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"Mahatma" is the only word I could think of that encompasses both wisdom and spiritual enlightenment in one word (with the added benefit that it may also be globally understood) so "mahatma" (not "the Mahatma") it is.

As an oldie myself, I often reflect that now that we are considered to be well past the age of raising a family, we would now do it rather differently from how we actually did it when we were newly minted (or perhaps not-quite-so-newly-minted) young adults. As the saying goes: 'You can't put an old head on young shoulders'. 

So when we are children, we are moulded into the ignorant beliefs of our parents, and when young adults, in our arrogance we get to mould the next generation into our ignorant belief systems, and when we are old we get to hold our tongue whilst we watch the next generation mould their offspring according to their own ignorance. 

No wonder the world is in such a mess!

It is said that the First Age is childhood and growing up (education); The Second Age is work, calling or career - basically the generation of real (non-monetary) wealth (including off-spring!); the Third Age is retirement when we get to read the newspaper by the fireside with a dog over our feet; and I'll leave the Fourth age out of this discussion for now.

So is there any hope for our world?