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Deep Dives

  • Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )


    The above photo was taken in Hampshire, England, in June 2019.

    I am happy to say that since that time the sky-trails have abated significantly, and had done so prior to the onset of the Covid lock-downs that have since reduced the volume of aircraft overhead.

    More natural skies seem to be back in Hampshire, at least temporarily.

    Nevertheless it provides some verification for the theory that we have been sprayed from above with something that doesn't evaporate (as simple water vapour normally should).

    The obvious question is - Why?

    GeoEngineering Watch have the story - indeed,

  • LaRouchePAC In-Depth Classes


    Senator Lyndon LaRouche was a champion of the United States of freedom, as opposed to the United States as allegedly run by the British Empire of financial interests.

    This site already features linkson the Deep Dive menuto various aspects of this alleged Empire, but the LarouchePAC Classes review the origins of the "empire" and its impact on the USA through history to the present day, all in one convenient place.

    If you have the inclination and the time to spare, there is much to learn here, and these talks set the scene for much that is happening in US politics today.

    On the downside, I would remark that some of their lecturers, whilst very knowledgable, perhaps seem insufficiently prepared for

  • Is the Governance of America Returning to its Roots?


    This site has previously ventured somewhat timidly into the tangled history of the governance of theUnited States, by way of setting the scene for events which may now be in train to finally wrest political control back to the American people - the much quoted but also much subverted "government of the people, by the people, and for the people". If you didn't read that already, I would suggest doing so, although it is not a prerequisite.

    As far as I am able to understand, following the American Civil War (and maybe even earlier), the previous Congress was effectively discontinued

  • The Corona Investigative Committee Strikes Back!


    Sadly this title doesn't capture the immediacy of a certain Star Wars film title, but it will have to suffice.

    We have reported before on Dr Fuellmich and his campaign to find out the truth behind the pandemic narrative that swept the world in 2020, and his Committee has now published their unambiguous and uncompromising report:

    "The corona crisis must be renamed the “Corona Scandal"

    "... a PCR-test pandemic, not a corona pandemic"

    "Politicians and mainstream media deliberately drove populations to panic"

    "... those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages"

    So What Exactly Is Covid-19?


    Is it a bird? Is it a 'plane? Is it a weird tennis ball with knobs on?

    No it's a virus! Or so we are assured by those who claim to know. Indeed also by those who demand our subservience to their many and ever-changing diktats.

    The same people incidentally that assure us equally firmly that vaccines were the undoubted cause of the health improvements in the general population observed during the 20th century just gone. Since this is the overwhelming consensus of all the official health bodies world-wide, we are to believe them, and yet . . .  science does not normally advance through consensus (ask Albert Einstein).

    In fact, consensus can be thought to be a block to scientific advance. Because so many of those who need to be convinced of a different and better understanding have made significant personal investments in that consensus, they are understandably reluctant to challenge it. Bearing in mind the many $billions (more probably $trillions or even

  • The Psychology of Bad Politicians


    This is a must-view for those of us who realise that politicians are not representing our interests, and would  like to understand why it is that such politicians appear fickle, incompetent, even venal (and I hasten to add that not all politicians fit this alarming profile, just that too many do).

    I am not suggesting that this video has all the answers.

    Firstly it is US-centric, which is actually useful in so far as we perhaps don't already have such an emotional reaction to US as we do to UK politics, so we may be better positioned to adopt an impartial viewpoint.

    Secondly it is firmly grounded in what I will call the mistakes of US politics - although UK, European, Indian, Chinese etc politics do have their differences, human beings are common to them all, so there is also a great deal of commonality across the nations, since politics could be described as essentially the art of government at all its different levels.


  • A Ramble Around our Current Predicament


    Those who maintain their implicit faith in the modern medical establishment may not agree with much of this, but the discussion covers a great deal more than merely the medical aspects (critical as they are), including the control of our food supply and the influence of the United Nations "homogenising every aspect of human life" across the world.

    This is a whirlwind and rather unstructured discussion, centred upon the USA but covering the world and (in my view) especially relevant to the UK, which is very close to the USA in all material aspects and suffers from exactly the same pernicious defects in its bodies politic legal and corporate.


  • From Ancient Sumer, Via Buzz Aldrin on the Moon, to Today


    The happenings in our world today should be understood in perspective, and this article from Your Own World USA (yowusa.com) approaches it from a challenging historical perspective with which few of us may be familiar.

    For the uninitiated, the postings of Q (which have been appearing since autumn 2017) are thought by many to be the unattributable work of military intelligence, whose prime objective has been to (a) demonstrate knowledge of events before they occur (sometimes years before) and (b) wake the general public up to the fact that their government, mainstream media, courts, academia, politicians, religions, and global NGOs of all descriptions (inclusive of the UN) have been corrupted.

    Not just a little bit corrupted, in pockets here and there, but comprehensively and completely everywhere.

    To the extent that "they" now feel ready to take over the world, dictate policy to the nation states, abolish private property, vaccinate us all with

  • The Applied Psychology Behind the Covid Project


    The current government advertising about the Covid "pandemic" is very long on emotional blackmail and very short on factual accuracy (in my honest opinion).

    I think we should be worried by this.

    The Government is a very powerful institution and if it isn't treating us, the citizenry (their employers), with honesty, then we have to ask serious questions about their motivations, and ask where they may be leading us.

    UK Column present a far-reaching interview with a former NHS nurse, which explores exactly this line of thought. I am a little surprised to note that this was recorded back in July 2020 - events since then have largely followed the predicted course, if perhaps not quite as fast as feared, so we should pay attention.

    "On 5th July 2020 I interviewed Debbie Evans, a retired NHS nurse and

  • Environmental Health Trust et al v. Federal Communications Commission


    The EHT court case against the FCC - first report from the hearing in Washington DC.

    The EHT has published an article including two video reports, one assessing the way that the hearing went, the other an audio recording from the hearing itself.

    I found that latter quite revealing - to a laymen such as myself it seems extraordinary that the FCC (which one might have expected to have expertise in telecomms technology) should have relied on the FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration) to assess the safety of electronic communications radiations. What were they thinking of?

    Anyway, enough of my legally unqualified opinions.

    The case continues, but Judge Robert L. Wilkins is reported to have stated to the FCC

  • New World Order - How to Get There Explained


    Great Reset - New World Order - Global Communism - World-Wide Fascism - World Domination - Conspiracy Theory?

    How did we get to where we are today? Does any of this ring true?

    "only men of superior intelligence should have the right to rule the world"

    "the move toward... communism would be gradual, in such a way that there would be no violent revolution, but at the end of the line they would have it, and nobody could say 'it happened on such and such a date' "

    "break their will to resist... by slowly infiltrating institutions, you put your people into government agencies, you insert your people into schools, your people into charitable organisations"

    "you have to make the majority feel like they are the minority

    "has everyone gone crazy or is it

  • Anna Von Reitz: Plain Speaking for Patriotic Americans (Several Posts)


    Land of the free, home of the brave- the United States of America - or should that be THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

    Anna Von Reitz has spent many years disentangling the legal status of the various versions of the USA, and what a story she tells!

    "Everything is upside down and backward.  The schools don't educate, the doctors don't heal, the lawyers don't defend, and no matter how much people pay in "taxes" it is never enough, and it never manages to fill the potholes"

    I've no idea whether she is right or wrong, but I have the suspicion that she is at least on the right tracks in many places - some things were made to come under the heading "You couldn't make it

  • Dr. Simone Gold - The truth about Covid & the CV19 vaccine


    Dr Simone Gold, member of America's Front-Line Doctors, reviews the history of the Covid saga and addresses the very topical question of the new vaccines that are being rolled out worldwide with some might think indecent, even reckless, haste.

    As she notes, why would we need an experimental vaccine for a sickness that can be readily treated by known safe and inexpensive drugs, and for which the survival rate is well over 99.9% for most, and 95% or better even for the very elderly?

    This is a quite comprehensive round-up of all the medical aspects of the Covid conundrum.

    It is an unmissable presentation, especially if you are considering taking the proffered vaccine:


  • The Highwire - Capitol and Covid


    The inimitable Del Bigtree does a new year round-up of current events, from the 6 Jan "riots" at the Capitol in Washington DC  to the Pfizer - Moderna - Astra-Zenica vaccine roll-out.

    He shouts too much for my taste - but he is American so I'm happy to make allowances :)

    This is a two hour video and covers a lot of ground - if you just want to cover an individual section you can pick and choose here from the right-hand column.


  • The Chinese Communist Party’s "Global Lockdown Fraud"


    News today of an international initiative to request the FBI to investigate the CCP's alleged Covid fraud.

    Now if Biden is eventually inaugurated then this will go straight into the waste bin, and if Trump succeeds then hopefully it hardly needs sending - but - this is an extended document that provides a whole host of relevant information that any lock-down sceptic should be aware of.

    "In the course of our work, we have identified issues of a potentially criminal nature and believe this investigation necessary to ensure the interests of the public have been properly represented by those promoting certain pandemic policies"

    "This letter is meant to call the attention of federal authorities in Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States (the “Nations”) to multiple points of evidence about the origin and historical precedent of lockdowns; . . ."

    "Given the gravity

  • We need scepticism more than ever


    Spiked have published an article with this title in defence of the sceptic who challenges the official narrative.

    "That free speech, which is the very precondition for democracy, can now be portrayed as a threat to it, shows the increasing extent to which those in control of cultural and political institutions are reluctant to tolerate dissenting opinions"

    "They have been personally and professionally maligned, and, more troubling still, their critics want them removed from the public sphere. This has all the characteristics of a modern high-tech witch-hunt"

    "Historically, calls for censorship were justified on the grounds that a text was either politically subversive or morally corrupting. This justification

  • Fall of the Cabal Videos - The Sequel



    It seems the original links in this article were to one of Robert David Steele's web-sites. Since his death was reported these links no longer work.

    I have replaced them with links to the same content on Bitchute. This means that the video content is all there but any textual content is probably missing.

     2021-01-08 2022-04-18

    This is the sequel to Cabal Video Series Parts 1-10 - which covers the story in the modern era - it is suggested to read that first, but it's not strictly necessary.


  • Cabal Video Series Parts 1-10



    It seems the original links in this article were to one of Robert David Steele's web-sites. Since his death was reported these links no longer work.

    I have replaced them with links to the same content on Bitchute. This means that the video content is all there but any textual content is probably missing.


    The "Conspiracy" tag is where we explore the assertion that there is a secret group of people (the "cabal") which is bent on world domination - ruling as they see fit and therefore necessarily crushing democratic accountability in the process.

    Couldn't happen?

    Maybe Hitler, Pol Pot, the USSR and Mao couldn't have happened either, but they did.

    It's been a while (if we discount the Chinese Communists) since such a major

  • We Must not Speak of Parties, but of Universal Principles


    Lyndon LaRouche was an American senator who proposed the greatest secret:

    "What is the secret of the greatest achievements of the West? They come from one thing: the emphasis that individual man is in the image of God. And the image is the image of creativity"

    LaRouchePAC is the group that promotes the teachings of Senator LaRouche today. As in his time, monetary reform is again high on the international agenda, and now as then there are different forces pulling in different directions, from different motivations.

    We can see the same notion challenged on multiple fronts today - all of those challenges based upon encouraging the individual to identify with a group (black, white, male, female, conservative, socialist etc etc), groups which can then be set against each other, thus diverting the individual to fight fruitless and dishonest causes rather

  • A Video Interview for the New Year, for a New Age, for a New Life


    This is absolutely a message for our times - don't miss it, and if you saw it back in the summer, watch it again - remind yourself what life is all about (90 minutes).


    Thanks to Del Bigtree of the Highwire for this outstanding interview.

    Happy New Year!