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Lyndon LaRouche was an American senator who proposed the greatest secret:

"What is the secret of the greatest achievements of the West? They come from one thing: the emphasis that individual man is in the image of God. And the image is the image of creativity"

LaRouchePAC is the group that promotes the teachings of Senator LaRouche today. As in his time, monetary reform is again high on the international agenda, and now as then there are different forces pulling in different directions, from different motivations.

We can see the same notion challenged on multiple fronts today - all of those challenges based upon encouraging the individual to identify with a group (black, white, male, female, conservative, socialist etc etc), groups which can then be set against each other, thus diverting the individual to fight fruitless and dishonest causes rather than to create further advancement for the human race. 

The history of America began with the rebellion of the colonies against their British colonisers. Ever since that time America has been the subject of attempts to pull it down. As we might imagine, the British who made their money from the colonies were none too keen on dealing with an intrinsically hostile and very independently minded America . . .

One can readily understand from the above quotation that the British should rightly have feared for the prospects for their Empire (and their fortunes) should this very American philosophy take root in their other colonies, possibly much encouraged by the success of the break-away nation, not to mention the proselytising leadership of that nation.

Is it a step too far to imagine that that same threat is still perceived by the British-spawned financial institutions that have currently run the world into a debt-dominated future of previously unimaginable proportions?

For those who would like to refresh their understanding of history from an American perspective, LarouchePAC offer this 90 minute deep dive into history as they see it.


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