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  • How Does This Differ from Outright Theft?


    "GoFundMe says it won’t be giving the C$10 million ($8 million USD) raised to support the truckers protesting COVID-19 mandates to the organizers anymore, saying it will instead work with the organizers to send the funds to 'established charities verified by GoFundMe.' "

    "this fundraiser is now in violation of our Terms of Service (Term 8, which prohibits the promotion of violence and harassment) and has been removed from the platform"

    The Epoch Times has the story.

    The Daily Sceptic concurs quoting the

  • Manchurian Candidate Sitrep - 4 February 2022


    Today Friday's video report (20 minutes + 10 mins Q&A) from Benjamin Fulford is a bit of a marathon but that's the nature of the beast this week.

    There are number of snippets presented which dovetail into other items that I had been aware of but unable to evaluate - so my suggestion is that you take in this report if you can.

    Of course he does require a modest subscription, but the paywall comes off after a week, so you can content yourself with last week's report - but this February is undoubtedly a fast-moving month so I can't recommend that!

    (NB: some of these Friday reports seem to be picky about which browser the video will play in)


  • The Business Model to End Them All


    As a theoretical exercise in fanciful speculation, this takes some beating.

    Think of a business model - where you get paid by your cronies in government (for a cut of course) on behalf of customers (who get your product free at point of use - what's not to like?); this model has no parallel. After all, he who pays the supplier gets to call the product supplied, and which product will your cronies supply?

    Add in the charitable sector (also controlled by your cronies) collecting money to fund new products to correct the serious deficiencies of the old products - if only we could afford the immense expense of development and regulation (also run by your cronies for a cut) - and you have another income stream to cover "development".

    Now imagine that the product supplied requires to be regularly renewed in order for your customer to continue to maintain their expected standard of living - and entry of competitive products to the market is strictly regulated

  • Midazolam Murders Case - Judge Assigned


    The snail's pace at which our UK courts system progresses is well-known, and it is undoubtedly true that justice rushed is unlikely to be satisfactory, but it has been acknowledged almost from time immemorial that justice delayed is justice denied.

    One might have expected that a case of such import would have been fast-tracked at the every least.

    Perhaps it has been, but it has still taken over a month to assign a judge and that judge isn't expected to do much at all until March. 

    Given that "... we are applying for the seizure of the entire UK Midazolam supply, to prevent the ongoing euthanasia of targeted demographics in care homes, hospital wards and in their own beds" one might have hoped for more alacrity.

  • Covid-19 "Vaccines" - Safe for Kids?


    (16 minutes) You might want to skip the first 50 seconds of this... 

    "... 50 times more likely to kill them than Covid itself... "

    "... is it not the responsibility of the Companies to prove safety?"

    Read more at Children's Health Defense.


    FDA Used ‘Critically Flawed’ Risk-Benefit Analysis to ‘Justify’ COVID

  • "Why I'm Quitting the NHS"


    The Daily Sceptic reports on why an NHS Clinical Scientist is leaving.

    "A core principle in healthcare is to ensure that patients are given free access to all information, to enable them to make a proper and informed choice about any treatment. As a scientist, I have been and still am gravely concerned about the Government and NHS misrepresentation of these vaccines as ‘safe and effective’"

    "I have been appalled by the NHS willingness to trample over the concept of personalised medicine in the promotion of products still in phase three trials"

    "NHS contracts do not specify any requirement of taking part in human experimentation. In any case, human experimentation should be carried out under the safeguards of the Nuremberg Code, which has been sadly violated in all its points during the vaccination campaign"

    "The last straw, however, has been the participation of our hospital in

  • Farmed Salmon - An Assessment


    The Defender, mouthpiece for R.F.K Jr's Children's Health Defence, reviews the healthy eating options for salmon, a fish that used to be caught "wild" in my youth by rod and line but has since many years now been "farmed".

    It's relatively easy to farm land animals, given appropriate fencing, but it's tricky and probably prohibitively expensive to fence off an area of tidal loch, so salmon tends to be kept in cages with a wholly unnatural livestock density. To me it seems obvious that this amounts to gross cruelty, since in its wild state a salmon is spawned in an upstream river and migrates vast distances across the world before returning to it's home waters to create it's own off-spring in turn.


  • USA Inc Corporate Bankruptcy - Updated


    That's a very dull title for a riveting and frankly unparalleled story!

    Washington DC was the British Post Office?! I'll bet you never realised how much power the postmaster general wields.

    I can't vouch for the accuracy of any of this but the trail from the first US bankruptcy (yes, there have already been several) makes for a fascinating - even unbelievable - story.

    Does it give us a clue about how the coming bankruptcy will play out? 

    This is a war story, but a spiritual war, not a shooting war. 

    Be prepared to abandon your preconceived ideas of history, get the kettle on, and buckle up for a revelation or three.

    "This is the largest national security secret in the history of the nation"

    You'll never see the world in the same light again!


  • Humanity Never Had a Fair Chance


    This is going to be controversial, but there is so much "out there" now on the suggestion that the current world situation is related to the events foretold within book of Revelation that it needs an airing.

    For my own part I neither accept nor reject it outright - the Bible was clearly written down the ages for a purpose, and we would be foolish indeed to discard it out of hand.

    Indeed my personal intuition is supportive of the notion, as there is certainly plenty being revealed to us and there is I am sure plenty more to come. But I would be wary of believing every last word as written in the good book - there is a great deal of imagery that requires intelligent interpretation, and probably much else besides that I for one cannot bring to bear.

    As always, don't panic, have faith in a just outcome, and just bear in mind that which can be neither confirmed nor denied. Until it can.

    (7 minutes) (you may prefer

  • Most Secure Election in American History


    Trailer for 2000Mules - "New" surveillance footage of Ballot Box Drops

    (2 minutes)


    I guess we are now considered sufficiently awake to be able to handle this. Let's hope so.

  • House of Commons Petition - On-Line Harms Bill


    Published today - the Petitions Committee of the House of Commons summarises their view on

    How can the Government finally tackle online abuse?

    Or you can read the full report:

    Tackling Online Abuse

    The petition mentioned in the report and to which they seem primarily to be responding:

    "Social media enables us to connect and communicate with other people. However, according to the TV personality and campaigner Bobby Norris, social media also has a “very dark side” – namely, the abuse that many people receive on these platforms. Bobby started a petition on the issue, and

  • Reminder of Government Care of Taxpayers


    The latest communication from Good Law Project reminds us how our government is caring for our taxpayers.

    Just for PPE.

    Further comment is superfluous.

    Or maybe not...


    More news on PPE from the Good Law Project:

    "Good Law Project has seen documents showing the Government misled Parliament, the National Audit Office and the High Court about the size of the illegal VIP lane"

     "We can reveal that at least 18 other companies, who between them

  • Covid! Covid! Wherefore Art Thou Covid?


    The Daily Sceptic reports today on the plight of Kiribati, Covid-free until two weeks ago but now suffering its first outbreak after a flight arrived from Fiji.

    Salient points:

    Passengers on the flight of doom were:

    • quarantined for two weeks prior to flying
    • fully vaccinated (we can discount this as we know that vaccines do not prevent transmission)
    • masked (we can discount this as there is no convincing evidence of effectiveness)
    • tested
  • Boris Should Scrap Green Levies on Energy Bills - and Secure Democratic Backing for Green Agenda


    We've reported on this topic before, but it bears repetition - the UK urgently needs to stave off the worst costs of "green" energy levies on our bills.

    Net Zero Watch points out that Germany is ahead of us in this.

    In support they provide a couple of download documents that make helpful suggestions regarding the short and medium term options that remain available to the UK, should any part of the

  • WW3 Continues ...


    Ben Fulford's Monday report this week is interesting to say the least.

    How much we choose to believe is up to each of us. The best disinformation always comes mixed with good intel...

    Personally I'm inclined to trust him but who knows about his sources?

    Nevertheless things overall do seem to be moving in the right direction, and he does produce interesting copy, so we await the coming "space opera" with anticipation . . .

    Note that to read the full article a modest subscription is required.

    Note also that earlier editions of his Friday interviews are not pay-walled - scroll down at www.benjaminfulford.net to view for free!


  • Dr Reiner Fuellmich Announces a Grand Jury Trial


    "We are adopting this model to prove to the public, with the help of real witnesses, lawyers, a judge and experts from around the world, that we are dealing with crimes against humanity that span the globe"

    "The goal is a coherent presentation of all the facts gathered to date, and thus to convince the populations of all countries that resistance here is not only possible, but required of every individual"

    (5 minutes)



    Here is a more in-depth exploration of this topic:

    "... these are not side-effects, it's happening on purpose... this is genocide..."

    (90 minutes)



    In contrast to the above, this article in Unherd proposes that the

  • Warning - This Affects Your Safety on the Roads!


    If you go out on the roads today, you may get a big surprise,
    If you go out on the roads today, you'd better a plan devise,
    For every clown that's out and about will stop and start for without any doubt,
    Today's the day the bureaucrats changed the - Highway Code.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Unless of course you're a government bureaucrat obsessed by "safety" at any cost.

    As a cyclist and motorist and occasionally a pedestrian, these rule changes strike me as being dangerous, if only because many, perhaps most people are unlikely to be aware of them.

    So what happens when the aware meet the unaware and apply differing rules? The result will be near-misses, accidents, altercations, delays.

    Now you could argue that many of these changes represent clarifications rather than real changes, and I accept that completely.

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