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  • SARS-Cov-2 - Asymptomatic Transmission - True or False?


    Recently we have seen many full-page advertisements in the British press which feature the claim(above a very disturbing image of an elderly person in an oxygen mask) that:

    "Around 1 in 3 people who have Covid-19 have no symptoms and are spreading it without knowing"

    Let's examine this claim dispassionately.

    Covid-19 is the disease caused by SARS-Cov-2 the virus. It is possible to have the virus without symptoms but to be recognised to have the disease one must have symptoms, so this statement falls at the first hurdle. Nevertheless, let us be generous and examine the alternative statement that:

    "Around 1 in 3 people infected by SARS-Cov-2 have no symptoms and are spreading it without knowing"

    One must assume that they have identified

  • Lambeth: LIVE from the Brian For Mayor Digital Battle Bus


    Brian Rose is out on the road again pushing his campaign for election to Mayor of London.

    You may recall that we reported on his arrest whilst campaigning a couple of days ago. After reviewing the legal aspects he is out again in his "battle bus" visiting the borough of Lambeth.

    Anyone who has read the Aboutpage of this site will realise that we very much approve of independent candidates as an important antidote to our current stifling "two-party" system, and we are encouraged both by Brian's candidacy for this important political position, and by his

  • Environmental Health Trust et al v. Federal Communications Commission


    The EHT court case against the FCC - first report from the hearing in Washington DC.

    The EHT has published an article including two video reports, one assessing the way that the hearing went, the other an audio recording from the hearing itself.

    I found that latter quite revealing - to a laymen such as myself it seems extraordinary that the FCC (which one might have expected to have expertise in telecomms technology) should have relied on the FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration) to assess the safety of electronic communications radiations. What were they thinking of?

    Anyway, enough of my legally unqualified opinions.

    The case continues, but Judge Robert L. Wilkins is reported to have stated to the FCC

  • America is Opening Up!


    Well, the truly cynical (yup, guilty as charged!) might think, now that Biden is installed in the White House, that the need for the Covid virus has gone away.

    But whatever the reason, the news that America is finally coming round to opening up is surely very welcome, as it puts pressure on the rest of the world to do likewise, and eases at least some of the relentless pressure applied to the population so far.

    OK, release is bound to come bundled with unwelcome restrictions that the powers that be will want to impose in order to take us further into "the new normal", but the days of lock-down must surely be numbered when the even the worst of the miscreant governors in the United States all start singing from the same new hymn-sheet.

    "we have actual experiments in openness right here in the US. Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and South Dakota have all been open since the spring of last year, with life continuing on more or less as normal. The

  • New World Order - How to Get There Explained


    Great Reset - New World Order - Global Communism - World-Wide Fascism - World Domination - Conspiracy Theory?

    How did we get to where we are today? Does any of this ring true?

    "only men of superior intelligence should have the right to rule the world"

    "the move toward... communism would be gradual, in such a way that there would be no violent revolution, but at the end of the line they would have it, and nobody could say 'it happened on such and such a date' "

    "break their will to resist... by slowly infiltrating institutions, you put your people into government agencies, you insert your people into schools, your people into charitable organisations"

    "you have to make the majority feel like they are the minority

    "has everyone gone crazy or is it

  • UK bill allowing for child spies is ‘really quite Orwellian’


    We have reported on this matter previously but the message bears repeating - we are already living in a police state, we just haven't realised it yet.


  • Post Hoc Analyses of Brexit - Wolfgang Streek


    We feature today two articles by Wolfgang Streek of the Max Plank Institut.

    Firstly an analysis of the mutual incomprehension evident in the attitudes that the British and EU elites had for each other prior to and during the Brexit process, as published by SideCar.

    I'm not sure that I would agree with every point he makes, but the geopolitical motivations make for interesting reading.

    Secondly by the same author:

    The European Union is a liberal empire, and it is about to fall

    For me, the words

  • Bombshell! WHO Information Notice Undermines UK Government's Pandemic Narrative


    The WHO slipped out an Information Notice (coincidentally on the day of Joe Biden's "inauguration") which drives a coach and horses through the Government's pandemic narrative.

    We have been subjected to an unprecedented onslaught during January by the main-stream media, with regular double-page spreads ramming home the message that Covid is a deadly enemy that is spreading uncontrollably (during lock-down?) and burying the NHS in an alleged tidal wave of Covid patients.

    Even the Advertising Standards Authority has taken the government to task over its misleading advertisements!

    But back to the point:




    London Mayoral Candidate Brian Rose has been stopped by policefrom campaigning for the London Mayoral election.

    How is this not a flagrant violation of our political rights?


  • World Doctors Alliance -Meeting 10th October 2020


    Introducing the World Doctors Alliance, meeting on 10th October 2020.


    It may seem a long time ago now, but the message remains valid. 

    This is not a battle for good health. This is a battle against the instilling of fear of an unseen enemy (virus) into the population at large through a continuous onslaught of emotional messaging driven by the global main-stream media outlets.

    When people are fearful, they are more suggestible and easier to control.

    The antidotes to fear are self-confidence, self-reliance, truth, logic, analysis, and good-will.

    Whether the suggestion of new Nuremberg

  • All the World's a Stage - and All the Men and Women Merely Players ...


    Making sense of the departure of Donald Trump and the "inauguration" of Joe Biden presents a difficulty, whatever viewpoint you take of American, indeed world, politics.

    Maybe we should take a step back, and review what has actually happened:


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    The best is yet to come - if we can realise that it's about life, not the stale political parties and the bogeymen created by the political propagandists who masquerade as news media that it has now become very clear do not work for us.

    Can we take this opportunity?

  • Treasure Trove of Evidence Exposes & Confirms Massive Voter Fraud


    This won't be for everybody, but this post from My Patriot Network provides links to a great deal of evidence about the frauds that allegedly took place in the US presidential election.

    Sidney Powell's evidence,

    Rudy Giuliani's videos,

    Peter Navarro's reports,

    And (inevitably!) "more"!

    Read the post.

  • Landmark Case Against the FCC - Appeal Hearing


    This case reaches the appeals court shortly, and the EHT provides links to all the evidence and to the livestream on Monday 25 January 9:30am EST (14:30 GMT).

    Read all about the Monday hearing.

    Read the original article.

    Read the first report on the appeal.

  • Covid - Project Fear on Steroids


    It was the Brexit campaign that brought the term "Project Fear" into common currency, but some may well feel that Brexit was only a warm-up exercise for the "Great Covid Fear" that now stalks the news media, and by extension the nation, and indeed seemingly the whole world.

    The "We are All Going to Die!" hyperbole might normally be regarded as a hysterical over-reaction to a coronavirus with a well documented survival rate well above 99% for the vast majorityof those exposed to it, but it seems to have inexplicably been taken at face value by governments and pharmaceutical industry alike in their headlong rush to panic the entire populace into accepting, nay demanding, vaccines which a leading expert has described as experimental.

    Indeed, compared with a normal vaccine development schedule measured

  • An Exploration of Soviet / American / New World Order Censorship


    The AIER once again offers up a relevant exposition of one of today's most unwelcome features - censorship.

    The author contrasts the Soviet style of censorship with what goes on in today's media:

    "In his role as editor Sagaydak might consider it appropriate to pass over some event: a very bad harvest, an ideologically inconsistent poem...  an earthquake... He might prefer to close his eyes to a terrible fire... a tidal wave... In his view these events had no meaning and he saw no reason why he should bring them to the notice of readers, journalists and writers

    "The managing editor of National Public Radio, Terence Samuel, channeled

  • Protests in Toronto, Amsterdam, Italy, Austria and 70K Homeless in UK

    2021-01-22 Update

    The AIER reports on restaurant and bar owners in Carlsbad CA deciding that they will open in defiance of lock-down.

    "They’re no longer going to allow witless politicians to destroy what they’ve worked so long to build. They’re going to open their businesses to eager customers"

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out with the "liberal" governments both state and federal.



    In no particular order:

    Protests in Austria as reported by

  • The Third Option, End of the Corporation, Power Restored to the People


    The third option (not to be confused with Tony Blair's "third way"!).

    Roll back from the "Municipal United States" and the "Territorial United States" (foreign Federal Subcontractors) and deal with the people of America.

    "The details of their service contracts are published as The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America. And both these foreign Federal Subcontractors are ultimately owned and operated by the Pope"

    "The actual American Government has stirred its stumps and there is no longer any reason for anyone to surmise, claim, or presume that the Municipal United States and its Board of Directors is “representing” us, or that the Territorial Government —-as the Pledge of Allegiance says, is “standing for” us — when our States of the Union are in Session"

  • The President’s Advisory 1776 Commission Report - January 2021


    The 1776 Report.

    The declared purpose of the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission is to

    enable a rising generation to understand the history and principles of the founding of the United States in 1776 and to strive to form a more perfect Union.”

    "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children
    and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. - Ronald Reagan"

    This could usefully be read by anybody who wishes to understand the makings of the most powerful nation on earth, and to understand what

  • Our National Religion Revealed


    It's not often that I feel led to delve into matters ecclesiastical, but Lockdown Septics have I think hit a nail squarely upon the head.

    My own religious affiliation was to the C of E (church of everyone) in whose loving embrace I was brought up - and very thankful I am for that upbringing as it has been from time to time comforting to remember the prayers and bible passages that were by rote inevitably instilled into that mysterious space between my ears. 

    My own feeling is that in times to come when the true nature of the religious hierarchies of the various Churches becomes public knowledge, those worshippers of the said Churches will be at a loss, whilst those who put their faith in the true God will have their faith confirmed.

    Lockdown Sceptics however are pointing to an unsuspected new Church on the block, to which the old C of E has implicitly given its blessing. The new Church of the NHS, with millions of worshippers putting their trust in

  • What Exactly does "Sustainable Farming" Entail?


    Ice Age Farmer analyses the ownership of America's farmland, and examines what these owners intend to accelerate in terms of farming innovation.

    The UK Government's role in similarly modifying our own farming landscape also gets a mention.

    What do you think about it?