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Great Reset

  • China Shows the Way


    China is well down the one-way street toward the technocratic state. All the principles are in place, we are just waiting for the technology to be perfected and rolled out into the population. After all, smartphones are so bulky and unreliable - they can be lost, dropped, run out of battery, or be confiscated. Worst of all, they can be ignored.

    How much better to inject the population with electronics that can merge with any and all parts of you, relay your vital functions to the authorities, and even "augment" your brain to function as required by the authorities central AI control!

    "The fate of America is being made in China, our role model for all things dystopian"

    This statement however is wrong. It's not just the model for America, it's the model for the whole world.

    And the G20 is bent on making it happen - first up, the undead vaccine passport "to facilitate travel" (if you are approved by the

  • Fulford on Friday 18 Nov 2022


    A useful and interesting report this week reviewing the recent G20 meeting, the state of the various heads of state (including the major players), and the current geopolitical situation.

    As always, the devil is in the detail, and certainty is a rare commodity, but the questions are relevant and worth the wait.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Lest We Forget


    (31 minutes)

    We may as individuals forgive those who have wronged us as we feel appropriate to our circumstances. That is our freedom and our right.

    We should however never forget the extraordinary level of brainwashing, nudging, opprobrium, name-calling, and indeed threats and actual violence that were directed to those who merely pointed out that there was no evidence to support the effectiveness of the measures being imposed, to support the attempts to cajole us into taking an experimental medical intervention (in blatant contravention of the Nuremberg Codes), to support the alleged safety and efficacy of the alleged vaccines, to support the elimination of all alternative medical therapies other than vaccines, or even to support the alleged danger that the virus was supposed to pose to us all.

    Nor must we forget the extraordinary attempts to completely censor all opinion contrary to the official line, even when cogently argued by exceptionally

  • So What Was FTX and Does It Matter?


    Bix Weir (yes, him again) talks to Greg Hunter (USA Watchdog) about the financial implications of the FTX insolvency.

    But wasn't FTX something to do with crypto? I don't "do" crypto so why would that affect me? 

    If it affects the banks, then it affects "me".

    Are we prepared?

    How do we prepare for a financial implosion that could (and may well) bring down all the major financial institutions in short order?

    (34 minutes)



  • Clif High - Trump Back?


    Clif is his own man, working with his own tools, taking orders from no man (as far as I can see).

    Here he is pontificating on the growing financial and pharmaceutical crashes.

    Bix is the finance man who makes it his business to analyse the Gold-Silver-Crypto topography.

    Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!

    But what's looming "out there" in January...?

    Yes, much of this is speculation, but I can't think of many who are better qualified to indulge.

    Batten the hatches, this is going to be orders of magnitude more scary and confusing than where we are now.

    (61 minutes) 



  • 2023 - The Year The World Went Hungry?


    "The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sounds a warning over a problem it caused in the first place, namely food disruption. How? By talking nations into restricting nitrogen fertilizer to grow bountiful crops"

    Whilst we in the affluent West (well, most of us anyway) have never know what it is to go hungry, many in less affluent countries (and some in the more affluent) could well be about to find out.

    This is what happens when global politicians declare "climate emergency", blame CO2, and then switch gears to abruptly take out supplies of... nitrogen fertiliser? No, me neither.

    It appears also to have escaped their notice that if they would only increase the amount of CO2 in our air, the green crops would thank them by growing enough food to feed the world (there's a reason that commercial greenhouses feed their plants extra CO2), but that's by the by.

    The End Times are Upon Us!


    I'm not keen on featuring the contribution below for a number of reasons, because for all this guy says (and he's an American who has no trouble pouring out his no doubt sincerely held beliefs so that we can all benefit from his enormous wisdom - if only we could slow him down and take a week or two to digest it all), his narrative is based upon a few unspoken points which seem to me to be highly questionable.

    But it does give me an opportunity to give a hobby-horse of mine an outing.

    If I had to profess a religion it would be Christianity - just not the perverted versions peddled by the great hypocritical religions that (a) used to burn their heretics to death ("judge not that thou be not judged") and (b) seek to persuade us that we are so helpless that we should simply cast ourselves into unquestioning faith in Jesus Christ (oh, and the Bible) in order to be "saved". That is redolent of the simplistic scams offered by charlatans proffering snake oil across the ages ("just take this 'free' injection

  • Sanctions? What Sanctions?


    Alternative title: "Sanctions for thee but not for me?"

    This video speaks for itself...  but please don't throw anything at, or hit your screen...

    (14 minutes)


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  • Mahatmas of the Third Age Unite!


    "Mahatma" is the only word I could think of that encompasses both wisdom and spiritual enlightenment in one word (with the added benefit that it may also be globally understood) so "mahatma" (not "the Mahatma") it is.

    As an oldie myself, I often reflect that now that we are considered to be well past the age of raising a family, we would now do it rather differently from how we actually did it when we were newly minted (or perhaps not-quite-so-newly-minted) young adults. As the saying goes: 'You can't put an old head on young shoulders'. 

    So when we are children, we are moulded into the ignorant beliefs of our parents, and when young adults, in our arrogance we get to mould the next generation into our ignorant belief systems, and when we are old we get to hold our tongue whilst we watch the next generation mould their offspring according to their own

  • Ukraine Deep Dive


    For those who may not be familiar with the background to the current situation in the Ukraine, the Chris Hedges Report provides an alternative view, a mix of past and current.

    Dull but informative.

    (34 minutes)


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  • Fulford on Friday 4 Nov 2022


    This could be called the Empire Strikes Back edition...

    Lots going on, and as we can see in the news, little of it good.

    Nevertheless the message overall is upbeat.

    Small subscription required.


  • Frauds Collapse Quickly


    The Friday wrap-up with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog...

    According to Greg, it's all coming down and the collapse will only gain speed.

    (You can skip the first 2 minutes 30 of adverts if you wish)

    If the following message on social media is correct, he's right:

  • A Brief History of the Cabal


    For those who have been following neither the carefully laid plans of the UN and its associated globalists, nor the conspiracy theorists who have, this video is for you.

    Yes, it's all very cornily presented, but none the less applicable for that.

    "when Americans are confused as to why their own government would ever try to harm them, they either don't understand the nature of evil, or they don't grasp how priceless the Bill of Rights actually are" [sic]

    And not only Americans...

    (13 minutes)


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  • Who's Looking for the "Next Pandemic"?


    "Gain of function", "institute of virology"... you can trust me, I'm a philanthropist... can we ever have enough pandemics?

    (8 minutes)



  • The Economics and Politics of the Free Lunch


    The Politicians and Bankers and their ilk have been dining at our expense for decades. Just how that system has become as invisible (to the average Joe) and exponentially more dangerously (and likewise invisibly) close to implosion can be traced to its ever-increasing complexity.

    Why is it a problem? Because those that run it have lost their sense of responsibility (or failed to nurture it). There was always another wheeze which could be invented to tide it over (whilst making bags of money before the implosion arrived), the problem being that such schemes invariably morphed into Ponzi schemes (even if not originally devised as such).

    Egon von Greyerz (of Matterhorn Asset Management) brings us up to date.

    "No banker, no company management or business owner ever has to take the loss personally if he makes

  • Can we Duck and Dive Around the Great Reset?


    "Prof Frank Furedi, Ben Pile, Dr Tara McCormack, Matt Gubba Guest Videos from Nick Hudson (SA) and Michael Driver (UK) Chaired by Alan Miller"

    #together bring its panellists together. A bit slow to start but very revealing.

    "... globalism from the top down is just another version of all the things that failed in the last century, be they fascism, communism, and so on... "

    "... the Universe has a tendency towards beauty, towards complexity, and most of all towards higher levels of consciousness, and this is something that we witness every day... "

     (1 hr 53 mins)


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  • "Economic Collapse Averted, US and Australian Debt Paid off"


    This is either the biggest red herring to be dragged across the world just now, or it's the first glimpse of how things are going to pan out for the better in the weeks and months to come - no need to decide just yet, further conformation will either come pretty quickly or it will probably not come at all - I will be keeping an eye on Ben Fulford's report tomorrow.

    We have reported on Anna von Reitz's activities before, so these articles may be worth a quick review.

    Certainly there is a historical situation that after the American Civil War the (broke) Congess (illegally?) contracted with their erstwhile masters in Europe to run their government for them in return for the taxes collected by a new Internal Revenue Service, the corporate UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Inc was born, and a subtly revised Constitution was

  • Lockdowns For Ever!


    The Daily Sceptic reminds us that the EU can be relied upon to completely destroy civilisation as we once knew it.

    Not content with wiping out it's energy supply chains it now sets itself up for round two of medico-maniacal measures to stifle its populations and small businesses through new winter lockdowns - no doubt in the noble cause of saving both ourselves and the planet.

    I suppose if we all have to stay at home then keeping the exterior doors shut will have the minimal effect of retaining a smidgeon more precious but hard-come-by warmth, but the cost would be insufferable and I can't see the Europeans standing for it, "legally-binding treaty" or not.

    Meanwhile in the UK once the Tories have completed their implosion and let Sir Kier loose at the controls, we too will be subject to the "lockdown, lockdown harder" mentality to "save the UKHSA" whilst he "negotiates" our happy return into the EU fold - on the EU's terms of course. Goodbye Pound

  • Scientists Call for Moratorium on 5G Roll-Out


    The Defender (Children's Health Defense) publishes an update on the sorry story of the reckless roll-out of the 5G networks - reckless in as much as the authorities at the Federal Communications Commission have deliberately failed to ensure that these wave-bands will be safe in general usage.

    "The authors of a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday warned about the risks of exposure to radiation from 5G technology and said their research shows existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, outdated and harmful to human health and wildlife"

    Scientists Call for Moratorium on 5G After Study Shows Regulators Ignoring Health Risks of Radiation

    This comes as no

  • Fulford on Friday 14 Oct 2022


    Fulford's message this Friday is encouraging but not definitive.

    His views on the Ukraine are also encouraging, even if the MSPM (main-stream propaganda media) still cling to their dreams of keeping the war going.

    Modest subscription required - November will be interesting.