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  • First Wrong-Think, Now Wrong-Journalism


    Just Stop Oil may have been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately, but if you can't beat the protesters, then hassle the news.

    So next time you are stuck fuming in the traffic fumes on the M25 wondering about the cause of the blockage and keeping an eye on the rear-view mirror in case of emergency vehicles requiring prompt passage, remember that the boys in blue may be having a pretty difficult time up ahead arresting a journalist for doing his job reporting on the cause of the blockage.

    After all, when certain groups of protesters obviously enjoy the tacit support of the authorities, what is a poor copper to do when those protesters illegally block the Kings highway? It's a conundrum wrapped in an enigma wrapped within a labyrinthine excess of over-regulation topped by inappropriate police recruitment training and leadership.

    So once the first overriding priority to make the site safe for all concerned has been accomplished by ensuring that

  • So, After the Ukraine, Is Taiwan Next?


    The rumours that China will take Taiwan by force have been circulating for what seems like forever, but as the competition for the future mounts ever higher, are things about to happen in that arena, and if so, what exactly?

    Here to sort the likely from the preposterous once more is Colonel MacGregor, seemingly an ever popular fixture on the Redacted channel:

    (125 minutes)


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  • Fulford on Friday 11 Nov 2022


    Fulford presents his Friday video report and Q&A session.

    Some important advice for New Yorkers, and appropriate comment on the US mid-term elections.

    News from Brazil and Israel, together with some advice for Israelis.

    And more news for Europe, China, Japan.

    Modest subscription required.

  • Sanctions? What Sanctions?


    Alternative title: "Sanctions for thee but not for me?"

    This video speaks for itself...  but please don't throw anything at, or hit your screen...

    (14 minutes)


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  • MEP Anderson Strikes YouTube


    It's always good to hear of a successful skirmish against the mighty (anti-)social media cartels, and even better on the all-too-rare occasion when the protagonist is actually a member of the political classes, in this case MEP Christine Anderson. She has been putting Ms van der Leyen, Albert Boura (Pfizer) et al through the wringerof the EU parliamentary committee system.

    Who would have thought that a Parliamentary Committee could cause such upset? This may even be something that the EU does better than our own "mother of parliaments" in the UK, where the debate on vaccine safety was confidently talked out by those with ears and minds tight closed. 

    Well, YouTube considered

  • US Election Round-up - Defending the Republic


    Attorney Sidney Powell's Defending the Republic provides the non-mainstream view of the ongoing US election - and it's not bad news.

    There are any number of pundits giving their views on individual issues, but this is a round-up of the state of play at the end of the week, covering a breadth of items.

    Read on Substack.

  • Mahatmas of the Third Age Unite!


    "Mahatma" is the only word I could think of that encompasses both wisdom and spiritual enlightenment in one word (with the added benefit that it may also be globally understood) so "mahatma" (not "the Mahatma") it is.

    As an oldie myself, I often reflect that now that we are considered to be well past the age of raising a family, we would now do it rather differently from how we actually did it when we were newly minted (or perhaps not-quite-so-newly-minted) young adults. As the saying goes: 'You can't put an old head on young shoulders'. 

    So when we are children, we are moulded into the ignorant beliefs of our parents, and when young adults, in our arrogance we get to mould the next generation into our ignorant belief systems, and when we are old we get to hold our tongue whilst we watch the next generation mould their offspring according to their own

  • Trust me - I'm an Obstetrician/Midwife/Gynaecologist?


    There are many now who believe that the Covid jabs have led to increasing numbers of stillbirths and other issues around maternity care, but DR EMMA JONES writing for Unherd catalogues a history of problems in NHS maternity units going back well before the start of the "pandemic", from the point of view of one who has personally lived the experience.

    "I thought I had seen everything. But nothing prepares you for O&G"

    "This internal politics put lives at risk"

    "Once held up as a beacon of good practice, it is now seen as enabling the 'worst scandal in NHS history' "

    "Following publication of the report, ... Police were said have identified 823

  • Sexuality Education - Wales - UK - Podcast-athon!


    Child sexual education has been taken over by the State without so much as a by-your-leave from the electorate.

    Want to know more?

    Public Child Protection Wales has taken the bull by the horns with a 30-hour podcast-athon! Well, what else is to be done when you need funds to feed the lawyers?

    Nov 5th 30hr Podcast-athon to help raise funds for Public Child Protection Wales

    Round 2 Fundraiser for PCP Wales  (10 hrs 51 minutes)


    (NB: The gaps in the hours listed below are not found on Rumble)


  • Are Today's Nurses and Medicos Competent?


    We would all hope so, indeed we should demand so, since nurses need numerical ability in order to get the decimal point in the right place when administering drugs to patients - who may well not think (for any number of reasons) to check their work in this department.

    Startlingly, some experienced nursing professionals, writing in the Daily Sceptic, fear that nursing numeracy cannot at all be taken for granted.

    "When George Orwell’s Big Brother in Nineteen Eighty-Four taught that two plus two equals five, the point was that authoritarians can make people believe something they know to be untrue. If nurses are innumerate, a pandemic can be presented with whatever numbers that the Government wants to induce fear and compliance"

    "Don't be ridiculous!" I hear you say, but - "How many trotted out the mantra about the COVID-19

  • Climate Hesitancy? In a Politician?


    Apparently, it can happen, and indeed has happened, and to a very senior politician at that.

    Who would have thought it?

    For too long the costs of Net Zero policies have not been given adequate attention by policy makers or the media. There is far too much wishful thinking about pressing ahead with decarbonisation as quickly as possible, and too much demonisation of those who are asking legitimate questions

    Amen to that.

    The Global Warming Policy Forum reports.


  • Vaccine Hesitancy Ongoing? The Mystery Unravelled


    I hate to keep banging this drum but whilst the powers-that-be continue, so must we.

    The Daily Sceptic brings up a useful article (actually one among several in today's email) which reviews the reasons why some people may not be too keen on Covid vaccines, or even on vaccines in general.

    Vaccines have the distinction that they are a class of medical interventions that are routinely given to healthy people who are not sick - yet they pose risks to health that every authority acknowledges, in principle if not in practice.

    This means that any justification for such an approach must rely on good statistics properly and very carefully (it's a minefield for experts, let alone the man on the Clapham omnibus) gathered and analysed over the requisite period of time. This was clearly not practicable for the Covid shots

  • Dig Your Own Future


    (5 minutes)

     Source: Successful Garden Design

  • Another Reason NOT to Jab Our Kids


    ICAN draws attention to another side-effect of the jabs in kids - Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Whilst similar to the flu and not normally problematic, RSV can be serious in the "very young".

    Not that that has been recognised by the regulatory authorities...

    Read the ICAN Legal Update.


  • Fulford report - Monday 7 Nov 2022


    The "planetary liberation alliance" grows stronger, the NWO slavers are approaching the end of their plank.

    Rate of progress appears to depend upon the US mid-term elections tomorrow - if the clip included is anything to go by, this will be hard-won!

    And, just maybe, the war in the Ukraine may be petering out...    and he shares his view on Elon the Musk!

    An encouraging report that will be of interest to us all, whether or not we have a paid subscription (recommended).

    Well worth reading.


  • A Geopolitical "Brains Trust" from Israel


    The state of the world today, discussed in Israel by a distinguished panel of international "experts".

    Make of this what you will...

    (58 minutes)


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  • Ukraine Deep Dive


    For those who may not be familiar with the background to the current situation in the Ukraine, the Chris Hedges Report provides an alternative view, a mix of past and current.

    Dull but informative.

    (34 minutes)


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  • US Intervenes in Haiti?


    Fuel terminal wars... 

     ... and is it the Russians again?

    All done to popular acclaim:

    "Every time the Americans come into this country, they leave more fatherless children"

    and there'e more where that came from.

    (9 minutes)


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  • Another Perspective on the Ukraine War


    "The Ukrainians have no chance whatsoever ... "

    "... the only way that Ukraine has a chance against Russia is if they drag us all into the war with them"

    "... they're just going to use Ukraine to the last Ukrainian... "

    (40 minutes)


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  • Alphonzo Monzo Talks to Clive


    "I will praise You, for I am fearfully, wonderfully made; Your works are marvellous and my heart perceives it well" - Psalm 139:14 (The Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible)

    Just now though many people are not feeling quite so wonderfully made, for all sorts of reasons - poor nutrition, misguided lifestyle, impact of toxins of all kinds, allergies, you name it.

    Speaking personally, I only turned my own health around when I realised that I needed to start forming my own judgements and making my own health decisions. After all, my doctor's role is to inform and advise, not to decide - that's my job! I haven't looked back, except in some relief that things turned out so well and happily, so quickly.

    (44 minutes)