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  • Covid Vaccines Effects in Young Adults & Children - & the WHO View


    For a review of the various unwelcome and unwanted adverse effects experienced by young people after their Covid "vaccinations" I am indebted to Children's Health Defense and their newsletter of today.

    "can cause organ damage"

    "lipid nanoparticles accumulate in... ovaries"

    "teens vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna at higher risk of heart inflammation"

    "athlete... facing 'very different future' after second dose of Pfizer vaccine triggers myocarditis"

    "19-year-old... dies from heart problem one month after second dose of Moderna vaccine"

    Read the full Newsletter.

    Note also

  • Complaint to the ASA re the NHS Covid Lateral Flow Test


    The campaigning group Time for Recovery have highlighted the recent NHS advertising campaign promoting the Lateral Flow Test to the public as being misleading.

    In their complaint to the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) they document a well-constructed demolition job on this test, noting that in the USA the "FDA has banned its used, issuing a recall notice" for it.

    There are many other concerns about the test, all itemised in this complaint.

    Anybody concerned about this test and wishing to make any approach to a UK body about its use (for example, a school) should find this complaint a useful compendium of reasons to avoid it.

    The full text of a complaint to the Advertising

  • Myocarditis in the Young Vaccinated - Should we Worry?


    Latest update on myocarditis from Anna Brees and Dr Roger Hodkinson on the latest vaccine injuries reported in young people in the prime of their lives.

    Dr Hodkinson does not hold back - he covers all the bases and hits all the nails squarely on the head, without fear or favour.

    Watch and weep:

  • So How are the Canadians Faring in the Unfolding Covid Control Agenda?


    The ever reliable Amazing Polly pulls Canadian politics apart.

    Even making allowances for the way that politicians habitually avoid answering the question, this is spectacular:

    Of course, the fundamental point here is that if cheap effective safe and available drugs work, then there is no emergency and the vaccines become illegal.


  • Hospital Numbers "Below All SAGE Predictions"


    HART (Health Advisory and Recovery Team) recently reviewed the Big Boris reversal out of Freedom into Lockdown, and concluded that the credibility of his position was not even paper thin.

    As they point out, the numbers hospitalised "with Covid" were below every one of the previous SAGE predictions upon which their advice is supposedly based.

    But what about the Delta Variant (I rhetorically hear you ask) which threatens us all with Covid Calamity? Well, Ivor Cummins dealt with that one very convincingly.

    This is part of an

  • Did Google Surreptitiously Install "Covid-19 Tracking App" on Users' Phones?


    I'd say they did - my Android phone has it, and I never installed it and as far as I recall I was never notified of it.

    Go to Settings - Google - and there it is: "Covid-19 Exposure Notifications" under the subheading "COVID-19 SUPPORT".

    It's turned off (whatever that means - what is the functionality? - does some functionality remain when "turned off"?).

    But who knows how long it will remain off? If "they" can install it, then "they" can turn it on.

    The Epoch Times has the alert.

    What further proof do we need that Google (and no doubt the rest of Big Tech) are conspiring with others (perhaps Big Pharma and Big Government?) to do

  • Deadly Variant Narrative Destroyed in Short Order


    This shorty really needs no introduction - just watch:


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    Finally though, I do have to ask - if Ivor can do this type of clarity, why can't SAGE?


  • Ex Police Officer Explains to the Police Why They Should Arrest Government Minister(s)


    Retired police officer Mark Sexton visits a Police Station and records himself patiently explaining exactly why it is the constable's duty to investigate the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for COVID Vaccine Deployment) Nadhim Zahawi MP (and no doubt the rest of the government) for misconduct in public office (possibly amongst other crimes).

    I feel rather sorry for the police constable to whom he makes his report, and happily he is not shown on the video - this surely must be the short straw to end all short straws at the current time (particularly as his complainant being a retired police officer himself may be presumed to know what he is talking about).

    There is also a veritable treasure trove of useful links below the video on Bitchute (only if you click on the

  • June Update on the Bernician's Case Against the Covid Advisers


    We have reported previously on the slow-burning private prosecution against the Secretary of State for Health and his SAGE advisers.

    This case has been referred to the Court at Bromley for action, and is waiting for the assigned judge to complete his assessment of the initial evidence pack (which by all accounts is enormous).

    More information here.


    Latest (1 hour) update from Michael O'Bernicia below:




  • Pfizer Vacccine to be Approved by FDA?


    "Approaching what appears to be the imminent licensure of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, ICAN’s legal team submitted a Citizen Petition demanding essential and specific data be required by the FDA before it licenses a vaccine for COVID-19.  These requested data are vital to ensuring both safety and efficacy of the vaccine before any approval by the FDA."

    I'm not at all clear why this licensure should be imminent when the stage 3 trials are not yet scheduled to be completed, but let that pass.

    The point is that if the FDA grants full approval then it becomes far easier to mandate the vaccine on the unvaccinated, maybe through employment conditions travel conditions, health service conditions or any other means.

    I also have no doubt that approval by our UK MHRA will be a

  • Boris Confirms - Lockdown Will Not be Lifted This Year - or Ever?


    In this recent clip from the House of Covidians, the Prime Minister is very clear what he intends to do:

    "... I think we can have a high degree of confidence that our vaccination programme will work and I think we need to give it a little bit more time (as I've explained) to save many thousands more lives by vaccinating millions more people"


    For one thing these is no obvious reason why the Prime Minister's brilliantly successful vaccination programme would not still progress regardless of the lifting of Covid restrictions on 21st June, and so still save all those thousands of lives going forward.

    Below I reproduce the latest Covid deaths chart for England as published today by Public Health England:

  • Dr McCullough et al Openly Talk Bio-Terrorism with Dr Fuellmich


    Dr Peter McCullough introduces himself (eventually!) and describes how he has been trying to counter the official Covid narrative and provide early intervention to Covid sufferers, with the objective of obviating the need for them to be taken into hospital.

    "My quick analysis is that we are under the application of a form of bio-terrorism, that's world-wide, that appears to have been many years in the planning, and the first wave of the bio-terrorism is a respiratory virus that spread across the world and affected... about 1% of many populations, but generated great fear"

    "... every single thing that was done in the public health response to the pandemic made it worse"

    "... what we have discovered is that the suppression of early treatment was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine... and the entire programme... was really all about keeping the

  • A Conversation with Corona


    Jon Rappaport isn't necessarily known as a surrealist, but that may be about to change.

    Salvador Dali with his surreal paintings may set the tone of visual surprise but once such a painting has been seen it loses its impact. Salvador has done all the hard work in bending reality in his mind and putting brush to canvas in order for us to see it, but somehow I for one feel that surrealism expressed in words is much more engrossing, involving as it must the use of our own personal powers of imagination in order to build and explore an alternate surreality from the perfectly normal black and white printed words before us.

    This medium is I suspect ideal for Jon, whose avowed intent is to encourage us all to be more creative individuals - as an exercise in bending our normal three-dimensional consciousness to permit a conversation with an articulate pathogen, he pushes us beyond our normal confines and helps us to play for a while "outside the box".

    Isn't that

  • Vaxxidents, the Biden Pretendency, the Financial Reset, and Transition into the New Age


    What is the situation if we have taken one or two shots?

    Nobody knows, but here is one fellow who may know as much as anybody.

    As a bonus, he offers his thoughts on the financial reset currently in process, bitcoin, the block-chain-mining war, gold, silver, the on-rushing collapse of the Biden Pretendency, and the transition between the ages . . .

    He may be in controversial territory but he seems to be independent and to have something useful between his ears. What do you think?

    Greg Hunter interviews Clif High:


  • Clapton on Covid


    Eric Clapton tells his story.



  • Save Lives, Stop Living


    Boris is widely trailed in today's media as about to confirm that restoration of our freedoms will be put back by "4 weeks", just to be sure.

    Lockdown Sceptics is having none of it.

    "The Prime Minister is correct in saying that hospitalisations have risen in the last few weeks. He must have forgotten to mention how that relates to the overall context – in that the rise is negligible in practical terms"

    "Continuing to measure ‘Covid cases’ in the community makes about as much sense as testing for the common cold – also frequently caused by a coronavirus, by the way"

    "Generally speaking, I’m an adherent to the ‘cock-up’ school of disaster rationalisation – but the last few months have changed my mind"


  • Dr Mike Yeadon Spells it Out


    This is the Big One - Del Bigtree interviews Dr Mike Yeadon on the Covid situation. Well, it might be fairer to say that he introduces him before very astutely giving him his head - Mike knows exactly what he wants to say and he does a great job of it.

    He is obviously a man to whom public speaking has come late in life, but he rises perfectly to the challenge (although I don't doubt he will be looking back on this interview thinking "I am an idiot - I should have said so-and-so at that point"!

    Mike Yeadon, you are no idiot.

    For a comprehensive round up of the current Covid situation from one of the foremost experts on the planet, what the possibilities are, how and why we got here, and all spelled out in layman's terms, look no further.