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Deep Dives

  • Another Documentary to Tell Us What is Going On


    No, it's not merely about the pandemic. It's about why the pandemic was created.

    "No-one is ever going to educate you on how to overthrow them"

    "... to turn self-contained healthy humans into poisoned, ignorant consumers completely dependent on the institutions for their survival"

    "... they steal openly through fees, licences, and taxes, and covertly through inflation, fractional reserve lending, bail-outs... "  

    "... you never buy anything with money, you buy it with the hours of your life you used to get that money... "

    "... the livestock population is getting too large and too wise to control effectively... "

    "... the media simply changed the topic of the global conversation... "

    "... you are more likely

  • Political Show Trial - the Jan 6 Committee


    Diana West explains the situation in America to Peter Mcilvenna.

    What is the Jan 6 Committee, what is it up to and why is it so controversial?

    "I couldn't believe that there were 900 that are languishing in gaol, without any rights... "

    "America has unravelled ... we are actually occupied by a revolutionary force... the historical parallels to the Great Terror of the French Revolution... are quite strong"

    "... we are looking at the consolidation of a revolutionary commune, very much like what we saw in the French Revolution... "

    (49 minutes)



  • Digital World Brain? Bring it On!


    I hesitate to bring you more of the same ilk, because there can't be too many who haven't yet read about the UN's obsession with linking us all up to a world government internet that will "enhance" our thinking heating and eating choices to be more in line with their Agenda 2030.

    To this end we will all be offered (or maybe jabbed with) a human interface and control chip that will do away with the need for bank cards, mobile phones and such-like - just wave your hand at the check-out and you will be told if your purchase is acceptable, and your account will be posted accordingly.

    Did the system make a mistake? Of course not, so no need for tiresome help lines manned by human operators, just accept the decision and move on. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is too important to become snared in human foibles and frailties.

    Indeed, you can see why enhanced controls are needed because the

  • Down the Rabbit Hole with Ben


    Benjamin Fulford is a serious journalist, and someone who quite possibly has the best grasp of global geopolitical dynamics anywhere to be found.

    He is currently (it being summer) enjoying a traditional summer holiday, but meanwhile he has pre-written and pre-recorded his usual weekly articles and videos.

    His Monday article this week (you can skip the initial videos) will be found challenging by many, possibly to the point of outright rejection, but the trouble is that his logic does as always seem impeccable.

    In this article he doesn't update us with the latest goings-on, rather with the ancient goings-on of old. His conclusion will up-end the world-view of not a few, and will shock many to their very marrow.

    But my old friend Mr Logic is not to be overcome - if Ben is wrong then he is wrong because of information unknown or assumptions unwarranted, not because of faulty reasoning.


  • Reversing Autism / Vaccine-Induced Autism?


    We haven't featured Dr Fuellmich recently but he is still working, and this session 116 is potentially very important.

    Autism is an undoubted and growing curse, and anything that makes a dent in this tendency is to be welcomed.

    Dr Wodarg correctly gives the witness a hard time, but that doesn't invalidate the process of collecting the evidence that is available, nor does it invalidate that evidence even if it may not be strictly conclusive in a court of law.

    "... the human body has the capability of repairing itself from absolutely anything... "

    "... they can't transfect all of them - this is why they want repeated injections, because this is a cloning process, and they have to keep the body poisoned in order for this technology to work... "

    "... when the body is put back into a state of homeostasis (or balanced pH) then the

  • May You Live in Interesting Times!


    As the summer heatwave drags on and we contemplate the fate of the nation and of the world, a little diversion down the memory lane of English History serves to put our current travails into perspective.

    If like me you never achieved more than 25% in History classes, this short summary serves the triple purposes of reminding us of the far more trying circumstances of our ancestors, the insignificance of the incidental historical dates with which we were force-fed at school, and the enduring use of convenient narratives, pushed by the various protagonists for their own profit and convenience rather than for the good of the population.

    Yes, we live in interesting times today, but perhaps not half as directly interesting as those of our forebears (although perhaps slightly more global in reach).


  • David Scott Tells it How it Is


    Davis Scott, stalwart of UK Column, tells us something about his history, reviews how he got involved in journalism, and spills a great many beans about the state of the British State today.


    (54 minutes)



  • The New Age of Heresy


    "There are conversations that we should be having"

    Quite so.

    Andy Thomas is an accomplished author, event organiser, presenter and free-thinking human being who challenges conventions and debunks the need for compliant thinking.

    His style is to present both sides of an argument, sometimes to the frustration of those who think the argument already over, but quite in keeping with his objective of encouraging us all to inform ourselves, to question the narratives that we are fed, and to form our own views of the world.

    We should all be aware of Andy.

    (71 minutes)


    The Conspiracy Theory of Everything



    This is a trifle old (March 2021) and a trifle long (at not much short of 4 hours), and I confess that I haven't watched it through to the end (there are still only 24 hours in the day!).

    Nonetheless if you have the interest to explore the concepts presented (not to mention the spare time)...

    "... transcended people do what is hard, and that's why their lives are easy - people in suffering do what is easy, and that's why their lives are hard... "

    "... in the disconnection of the soul, the ego runs rampant, and this is the source of our suffering... "

    "... light must be brought to darkness, and the darkness must be faced, if we ever wish to solve our problems for good... "

    (NB: I'm not sure that the graphics add much except distraction - you may decide to sit back with some

  • So You Think You Know the Basis of the American Revolution?


    James Logan, "the American philosopher you don't yet know", is featured by LaRouchePAC in this timely review of the philosophical roots of the American War of Independence.

    I confess it's a new one on me too - the more articles I research the more I learn.

    The soul of America is the notion that the Creator created us in his own image. Think about it - does this not mean that we have the powers of creation too?!

    Obviously not currently to the same extent, but in embryonic form, certainly.

    No wonder the globalists want to jab those powers to death any which way they can, because if they don't, we will overwhelm them.

    Interestingly, James Logan has his modern counterpart in John Rappaport, whose

    Jordan B Peterson Catches up with the State of Play


    Truckers in Canada, Truckers in the USA, Farmers in Europe, Migrants across the southern US border...

    The information war, the political war, the spiritual war... the war for the hearts and minds of the world.

    How are matters developing?

    "What do you think's going to happen in the fall?" - "Massive famine"

    (83 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • The Age of Convergence


    For those that have the time (!) this is another Clif High interview where the way in which technologies, AI, control freakery, neuroscience and aliens are coming together in ways that we may not fully appreciate.

    "... there are huge assumptions that are made about technology that are not valid... "

    "People have a misunderstanding about artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is really dumb... "

    "... we are just replicating what has already been on this planet in the past... "

    (98 minutes)



  • Covid - Where Did it Really Come From?


    There have been so many theories (conspiracy or otherwise!) that it's perhaps fanciful to think that there might be a novel and different idea to explain the Covid phenomenon - but here, direct from Down Under, is "the real deal" (well, until the next idea comes along... ).

    There's a lot of plausible science here (which I suspect few including me are qualified to judge), and slightly less plausible politics (bearing in mind that there have been not a few Covid-related patents uncovered from earlier years, and a lot of political water has passed under the bridge, since this interview was filmed); nevertheless the patents and politics are not necessarily totally irreconcilable.

    Is this why comets are said to be harbingers of doom?

    And why don't the vaccines work?

    "I never get the flu

  • Reminder of Professor Lockdown's Pseudo-Science


    It seems a long time now since those heady days of "scientific modelling", and the consequent lockdowns of the uninformed by the gullible.

    The Daily sceptic reviews what we now know of that "scientific" model, which was hastily "sanitized" (no, not that sanitizer) and published on GitHub so that all could examine its entrails.

    I reported on this in May 2020 (on a different site), and I am happy to say that I resisted any impulse to delve into the published code myself as such an enterprise would have kept me occupied full-time for an indefinite but certainly extended period. However, others did do so, at least to a limited extent, and their results are now, two years later(!), available.

    If you are of a mind, you can

  • Vaccinees Die, but the Jabs Sail on Serene under the MHRA


    We have to live with "the virus", and now we have to live with the jabs.

    Vaccine injuries and deaths are not misinformation (unless you count the pathetic under-reporting built into the MHRA yellow card and US VAERS systems and the apparent total lack of concern and investigation thereof by the regulators).

    It seems that no volume of "adverse events" including death by vaccine and "unexplained" excess deaths of the otherwise healthy from a range of other mysterious causes never before encountered, is now sufficient to derail the WHO-Big-Pharma-Government-Regulator deaf blind and uncaring juggernaut.

    We have already reported not dissimilar views from the BMJ.

    The Conservative Woman has been on

  • The Secrets of Mr Tesla


    Nikola Tesla is a legendary figure that few people might truly claim to understand.

    He may or may not have given this interview to a magazine, but maybe there is some truth in it - of course, that is for you to contemplate.

    Sadly it's a rather wooden presentation, but it's what we have.

    "... the universe is alive in all its manifestations... "

    A "deep dive" indeed:

    (36 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Is the Fed Still on Firm Ground?


    The Federal Reserve of the USA is traditionally regarded as the most influential national central bank in the world.

    Due to its latest decision to raise interest rates, and to the huge volumes of financial securities it purchased under QE in earlier times of lower interest rates, the book value of those securities has taken a significant hit. They don't pay as much, so they would sell for less, giving the Fed a loss should it either decide or need to sell them. Technically it could decide not to sell them until interest rates drop again, thus avoiding realisation of any loss, but a forced sale before then would realise the loss.

    So will the Fed now run at a loss? Would it matter?

    Might it even become insolvent? What would that mean?

    These are a few of the most important questions of our time, and the AIER thoughtfully publishes an exploration of the implications. 

    Ukraine - How Did We Get Here?


    Prof John Mearsheimer tells it as he sees it in this well-researched polemic. What is the history behind the invasion of the Crimea, later of the Ukraine, and Putin's ambitions for that country?

    He presents a pretty comprehensive analysis of the politics economics and military situation, but this is founded on the traditional viewpoint that the Biden administration, comfortable in its political bubble of perceived invincibility, isn't about to collapse under the combined weight of the Bidens' alleged criminal activities in the Ukraine, and the possible decertification of the Nov 2020 election result.

    That assumption, although unspoken and perhaps unfounded, is critical, since without Biden in place any new administration would likely

  • This is not a Turn-down, This is a Take-down


    As everybody knows there is a public narrative, and there is a unspoken agenda, effectively cloaked by the public narrative (or so say all of us conspiracy theorists!).

    This is the financial war between the "insiders" and us the "outsiders".

    And who better to spell it out for us than Catherine Austin Fitts, who has been trying to wake us all up for some time.

    "If you look at what these guys are up to, death is not the worst thing that can happen to you. Do not fear death. Fear slavery in a transhuman society"

    "They knew. They knew a week ahead of time"

    "There was only one choice, and that was to lower life expectancy"

    "When you get your pension, will it buy you a carton of

  • Clif High - Deep Dive from Evolution to Devolution


    Clif High is always good value - he is so knowledgeable that we are sure to learn something interesting, and he has this knack of putting matters into historical context so that it makes sense.

    Here he is with Sarah Westall expounding on a range of topics that defy coherent description, but which all impact on the current state our world today. You won't even notice as he segues effortlessly through his topics to explain his perceptions.

    Part One

    (51  minutes)


    Part Two

    (98 minutes)