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UK Column bring out their big guns to survey the background to the conflict in the Ukraine and the implications for the ongoing geopolitical Great Game.

They follow this up with an excursion around the UK Deep State, which pulls the global strings of soft power, via the usual network of word salad charities think tanks and "arms length" bodies, operating behind the usual techniques of secrecy obfuscation and ambiguity that normal people find off-putting and irrelevant to their own lives.

Oh, and there's the usual opaque educational schemes that bring forward "selected" candidates into scholarship / leadership schemes that may or may not have anything to do with the candidates' merit / abilities.

Followed by a clip from an NHS "board meeting", complete with a contribution from June Raine of the MHRA "enabling organisation", in case we thought that our NHS crisis is over. 

Dr Tedros has called a World Health Assembly to conclude a pandemic preparedness treaty (legally binding) that will override our national authorities' ability to manage our own pandemic response in the UK. What could possibly go wrong?

We cannot say that we were not told.

(97 minutes) 


World Council for Health - Why we don't need this dangerous treaty:

(3 minutes)


World Council for Health.

Open Letter.