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  • UK Energy Crisis - Update 5/04/2022


    The latest update from Net Zero Watch tells the story.

    Are the chickens of fairy-tale energy policy finally coming home to roost? 



  • Fulford - Khazarian Mafia in Death Spiral


    The international boycott of the fiat money system is paying off:

    "A new reality is taking shape: the unipolar world is irretrievably receding into the past and a multipolar world is being born. This is an objective process that cannot be stopped, there won’t be one single ruler in this new reality….Nobody on Earth will be considered a second-rate player. All nations are equal and sovereign”   -  Sergey Lavrov

    Discovery of the Ukraine-US bio-weapons labs in contravention of international agreements has awoken many across the world.

    Russia tightening the screws on European gas supplies is (so to speak) turning up the gas under the European political pressure-cooker.

    "Now even the international drug mafia has announced action against the KM"

    ... and that's just the start.


  • General McInerney Spells it Out - Third Wave Coming


    Army Generals are used to assessing battlefields dispassionately, and this one doesn't disappoint.

    Is he scaremongering?

    Impossible to say, but he's not the first to connect these points.

    Think this won't happen here? The UK has always followed the US in all matters Covid.

    "There are things that can be done... ". Starting now. 

    (NB: 5G is a generic term that effectively means "post-4G", covering a range of mostly higher frequency bands. To my knowledge nobody has yet rolled out 18GHz and higher anywhere, except possibly for Wuhan in China in early 2020, which may have accounted for the scary videos that we saw at that time. If they did roll it out in China, they rolled it back again

  • The Higher Calling


    Some will consider this a bit Woo Woo... 

    But listen carefully - and consider (discounting the graphics!): is there really anything woo woo about this message? What do we have to lose?

    Faith is a flexible matter - do we want a new age of harmony love and peace?

    Will we get there if we don't think it at least possible?

    Do we have to believe all the details?

    No, we just have to travel with hope and faith for the future that we want and act accordingly.

    Bon voyage!

    (8 minutes)


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  • Post-Covid Compendium


    The Daily Exposé has remained on the Covid case despite the governments best efforts to indicate that the crisis is past, and despite the multiple other serious distractions currently playing out on the world stage. 

    They are right to do so, there is much unfinished Covid-associated business to attend to and we neglect it at our peril.

    Fully Vaccinated are suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement; and the newly published Pfizer Documents prove Pfizer & the FDA knew it was happening in February 2021

  • If the Weather isn't Hot Enough, Redefine It


    The climate change alarmists are obviously getting alarmed - is the climate not obeying their models? Did nobody tell the Weather Gods? Or the weather manipulation boffins that some fear are meddling with our meteorology? Were they badly advised?

    No matter, following the lead set by the WHO (who are not backward to redefine the term "vaccine" to more accurately reflect their wishes whenever the need arises) the Met Office has evidently decided that heatwaves are not sufficiently profuse and they will now use a different definition.

    Of course this is nothing to do with cooking the books, merely a wise precaution in keeping with their ever-vigilant drive for continuous improvement, in this case to ensure that their reports are properly interpreted by the public.

    The Daily Sceptic has the

  • Expected Aftermath of the Covid Vaccines


    This pulls together a number of threads that many have suspected and some have been proven.

    Todd Callender speaks to Dr Reiner Fuellmich's Corona Investigative Committee - the full effects of the Covid vaccines have yet to unfold. Not for the fainthearted.

    (72 minutes)



  • The "High" Jumps Ahead


    The inimitable Clif High shares his thoughts on Temporal Markers with us. What is a "temporal marker"?

    It's essentially a topic that breaks into the news.

    With global "conspiracy theories" being fast-moving currently, Clif's insights are keenly anticipated by many, so fasten your seat-belts... and look out for May 19-27...  and if you are an American, don't miss the last 10 minutes!

    (37 minutes)



  • View from the Front in Mariupol


    The first casualty of war is truth, so what to make of this report from Mariupol?

    Obviously it isn't going to give an anti-Russian slant, but it does very clearly show the huge destruction visited upon the city - nobody can say that there is no war going on any more, in Mariupol (a city claimed by Donetsk) anyway.

    I' not sure about the title though - the tank may be Russian but the crew claim to be from Donetsk.

    (4 minutes)



  • Fluoridation - Boon or Bane?


    Fluoridation of water supplies has been with us for many years - so many years in fact that the origins of the practice have receded into the mists of antiquity for most practical purposes.

    Now the UK Parliament intends to inflict this practice upon us whether we want it or not.

    Did we vote for it? - no, we have in fact often voted against it, which is why perhaps the government has determined that we must do as we are told and drink it anyway. Enough of this voting nonsense!

    So what are the arguments for and against fluoridation?

    Robert Carnaghan writing somewhat inauspiciously on 1st April for the Daily Sceptic delves back into history to unearth the original arguments:

    "For about 70 years it has been claimed that fluoridation reduces dental decay, and that it is safe. Although there is abundant evidence showing that in fact it is neither effective nor safe,

  • The Great/Greater Reset Explained?


    Sanctions on Russia - not for the first time.

    But is the West suffering more than Russia?

    Kit Knightly writing for Off-Guardian (via Technocracy News and Trends) points up the contradictions.

    Cui bono? Who benefits?

    If the NWO wants depopulation (and all things Covid failed to deliver) then perhaps food shortages will do the trick? And an open war would help too.

    If the NWO wants to stop "climate change" (but we don't want to disfigure our environment with solar farms that take out our farmland, and wind-mills that take out our bird life, and we still need carbon fuels for power when the

  • WW3 According to Benjamin Fulford


    Fulford on Friday - WW3 is coming to a head, the golden rouble will end the central baking system.

    Worth watching (modest subscription required)

    The façade is cracking up - hold the line.

    You can't terminate a millenium-old cult without unleashing a certain amount of mayhem, but the end is nigh.

    According to Fulford cool.


  • WHO Do They Think They Are?


    First a disclaimer - despite the date, this is not an April Fool's article. If only it were!

    We have mentioned this impending bid for world domination by medical fiat before, but this Epoch Times article does a good all-round job of providing the details such as are available, so it's a worthy inclusion. 

    Highly recommended.

    "the WHO wants to make its pandemic leadership permanent, and to extend it into the health care systems of every nation"

    "The pandemic treaty is a direct threat to a nation’s sovereignty to make decisions for itself and its citizens, and would erode democracy

  • CNN, New York Post Break the Biden Lap-Top Story into the Open


    One more "conspiracy theory" segues seamlessly into "conspiracy fact".

    Mainstream media (CNN et al) pick up the story.

    Restricted Republic lays it out for us:

    (25 minutes)


    Just to underline the point, more information in this video:

    (9 minutes)


    Can the Great Pretender Joe Biden survive the opening of Pandora's box? 


  • UK Column Reviews the Geopolitics Surrounding the Ukraine Situation


    UK Column bring out their big guns to survey the background to the conflict in the Ukraine and the implications for the ongoing geopolitical Great Game.

    They follow this up with an excursion around the UK Deep State, which pulls the global strings of soft power, via the usual network of word salad charities think tanks and "arms length" bodies, operating behind the usual techniques of secrecy obfuscation and ambiguity that normal people find off-putting and irrelevant to their own lives.

    Oh, and there's the usual opaque educational schemes that bring forward "selected" candidates into scholarship / leadership schemes that may or may not have anything to do with the candidates' merit / abilities.

    Followed by a clip from an NHS "board meeting", complete with a contribution from June Raine of the MHRA "enabling organisation", in case we thought that our NHS crisis is over. 

    Dr Tedros has called a World Health

  • Ukraine - Post WW2 Outpost of the CIA?


    "A nine minute segment from Part 2 of Doug Valentine's The CIA As Organized Crime. For 70 years the CIA has been working to undermine and occupy Ukraine to bring down Russia"

    "The United States Occupies the Ukraine"

    I'm not sure that's an entirely appropriate sentiment, but to suggest that the CIA runs the Ukraine might be nearer the truth.

    This could explain a great deal...

    (9 minutes)


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  • Germany Upholds Vaccine Mandates for Medical Workers


    This reminds us that logic failure at multiple levels is a feature of many governing classes:

    The vaccines are not approved, they have only an emergency use authorisation.

    If people are not dying from the disease (but there is evidence that they are dying from the vaccines) then where is the emergency?

    If the vaccines don't protect you from catching the disease and most of those now allegedly dying from the disease are vaccinated, then where is the efficacy?

    And if the tests don't work then what is the programme based on?

    All these questions have been rehearsed elsewhere.

    However, as the vaccines are a medical intervention then what of our freedom to refuse medical intervention? Unimpaired according to the Court, since you can find a different career in another field.


  • The Ukraine we Don't Read About


    Former Ukrainian Prime Minister (2004, 2005, and 2010) Mykola Azarov:

    "To prevent World War III and an attack on Russia with nuclear weapons, the Russian government decided to neutralize the threat and restore order in Ukraine"

    This report by Amy Mek writing for RAIR Foundation USA tells the story of Ukraine from a different perspective, that of the DonBass residents.

    "... the Ukrainian army also planned to launch a military operation in Donbass and wipe out the Russian-speaking population"

    Far-fetched? To us peaceful English, definitely.

    But this is the Ukraine, where

  • Do the Vatican's Astronomers Hold The Key?


    Whether you are a Christian of some denomination or none, or not, this presentation is pretty interesting given the chequered and controversial history of the various schisms of the religion of peace and love.

    From Dr. Chuck Missler's 2013 Strategic Perspectives Conference, see Dr. Tom Horn's presentation on the Prophecy of the Popes, his trip to Mt. Graham to meet the Vatican's astronomers, and (as they say) "much more"!

    Given in 2013, perhaps this entertaining presentation offers quite a bit that may be of relevance in our current troubled times?

    Do the Biblical books of ancient times and ancient beliefs of the Apache indigenous people hold keys to unfolding events?

    "... at the highest levels of Vatican governance and geopolitics they know what is approaching the Earth, and that it will be of the utmost importance in coming years"

    "... what will

  • Russia Deals a Financial Blow?


    This slightly breathless report from the Hal Turner Radio Show notes that Russia is reported to have linked the rouble to gold at a rate that will have financial whizz-kids selling out of other currencies and buying into the rouble until the value of those currencies expressed as the purchasing power of gold matches the purchasing power of the rouble.

    As they point out, this move may be unwelcome in western financial circles.

    There will be a run on dollar/euro denominated assets such as bonds in favour of real assets such as property and gold-backed currencies. Unless governments move in to control foreign exchange transactions of course.

    The bond market is huge.

    "the last guy on this planet who tried to back a currency with Gold, was Muammar Quadaffi of Libya"

    Whether the same fate can be bestowed upon Putin as was visited upon Gadaffi is debatable, but no doubt some form of retribution is
