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  • Affidavit Holding Prime Minister Responsible


    We remind our readers that the JCVI failed to support the Covid vaccinations for 12-15 yr olds due to lack of evidence that the risks would outweigh the benefits.

    Anna de Buisseret explains outside Downing Street:


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • FDA Slams Brakes on Booster Shots for the Healthy


    The FDA and CDC failed to support the urgent roll-out of booster jabs to the general population.

    The science that would support this is deemed not available.The Lancet article "Considerations in boosting COVID-19 vaccine immune responses" lays it out:

    "Current evidence does not, therefore, appear to show a need for boosting in the general population, in which efficacy against severe disease remains high"

    "Even if humoral immunity appears to wane, reductions in neutralising antibody titre do not necessarily predict reductions in vaccine efficacy over time, and reductions in vaccine efficacy against mild disease do not necessarily predict reductions in ... efficacy against severe disease"


  • Funeral Director from Milton Keynes


    First-hand testimony from a British funeral director:

    "... there are no Covid deaths and everyone's saying the same thing"

    "... on the 6th (Jan) they began vaccinating and the death rate was extraordinary, I've never seen anything like it as a funeral director in 15 years"

    "... about three weeks ago the death rate started to pick up again, and I'm now seeing people of all ages in, and all of them are vaccine recipients almost exclusively, and the range of deaths is heart attack, sudden undiscovered heart condition that's led to heart attack, blood clots, stroke, and multiple organ failure - those are the four consistent groups that I'm seeing..."

    "... since I've gone public about my concerns, nobody wants to talk to me now... the BBC - the silence is deafening; they were quite happy for me to promote the hysteria but now I'm... voicing concerns and seeing a pattern of deaths

  • Following "The Gauntlet" - The Litany of Offences


    The "Man of God" has issued (via Charlie Ward / Simon Parkes) a new document which establishes a litany of the complaints of the American People against their governments.

    Many of these complaints are relevant to other nations as well, although some are couched in terms specific to the American way of government.

    There are more document releases to follow.


  • AustraliaOne Throws Down the Gauntlet!


    There's a lot of provocation going on around the world and Australia is not being left out of the action!

    Here is Riccardo Bosi giving his message to the Australian people - it's worth your time, as he is equally issuing a call for peaceful resistance to all the western world:

  • Dr Sucharit Bhakdi Throws Down the Gauntlet at Boris' Feet


    It has come to something when a German doctor (retired) throws down the gauntlet to the British prime minister in public.

    This is nothing to do with disrespect, it has nothing to do with politics, it has everything to do with speaking the plain truth.

    I salute him.


  • Legal Investigation Update from Dr Reiner Fuellmich


    Dr Fuellmich is probably the pre-eminent Covid lawyer world-wide, who formed the Corona Investigative Committee in Germany soon after the pandemic started.

    Since then they have been painstakingly collecting and marshalling the evidence from around the world that the pandemic may not be all that it has been cracked up to be.

    Here is the latest interview brought to us by Mike Adams of Brighteon:

    "... we have come to the conclusion... that these are crimes against humanity, probably the worst ever committed..."

    "... they raided the offices of the judge who simply did his job... "

    (one hour)


  • Regulation - on Behalf of the Vaccine Industry or of the Public?


    This article asserts what many have suspected - the MHRA is derelict in its official duty.

    "Rather than answering any of the questions or supplying documentation, however, the MHRA responded with generalities regarding usual process, and devolved their responsibilities to Public Health England, providing for a tangled web of deflection"

    "However, based on their FOI responses, the MHRA appears not to have analyzed any raw data at all"

    Perhaps even this site may have conducted more analysis than the MHRA?

    And this on following up with a further FOIA to Public Health

  • Plea from the People's Lawyers - "Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void"


    The below is posted verbatim from their latest newsletter issued via Crowdjustice: 

    "Update on The Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void!
    To our Wonderful Supporters,
    Just to let you know that we are still fighting against the tyranny that has been imposed upon us by this Government of Occupation! Do not be fooled by their lies about no more lock downs or no 'vaccine passports' etc!  We do not comply and we do not surrender to their dictates and demands or believe their lies! We will also not surrender ourselves or our children to their lethal injections!
    We also have some Aces up our sleeves that we will shortly be revealing that will give 'them' some big shocks and some big problems!

    AIER - On the Biden Vaccine Mandate


    "Since when does the United States President have this kind of authority? There is literally nothing in the Constitution that enables anything even close to this sort of thing. The President is tasked with executing the laws passed by the Congress, not writing them himself, and there is nothing in Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution enabling Congress to mandate anything like this either"

    In summary, if the mandate flies then the Constitution is toast, If it doesn't then the Biden Pretendency is toast.

    Given the growing number of States that are queuing up to take these measures to the courts, it's not hard to see which way the wind may be blowing.

    Read the article.


  • Legal Challenge to Vaccine Roll Out to Healthy Children


    Law or Fiction report that hey have been instructed to challenge the vaccine roll-out to healthy children.

    "... the Judge initially considering the papers has for the time being refused the application for a hearing to consider pausing the roll out. The legal team has filed an urgent application to the Court to reconsider that decision"

    "The documents ... expose some of the important information not widely known or reported in the mainstream media"

    Read the report. This includes the documents referred to above.


  • Jabs for Kids to be Approved?


    We have covered the proposal to vaccinate all kids from 12 years upwards previously (here here and here).

    The JCVI agreed with our standpoint (although they drew the line at saying that vaccines were more dangerous than Covid, they recognised the high level of uncertainty and the insignificance of the likelihood of any

  • Was the "Pandemic" Driven by the Prospect of Imminent Financial Armageddon?


    Whilst (inexplicably, since we acknowledge the need to re-elect them every now and then precisely because we don't trust them) many retain trust in our government and its associated national institutions, many others are now aware of the growing chasm between what the government says and what it does. Vaccine passports? We don't do that sort of thing in this country. They will now be introduced for large venues (and if we can get away with that then no doubt small venues too as soon as possible).

    We are guided by the science. In the light of the JCVI's recommendations on the vaccination of 12 -15 year-olds

  • Grave Concerns about the Handling of the COVID Pandemic in the UK


    This article features an open letter to the governments of the United Kingdom, from over one hundred surgeons, doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics. and others, explaining exactly the many facets of government pandemic policy-making that have been ill-founded, ineffective, damaging and disastrous overall.

    This is a hard hitting tour de force that notes every unsupported deviation from normal practice, every suppression of cures other than those promoted by "big pharma", and the "inappropriate and unethical use of behavioural science to generate unwarranted fear".

    "Dr. Tess Lawrie, of the Evidence Based Medical Consultancy in Bath, presented a thorough analysis of the prophylactic and therapeutic benefits of Ivermectin to the government in January 2021. More than 24 randomised trials with 3,400 people have demonstrated a 79-91% reduction in infections and a 27-81% reduction in deaths with Ivermectin"

    "Many doctors are understandably

  • The Legal Implications of Jabs for Our Kids - Anna de Buisseret


    The JCVI has come out against the unrestricted jabbing of 12-15 yr olds, but the intention is clear for the 16 and 17 yr age groups and the Government has instructed Chris Whitty et al to come up with some reason for over-ruling the JCVI on 12 - 15 yrs.

    Anna has something to say about inoculating these age groups:

    "Silence is a war crime"...

    "... there's no way that any child up to the age of... 18 can be considered to be

  • What Lies Behind the FDA Approval of the BioNTech Comirnaty Vaccine?


    Edited 2021-09-28

    In the public understanding, the BioNTech vaccine is the one for which Pfizer has an Emergency Use Authorisation. 

    In the legal understanding, is that actually the case? It appear that it may not be.

    In the real world is it physically the case? This may not be clear-cut either!

    Technocracy News digs up the drains beneath this FDA "approval" and explains their understanding of what is going on here, and why.

    I have to say it's one of the most complete analyses that I have seen. It's necessarily fairly complex but that comes with the territory.

    Peter Doshi also had some questions to ask in the BMJ.


  • Indian Bar Association Sues WHO Chief Scientist and Others


    Technocracy News publishes a report that seems to have eluded the mainstream western press.

    The Indian Bar Association has taken the bull by the horns, suing the WHO Chief Scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan "accusing her ... of causing the deaths of Indian citizens by misleading them about Ivermectin".

    This is the first legal action that I am aware of that takes any authority to task for suppression of prophylactic treatments for Covid-19. 

    Perhaps it will be the first of many.

    Read the full

  • The Jabbatoirs are Coming for our Kids - Can I Hold Them Off?


    Many organisations are now set on mandating Covid jabs for employees, and the government seems set on requiring them for schoolchildren.

    In my opinion, the notion of jabbing children with these experimental inoculations which have only emergency authorisation amounts to a criminal act on many counts:

    1. These vaccinations have unknown long-term safety profiles

    2. There is no current emergency that justifies their use for this purpose under the existing EAUs

    3. Children are at no significant risk from Covid-19

    4. Vaccination may not prevent onward transmission of the virus by the vaccinated - indeed it may enable the vaccinated to harbour larger concentrations of the virus whilst remaining asymptomatic

    5. Children are at demonstrable risk from the vaccines, even if the MHRA
  • The Fulford View of Global Insanity In the Wake of the Biden Catastrophe


    Benjamin Fulford's world view is probably unlike anybody's (or anybody that you may have heard of).

    I flag it as "Conspiracy (theory)" because it is impossible for ordinary mortals to verify and cross-check much of it with independent sources, but to ignore it would be to deprive my readership of an unconventional view-point that is both entertaining and seems to fit a great deal of what has been afflicting our benighted world in recent years - so I encourage the adventurous to read on (even to purchase a subscription so you can read it all), but if you are still wedded to mainstream media then it's obviously not for you... 

    His two most recent are linked below (and fascinating reading they are too) but if you have a subscription you can read all his latest blog entries here.

    I make no claim as to his accuracy or truthfulness - those are for you to

  • Covid-19 - What do the Vaccinations Actually Achieve?


    This is a question whose answer seems very much to depend upon who is providing the answer.

    The AIER has crunched the numbers and come up with some simple scatter charts that illuminate just how much variability exists across the USA.

    "The correlations, however weak, are apparent from even a casual inspection of the plots"

    "An employer would have to have a workforce of at least 4,543 people to have an average expectation of preventing a single death from Covid-19 by forcing all employees to complete vaccination"

    "It is quite likely that significant complications from the vaccine may exceed the average expectation of deaths prevented"

    "No Institutional Review Board would approve a clinical study conducted in the same manner as these vaccine programs"
