Latest Scuttlebutt from the US 15 December 2022


    This video was posted on 15 December.

    Make of it what you will...

    (25 minutes)


  • China Breathes Again - Europe Holds its Breath


    Benjamin Fulford's Monday report this week is required reading, even if you don't have a subscription.

    " ... the planetary liberation alliance has begun a massive, simultaneous worldwide offensive against the Satanic Khazarian mafia"

    "... Spanish and Italian media are reporting the fake Pope Francis is resigning"

    "... Tass News agency reports: “Dialogue between Russia and NATO is out of the question amid the current developments"

    "... a Polish resident of China reports: “A few days ago…I woke up in a completely different reality"

    The ground is moving beneath our feet, and it's not slowing.

    Worth a

  • End of Year SitRep from Riccardo


    I have no information, but I strongly suspect that what he says re Australia could equally well be said of the UK.

    Let's hope so and be ready for it.

    Once the dominoes start falling, the collapse may be brutal.

    (4 minutes)




  • Trump Forces the Issue - Free Speech Will be Restored


    (7 minutes)



  • How to Detox after the Quax (and prior to the 5G)


    Words of good advice from La Quinta Columna (subtitled in English).

    Strangely I was already doing much of this prior to the onset of the Covidemic - maybe someone somewhere has my best interests in hand?! Anyway, I can confirm hardly ever having had so much as a sniffle...  (or a quax - but I doubt that's the only distribution technology).

    (12 minutes)



  • The Fulford Report Monday 12 Dec 2022


    The Fulford report this week presents a round-up of recent events and a positive slant on some of them that I have not seen elsewhere.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Twitter Upstages Durham


    As Elon releases a tidal wave of information on deep state election manipulations and free speech suppressions, Martin Geddes summarises for us.

    "... confirming beyond any doubt what many of us have been saying for years: there is a “Deep State” alliance of government agencies, (quasi-)private organisations, media, and intelligence professionals engaged in mass censorship to cover up organised crime, notably crimes against children and treason"

    The end becomes ever nigher...