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Deep Dives

  • We Will Have Total Disclosure For The Crimes Against Humanity


    We have been promised a turbulent autumn...  it doesn't come much more turbulent than this.

    Who is "the Donald"? On whose team has he been playing? On whose team is he now playing?

    If the "Deep State" has been trying to control both sides of the narrative (as is their normal practice), then who is the prime contender for the bogus "good guy" leadership?

    Are we so sure that there isn't one?

    And why was "the Donald" really so supportive of "the jabs"? He at least has some explaining to do.

    There are more questions that may be pertinent, but I'll leave it there for now. 

    I have neither knowledge nor even opinion at this stage - but I do think that we have been promised both "Revelation" and "anti-Christ" (and maybe more than one of both!).

    It's our task to discern the truth

  • A Bridge Too Far?


    Here we have it - a (full?) run-down of our modern scam world - legal, political, judicial, corporate, "charitable", and military - all carefully constructed over centuries.

    A vast interlocking network of conspiracies to enslave humanity and steal our wealth our labour and our future? Or a benign system of governance that has only our well-being and development at heart?

    Time prohibits me from a full assessment, but there's enough here to suggest that we could

  • Legitimate Hope for Peace in the Middle East?


    There are multiple viewpoints on the Israel-Hamas situation, mostly overwhelmingly in favour of one side or the other. My instincts tell me that such polarity of opinion is unhealthy, and indeed encouraged in order to stoke the "gullible masses" into fighting amongst themselves once more. 

    We must resist the temptation. There's enough fighting going on already, cooler heads should prevail.

    Thanks to the situation in the Ukraine, Scott Ritter is no stranger to our web pages, and it would appear that his analyses on that front have turned out to be more right than wrong. So it is with some level of confidence that I can present his latest video, this time featuring his quite comprehensive analysis of the situation in the Middle East.

    However, cool it isn't. Actually I suspect that his analysis is cool, but his presentation is certainly animated. Don't blink or you'll miss something. This is an analysis from all aspects and all sides, military, political,

  • LaRouchePAC Explain the Historical Basis Undepinning the Israel-Gaza War


    "The British created the Muslim Brotherhood, the fatherhood of subsequent Muslim terrorist operations of both Sunni and Shia varieties. They also created Messianic Zionism, the cult of the settlers in Israel. Netanyahu and others have used both to prevent the emergence of a Palestinian state.

    The globalist neo-cons would like us to hold Iran responsible for this and attack them, and Russia and China, as a new axis of evil. They are insane and will kill us all if we don't stop them"

    (46 minutes)



  • While You Were Distracted ...


    Whilst we were looking to national government for national policy direction, maybe we failed to notice that in fact local councils have been implementing national, even global policy for some time.

    Glaring examples are "Climate Emergency",  and "15 minute cities", but there is more, a lot more.

    I guess we have all noted the vast building programmes for identikit new housing estates on land peripheral to existing conurbations, even to small villages, that seem to have sprung up overnight, to the point where conurbations are now merging into megurbations across large tracts of what was formerly countryside.

    Did we ask for this? 

    No, it's not accidental coincidence, it's national policy facilitated by national government, dictated globally but implemented locally.

    This video from Glastonbury three years ago:

    (1 hr 26

  • The Covid Confusions


    Laura Dodsworth has posted a personal reaction (not hers) to the Covid "pandemic", that well illustrates the state that some (previously trusting) people were driven into by the incessant and contradictory gaslighting put out by our government and its agencies (official and unofficial).

    Being by profession driven by logic and evidence, I personally was protected from this sort of confusion because I could see through the nonsense at an early stage, and from then on it was a case of keeping up with the evidence as it unfolded.

    However, for those who are are inclined, indeed have been trained/brainwashed by the media (and the education system?) for years to trust the government and its agencies, and to react emotionally to news reports, those had few mental anchors to enable them to make sense of the messaging.

    This lady has done us all a service by describing how she

  • Get Out of This!


    Martin Geddes is nothing if not persistent.

    This is his latest round of persistence in challenging the alleged fraud of the obligation to pay Council Tax.

    Whatever we may think of the notion that we may not need to pay Council Tax (after all, somebody has to collect the rubbish!) it is a sad reflection on the rule of law that it isn't obviously a lawful obligation.

    Of course it's perfectly lawful to pay Council Tax, just as it's perfectly lawful to give a gift to a street beggar - the contention lies in the notion that it is not lawful to not pay it. After all, it's a sound principle of law that an obligation to pay arises from a contract, and a contract requires a meeting of minds on the part of both parties. 

    So Martin's quest to test the lawfulness of the alleged obligation to pay Council Tax is a noble quest, because if our governments (local and/or national) are issuing fraudulent demands for payment by

  • Parliament AWOL For Excess Deaths Debate


    No surprise here then.

    As always, Andrew Bridgen MP laid out his devastating case calmly and methodically, to a mere handful of MPs.

    Dr John Campbell provides the video:

    (33 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    The Daily Sceptic provides a transcript.


  • A View from an Independent Israeli Journalist


    This video needs no comment from me.

    (103 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


    An alternative perspective from Scott Ritter

    From my perspective, I have no idea who has the best handle on the truth, but I am acutely aware that in times of war, truth is invariably the first casualty. 

    Perhaps in time, the truth, or something close to it, will eventually come

  • Are We Devine, or Are We Zombies?


    Is the Zombie Apocalypse upon us? Well, maybe, in a manner of speaking...

    "Wisdom - practical knowledge applied in a timely sane and rational manner" (and I would suggest, in the humility of awareness of our own limitations, known and unknown) is a scarce commodity in these troubled times, especially it would seem within the hallowed "halls of power".

    If so, we must cultivate it for ourselves.

    If we accept that we are created in the image of the Devine, and we note the extraordinary facility with which we have been endowed between our ears, then we might accept that it would be the height of ungratefulness to outsource our thinking to others simply because we are too lazy, or too hesitant, or too disempowered to use it.

    Indeed our democratic freedom is utterly dependent on the free-thinking voter who doesn't simply accept the narratives of the day at face value, because that unthinking acceptance must inevitably perpetuate the government of the day.

    Beset as we are on all sides by tales of incoming "Frankenfoods" and other horrors designed to instil fear, finding and

  • Deep Woo Incoming?


    At some risk of turning off a number of readers, this is one of those down the rabbit hole reports that those who pride themselves on knowing that our three-dimensional habitat is all there is may find unbelievable, even objectionable. If you are full-on in your own opinions, and you align with mainstream media, then you may wish to skip this one.

    Our policy is to cover topics that cannot be disproved - that doesn't imply that we believe or do not believe, it implies that we are simply open to considering stuff (AKA "conspiracy theories") that has a following and that hasn't actually been disproved (in my judgement!).

    That said, these are extraordinary times, and some believe that the world is heading for some sort of climax that will likely leave a great many confused, uncertain, panicky, and generally discombobulated and anxious. This message has been coming from a number of

  • The Great Global Warming - Fact or Swindle?


    This now somewhat ancient video reminds us just how long this controversy has been running (it aired first in 2007) - yet in its fundamentals it could have been released yesterday. The argument (if that's what it is) is still completely stuck in 2007, having made absolutely no progress one way or the other since then - we do have to ask ourselves - why?

    Maybe it isn't an argument at all. Maybe it's just an idiotic duel of the completely deaf.

    (73 minutes)



  • 9/11 In Context


    It might be also called a short history of the 20th century.

    Or a brief introduction to the development of the war machine.

    The machine that brought us to where we are today.

    And that has, ultimately, exposed the existence of the "Deep State".

    (1 hr 34 mins)



  • Out With the Old Democracy, In With the New?


    I never thought I would feature Dominic Cummings, but this polemical brain-dump is too good to miss. It's also tediously long and in many ways repetitive (forgivable in an ex-insider who has seen a lot of both dark and light), but has its essentials squarely in the right place.

    Whether or not we agree with his solution, it's a potent message.

    It's also too long to digest in one sitting, so I have indexed the sections below :

    A great chance (best since 1850s?) to replace the Tories


  • The Struggle for Survival of the Oligarchs


    In counterpoint to Ivor's "Wars of the Bankers", LaRouchePAC runs us through the history of the oligarchy from Plato/Socrates through to America and Lyndon LaRouche.

    Do you think that rule by filthy-rich oligarchs is a modern phenomenon? Think again...

    "Through Plato’s writing, Socrates details all of the inherent flaws of oligarchical rule and all of the practices which will lead to its downfall"

    "The American Revolution changed human society in the most profound ways possible. It proclaimed a culture based on human freedom, equality, economic development, and ongoing upward human progress"

    The above isn't strictly accurate - it didn't change the existing societies, it set up a new beta test version of how we as free men would best govern ourselves. Like all beta tests, it

  • The Wars of the Bankers?


    Once again Ivor Cummins brings us a lucid and compelling theory - this time not by himself, but introduced by himself - behind the wars of the past centuries, and the theme underlying them all.

    It's as short and succinct as can be expected, but a bit of a roller-coaster given the extent of the timescale covered. Don't blink, or you'll miss one .

    (46 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • New UN Political Declaration on Pandemics


    Another precision piece from the Brownstone Institute that confirms precisely what is going on at the WHO. Readers of our site will already know what we think of that body, but it's always good to see the logic behind the situation laid out so clearly, and to get an update on current status.

    It is (of course!) a declaration on "pandemic preparedness". We haven't had a pandemic of significance in the last hundred years, but all of a sudden we must expect a whole slew of them? I have yet to see their evidence for this proposition upon which they expect us to lavish £$€¥billions.

    Orwell would be disappointed to note that despite his best efforts, we failed to heed his warning. His vision of "Newspeak" is only slightly off the mark when considered against modern NWO speak, which also utilises long tracts of bland-speak impenetro-speak and somno-speak to put us off ever looking at it.

    "Their Pharma sponsors reasonably expect to make several hundred billion

  • Buckle Up Buttercups!


    "The Greatest Show on Earth"

    That's some title. Is it deserved?

    Honest folk who have begun to feel that the division between real life and Hollywood movies might be wearing a bit thin of late - well, could they really be onto something ..?

    This film is made from the viewpoint of the United States, but does it have a wider significance? After all, with the advent of the UN, and more recently the WEF, and more recently still the UN-WEF partnership, to whose pronouncements all western governments now seem to be in thrall ("The Sorcerer's Apprentice" comes to mind!), we could perhaps be forgiven for playing with this preposterous notion...   and there is more, much more.

    Worth watching? Well, I would say so.

    But it's your perception that counts.


  • Excess Deaths and Covid Jab Status


    We have waited a long time for someone to connect the dots.

    Remember, it is the responsibility of the MHRA to monitor the results of the distribution of medicines - including those labelled as vaccines - to pick up any safety signals and ensure that potential problems are investigated.

    The ONS has published statistics on excess deaths that can be correlated with the different rates of vaccine uptake across the age ranges.

    So, the analysis is based upon the principle that if there is no connection between vaccine uptake and excess deaths, then the excess deaths would not obviously be related to the vaccinated/unvaccinated status of those who died, and the percentage of excess deaths in both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated groups will be (more or less) expected to be the same as the overall proportion for these groups combined.

    So if the proportion of excess deaths overall is 10%, then both the unvaccinated

  • Harbingers of the End of the World as We Know It


    Nothing is as it seems, and nothing is accidental.

    Max Igan reviews the horrific recent events around the world.

    Nothing particularly new here, but pulling it all together creates an arresting narrative.

    At least Max is (mostly) cool calm and collected, as always.

    "There're going to bring these fires back in Australia"

    "Don't give these corporate parasites the opportunity to modify our Constitution"

    (77 minutes)