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Greater Reset!

  • If This is True, the World has Flipped!


    I haven't followed Charlie Ward for quite some time (I found him somewhat repetitive), but I don't write him off either - and David Kurten has been doing what he was drawn to do with tenacity. I respect both of these gentlemen, although I wouldn't necessarily give credence to everything that they say (or anyone else says). 

    Still, what they say in this video (if true - and to me it makes perfect sense) tells us that the world is over the hump, out of the creek, and forging ahead on the open sea - it's just not yet public knowledge.

    But note that it's toward the end of the presentation that the nuggets are dropped .

    (49 minutes)



  • Trump: "Now, We are Going to Complete the Mission"


    Short and purposeful.  

    (4 minutes)


    UN Agenda 47 (1992).

  • Fulford Report Monday 27 Feb 2023


    Aficionados of Ben's reporting should not miss today's report.

    With the feud between the KM and humanity gathering pace, China steps in to call for calm.

    "The destruction of a Western city is subject to a complete news blackout... "

    As always, a modest subscription is required to access the complete article.

    But be warned - he has new and completely different web-site presentation, so you will have to overcome your disbelief and learn new navigation skills! 


  • Down the Rabbit Hole 9 - When the Mob Rises Up!


    Our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series deals with matters that many would dismiss as fanciful speculation of unproven (and even unevidenced) nature - wishful thinking on steroids if you like.

    Yet there is a great deal of it "out there".

    I personally am not so arrogant as to dismiss it all out of hand - there are many things we don't understand about this life, and grounds to believe that much has perhaps intentionally been hidden from us.

    There are also many things going on right now that we don't fully understand, and for myself I have learned of so many matters unsuspected since I started this site, that I can no longer dismiss the outlandish as... well, merely outlandish. My outlandish may be somebody else's lived experience.

    From ancient artefacts and

  • China Tells Us What It Thinks of the US


    We might all think we know what China thinks, but I suspect we have not seen it spelled out in such detail in black and white.

    So here, straight from the horse's mouth as it were, is the uncensored opinion of the government of the People's Republic.

    Why does it matter?

    With the world in geopolitical turmoil over the war in Ukraine, the troubles in the Middle East, and the outright undermining of the constitutions of both the US and the UK, the non-Anglo-Saxon world is realigning itself along BRICS lines, in opposition to the A-S domination of the UN and its associated institutions.

    China being the most populous country on earth (even if India is snapping at its heels in this respect),  controlling the lion's share of the world's manufacturing industry, and with unhappy historical memories of the western world (colonialism, opium wars, etc), we do well to try to understand their views and motivations. Some may

  • Slavery is Optional - TV Licensing Plot Thickens


    As tragic events continue to unfold globally, NATO (still!) pushes WW3 via the Ukraine, and the UK political parties (still!) plumb ever greater depths of incoherence, it remains appropriate to remind ourselves of matters spiritual.

    For those of you who have not yet sussed our Rolling submenu (craftily hidden beneath the Latest main menu item!) I would direct you towards Martin Geddes, who is very generously chronicling his own journey towards the spiritual so that we too may benefit from his experiences.

    I think you may agree that it is no mean thing to open up your personal journey to public inspection as Martin has done - and continues to do - and I salute him for it.

    What has TV licensing to do with matters spiritual? Maybe it's symptomatic of the basic need to distinguish right from wrong, fraud from honest endeavour, and generosity

  • The Fulford Report - Monday 20 Feb 2023


    Plenty of scary reports from Eastern Europe, and more scuttlebutt from intelligence sources which even if accurate merely tells us what those sources would like us to believe.

    What does seem to be true is that the pace of change is increasing, and it seems likely that there is a great deal (some good, some bad) that we are not being told.

    Worth a glance.

  • Another Take on the Current Situation


    Mr Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong, outlines his vision of the purpose of humanity, the Universe, and where we are in the current universal life-cycle.

    For my own part I have learned to respect the principle of intellectual humility. We all have something to offer and baggage (Latin: impedimenta - which I think says it all) to hinder our progress.

    I'm sure that Mr Li is no different in that respect, but to us in the West his viewpoint may seem ignorant and outrageous in a number of respects. I don't share that opinion. His cultural background differs from ours but rather than dismiss it out of hand, perhaps we should celebrate our points of agreement before we highlight our differences.

    One of our shared beliefs may well be in the "end of times" scenario. The book of Revelation ought to be

  • The Great Awakening


    Yes, it's that man again - Richard Vobes takes on a new interviewee in Martin Geddes, ex IT / telecoms expert, investigator of the Q phenomenon, "conspiracy theorist", now spiritual adventurer, also blogger, author, and photographer.

    If this doesn't turn out to be interesting then I don't know what would be.

    (54 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    Post interview, Martin posted his reactions to his substack page.


  • What is Government For?


    Richard Vobes, interviewer par excellence, talks with William Keyte, for a third time.

    This time it's about why we have government, what "government" should really be for, and why we are in our current situation.

    As always, well worth your time, particularly because if we are ever going to get out from under an abusive style of government, then we as "the people" will need to understand how we got here and work out how we get the change that we want. If ever we can decide what we really do want.

    And surely that is exactly the problem - people have become so accustomed to the way things are that somehow we will have to educate ourselves about how we got to where we are now, before we can work out how we will change society to get to where we really want to be.

    And Richard would seem to be as close to the right man for the job as we are likely to find anywhere. Does he realise just how important he

  • Fulford Report Monday 13 Feb 2023


    Another encouraging report from Ben.

    End game nears as Khazarian Mafia pulls fake invasion card

    (Modest subscription required for full access)

  • Fulford Monday Report 06 Feb 2023


    Another positive report from Benjamin this week, although as the earthquakes in Turkey and Kazakhstan indicate, the road to global liberation is still not secured free of major hazard.

    Whether we believe that earthquakes can be instigated by man or whether they remain uncontrollable acts of Nature, there is certainly a suspicion that Ben may be onto something here.

    As always, be aware that in war, no source of information can be considered to be 100% trustworthy - truth is always the first casualty.

    Modest subscription required to view the complete article.


  • Fulford Report Monday 30th January 2023


    Another report not to be missed today.

    As always, much of this cannot be verified...  war these days is always about misinformation and deceit of the enemy. Why would the "white hats" or "black hats" broadcast their intentions? 

    Parts of it are unsuitable for children.

    Modest subscription required to read the full report.


  • For we Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood, but Against ... Spiritual Wickedness in High Places


    How do we survive in these times of misinformation, threats from those who would rule us, destruction of our wealth, false imprisonment for the unlucky, and outright usurpation of our historical rights and freedoms?

    Increasingly I have found myself looking to counter falsehoods with the truth, right over wrong, love  generosity and tolerance over hate meanspiritedness and indifference, awareness of the possible limitations of our current beliefs and systems of governments, and ultimately, a simple faith that things will turn for the best when enough people join in this spirit.

    A simple faith that I find even begets a certain measure of serenity.

    The words of St Paul may be unfamiliar to those who were not brought up in a religious environment, but they do seem eerily prescient of our current times.


  • Big AI and the EU and the Little AI Period


    Clif High and the Displaced Persons Conundrum.

    Once again Clif gives us a personal view of the world, this time post WW2, and the parallels he sees with the world today.

    Presented in two parts:

    (15 minutes)


    (30 minutes)


  • Slavery is Optional - Update


    As NATO pushes WW3 via the Ukraine, and the UK political parties plumb ever greater depths of incoherence, it is appropriate to remind ourselves of matters spiritual.

    For those of you who have not yet sussed our Rolling submenu (craftily hidden beneath the Latest main menu item!) I would direct you towards Martin Geddes, who is very generously chronicling his own journey towards the spiritual so that we too may benefit from his experiences.

    I think you may agree that it is no mean thing to open up your personal spiritual journey to public inspection as Martin has done - and continues to do - and I salute him for it.

    Slavery is Optional, But...


  • The Fulford Report Monday 23 Jan 2023


    "This is the big story behind all the news about the US debt limit being reached, the defeat of Ukraine and the takedown of the fake Biden regime"

    "Years of research uncovered the fact Rockefeller interests are behind many, many crimes including the spread of cancer. At the beginning of the 20th century, only one out of 19 people got cancer. Now it is one out of every two people. Needless to say “curing cancer” is now one of the most profitable businesses of the pharmacidical corporations they control"

    "The Rockefellers also stifled human progress by suppressing energy technology that threatened their control via oil"

    "This is a desperate attempt by the Rockefellers to prevent bankruptcy by forcing everyone to use digital central bank currencies they plan to issue"

    "The bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board means the entire US financial system is

  • LaRouchePAC Comments on Davos Jan 2023 and the Ukraine


    No, this isn't another of Barbara Boyd's interminable dronalogs... it's a usefully brief written summary of how the WEF is panicking over the imminent loss of the Ukraine and how that will play out against the backdrop of the ever-growing BRICS trading bloc.

    The West is in terminal decline and if Ukraine falls (as, despite Boris' best efforts, it seems destined to do) then they have nothing left.

    Germany seems to be well aware of this, as are other European states no doubt. The EU could not realistically survive the fall-out.

    Panic in Davos.


  • New World Order - A Useful Summary


    "We are living in the midst of a Cabal-directed Death Cult"

    "The majority of the people haven’t noticed yet. But the awakening has begun"

    So who are the prime movers in this "death cult" and whom do they serve?

    Regular readers of this site will no doubt be well-informed about this already, but Global Research have put together a useful summary that (a) isn't to long (!) and (b) covers the main points.

    Indeed, it also explicitly associates NATO as a primary enforcement arm of the cult that has been used in the past to deal with nations that do not

  • Reality Werkz Perfek


    Clif High provides another inimitable ramble around the current fall of the global control matrix.

    The mental construction of a world where we all comply with the world government(s) under the illusion that they have our best interests at heart and anyway there is no other option...  that construction is collapsing under the weight of all its inherent contradictions as they are relentlessly being exposed.

    There's a bit more to it of course, but you don't have to agree with all his reasoning - just enjoy his idiosyncratic universe-view that is unlike any other. Along the way we may begin to understand why we are all here, the purpose of life, the universe, and everything ...  and why the WEF cannot succeed.

    (56 minutes)