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  • The Ukraine Pot Still Simmering Unpredictably


    UK Column (Monday) brings us up to date with the unfolding Ukraine conflict, and a sorry tale of confusion is evident.

    As ever, nothing may be quite as it seems.

    Boris still wants to supply ever more powerful artillery, but will such be effective against the new hypersonic missiles currently being demonstrated by Russia's navy?

    Plus the shootings in America and other items.

    (82 minutes)



  • Death by COVAX?


    Nick Bowler writing in the Daily Sceptic surveys the overall excess mortality figures for the UK and compares with the excess mortality figures for Denmark.

    By comparing excess mortality per number of vaccines administered, and using Denmark as a benchmark because it had a different Covid mortality profile than the UK, he thus is able to discount the thesis that these excess death may in fact have been due to lingering effects of the disease rather than to the vaccine.

    Obviously there is some scaling to be done in order to account for population differences but the results look pretty uncompromising.

    Whilst this investigation is not performed to the exacting standards expected of a scientific process, it's conclusions do seem to indicate that a proper investigation is indeed required.

  • Brexit Britain "Projects Power in the EU"


    This piece from the Campaign for an Independent Britain and based on research by Brexit Facts 4 EU I present without comment, as I am not qualified to comment (not that that would stop me, but on this occasion I think it best to leave you to form your own judgements).

    I find it interesting, but without any comparative information about what say France, Germany or Spain (to mention three at random) are doing, I think it isn't possible to conclude very much.

    See what you think.

    Still, there are some interesting nuggets on the

  • The End of the Beginning or the Beginning of the End?


    Fulford on Monday today doesn't disappoint - he doesn't necessarily get everything right either but let us hope that the direction of travel is correct.

    With the pace of happenings overall still seemingly accelerating I'm guessing that his pieces are a combination of educated guesswork supported by information from his various contacts - given that he produces two reports a week we can't in reality expect any different.

    He still paints the most comprehensive picture of any commentator that I am aware of, and his article this week is very optimistic.

    "To me, it looks like they have all been captured and either being forced to say or have CG versions of themselves say incriminating things"

    Either that or they live in an impenetrable bubble and totally lack any self-awareness, but how else to explain Bill Gates' spectacular admission, or the WEF badges on the Swiss police on duty in

  • Eat Your (Edited) Genes


    Maybe you welcome gene-edited plants (initially), or maybe you don't, depending on your faith in "the science" to bring us safe and improved foods.

    If "the science" is exemplified by the rigor displayed recently by the global medical establishment then maybe we shouldn't be queuing up to applaud this latest initiative.

    Of course there is scientific rigour and rigor mortis, and sadly it may be necessary to remind some of our appointed scientific experts of the difference.

    In rigor mortis, the limbs become stiff and inflexible (much like the assurances of late from our medical establishment, politicians, and other appointees to high public positions, when confronted by independent experts and lay people alike) whereas in science, the rigour originates from the practice of gladly submitting any particular theorem to any and all challenges freely accepted, and seeing whether or not it stands up to the evidence of experiment and experience, and the application

  • Death by Regulatory Failure?


    New Zealand was hard hit by the official response to the Covid "pandemic".

    NZDSOS (New Zealand Doctors Speaking out with Science) "published an open letter on the need to investigate deaths following vaccination, of which 'an unredacted version is being prepared for the Police.' "

    I can't help thinking that they need a more catchy acronym than NZDSOS but perhaps they were all taken.

    "There is a shockingly large burden of deaths and injuries following the Covid-19 vaccines, of itself and compared to any other treatment or vaccine in modern times. We report many cases that DEMAND proper investigation, as befits any medication lacking safety studies"

    So how does the UK differ? Probably only in scale, as our vaccination programme remained voluntary (for most) despite huge pressure for compliance. Nevertheless our MHRA to my knowledge has made

  • A Rant Around the Ukraine Quagmire


    Alex Christoforou takes us on a tour of the way that the war is going, the way that the politics is going, the way that the Ukraine's application to join the EU is going, the way that Finland-Sweden's application to join NATO is going.

    He also takes us on a short ramble around Athens.

    Thank heaven somebody still has his critical mental faculties about him when it comes to the Ukraine, and is prepared to tell it how he sees it.

    (30 minutes)



  • Neil Oliver Comments on the WEF at Davos


    "Some of them are apportioning to themselves nothing less than the power of God... "

    "They think they have us mapped, tracked and traced already - but they don't"


    (10 minutes)


    Like /Dislike this video here.

  • 5G - "Slash the Red Tape"!


    Time to write to your MP council and anyone else you can think of to ask for the evidence that 5G has been shown to be safe.

    After suffering the results of rolling out experimental vaccines to all and sundry regardless of risk, the last thing we now need is another experimental roll-out of technology of untested safety.

    "The project winners are based across England and Scotland as part of the government’s mission to level up access to fast and reliable connectivity"

    But what exactly will these winning areas be winning?

    "Areas to benefit from the pilots include Angus, Dundee, Fife, Perth and Kinross in Scotland, as well as Tyneside, Sunderland, Dudley, Wolverhampton, Somerset, Dorset and several other areas across England"

    "The eight winning DCIA projects are based across England and Scotland and will be respectively led by Dorset Council,

  • New Class of "Super-reactive Chemicals" in Atmosphere


    Water has one oxygen atom, peroxides have two, and now trioxides which have three have been discovered to exist in our atmosphere, at least temporarily, under some conditions.

    But before we press the panic button, blame chemtrail aerosols, or otherwise jump to incorrect conclusions:

    "These compounds have always been around -- we just didn't know about them"

    Huh? If you didn't know about them, how can you say they were always around? Maybe they were, but maybe this observation isn't science.

    "But the fact that we now have evidence that the compounds are formed and live for a certain amount of time means that it is possible to study their effect more targeted and respond if they turn out to be dangerous"

    "... there could be plenty of other things in the air that we don't yet know about. Indeed, the air surrounding us is a huge tangle of complex

  • Is the WHO Corrupt? Some Think So


    The Brownstone Institute makes a good case:

    "As with any historic shift towards fascism and colonialism, it takes a considerable group effort to ignore reality to keep this tide moving but humans, especially in hierarchical structures, have always been up to the task"

    Once, a while ago, "Causes such as improving childhood nutrition, empowering minorities and protecting girls from enslavement and mutilation were acceptable battles to fight"

    Now, "Coercion, exclusion, impoverishment and big business are in, whilst highlighting those other areas is ‘free-dumb’ or some subversive form of denialism"

    The article then lists all the things that the WHO (and we) know, indeed have known for a long time, and yet now:

    " ...the WHO ...acts as if unaware, even ignoring their standard age-dependent metrics for 

  • Did Italy (and others) Cooperate to Steal the US Presidential Election for Biden?


    How absurd is such an allegation?

    For example, how did the candidates fare at their rallies (bearing in mind that "Covid" was in full swing). Here is a picture from one of Biden's socially distanced rallies - of course, his supporters may have been prudently staying at home:

    Meanwhile Trump had to make do with stadia packed with supporters prepared to brave the Covid danger to support their candidate:

    It's well reported that this scenario was commonplace during the campaign.

    Can we trust the reports? There were certainly too many to ignore, but they may have been selectively

  • A Canadian View of Today's Geopolitics


    Matt Ehret is a Canadian whose understanding of history I find outstanding - mind you, I would never consider myself to be a historian, so who am I to judge? You will just have to judge for yourself.

    He runs a website (canadianpatriot.org - well worth an exploration).

    Here he is interviewed for a French website ‘La reveil des moutons’ (for those whose French is below par: 'the awakening of the sheep').

  • The Schools Bill 2022


    Once again, the government appears to be acting under the delusion that good outcomes depend upon government laws and regulation and that issues of freedom are of little import in comparison.

    The Schools Bill was announced in the Queen's Speech, is now wending its way through the House of Lords, and as might be expected these days is long on powers and registrations and authorities, all in the very best interests of the child, obviously.

    The problem as ever is the always unspoken but ever underlying assumption that authorities (whether local or national) always know best and should be entrusted with the obligation to police those whose idea of "best" doesn't comply with their own.

    In this

  • Yet Another Bill to Micro-Manage our Institutions?


    Bring on the Higher Education Freedom of Speech Bill !

    But surely freedom of speech is worth protecting?

    So it is. Will this Bill do so?

    The Free Speech Union overall are well-disposed to it (download).

    Our oldest universities have been around for centuries. Newer institutions of "higher education" mushroomed into being after 1997 when Tony Blair declared that 50% of all school leavers should "go to Uni" - but although technical colleges had started their ascension through polytechnic status towards university status by the time I went to college in the late 60s, it was 2019 before the

  • Censors' Charter?


    Toby Young (General Secretary of the Free Speech Union) takes a critical view of the On-Line Safety Bill in this Daily Sceptic report.

    " ... it’s a gold-embossed invitation to woke activists to censor the speech of their political opponents in the name of protecting vulnerable people from ‘harm’. Why a Conservative Government with an 80-seat majority is handing this weapon to its enemies is a mystery"

    No mystery Toby - the Tory leadership themselves have been swallowed by the blob and are now  an inseparable part of it.

    "What does the Government mean by ‘harmful’? The only definition the Bill offers is in clause 150, where it sets out the details of a new Harmful Communications Offence, punishable by up to two years in jail: ‘harm’ means psychological harm amounting to at least serious

  • Open the Gates for Pandemic Prevention


    Bill has laid it all out for us - all we need to do is just read his book to receive his wisdom - fortunately it has been published just at the right time to help us deal with the very serious threat of Monkeypox. Can this threat be countered before it becomes a pandemic?

    Of course all the usual suspects are queuing up to tell us how he is totally wrong and his solutions have been disproven, most recently by the response to the Covid pandemic, but we should remember that this isn't just Gates speaking, he has a great wealth of authoritative people behind him (the WEF, the UN, the WHO, plus sundry similar bodies that characteristically don't make the headlines, such as the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome etc, plus many distinguished academics such as Professor Neil Ferguson, and the full weight of the pharmaceutical industry), so we should pay close attention.

    For an untimely review of this book by some who do seem always to be at the forefront of those usual suspects,

  • Thinking of going to Uni? Read This First


    I've reflected only recently on my student days, but now I find myself posting another article that evokes another memory from those times.

    What is academia for? Does it fulfil the function?

    Uni was always sold as a place to go between finishing school and starting a career, a place where the clever and inquisitive should go to question the established knowledge, to push their understanding beyond the current boundaries, and to have fun doing it.

    Potentially difficult terrain though, especially when the answers to your questions on the established knowledge turn out to be inadequate. That would mean that a certain amount of established knowledge must be demolished before one's understanding could be pushed beyond the (revised!) boundaries, within an establishment notoriously averse

  • Monkey Pox - or Monkey Business?


    On the face of it monkeypox is an unlikely candidate for a pandemic - it spreads slowly, by contact with an infected person, is not normally fatal and can be mild enough to escape much notice.

    The Daily Exposé has a theory:

    "The main points to take away from this are that the alleged monkeypox disease is extremely rare, has rarely been seen outside of Africa, and has never been recorded in multiple countries outside of Africa at the same time"

    "So with that being the case, do you not find it strange that we are suddenly being told that cases of monkeypox are now being recorded in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, France,

  • Mind How You Go - Who's In Control?


    Mind mastery explained...

    (9 minutes)


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    Don't just sit there...    Do it!

    One idea at a time.