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The Unelected

  • If in Doubt - Reboot the World!


    Benjamin Fulford's Friday video is well worth your time...

    We are witnessing nothing less than the arrest and rounding up of the criminal elite that still pretend that they run the world (President Putin has thrown down the gauntlet by taking away their assets in the Ukraine and that process is expected to continue), followed by the reboot of the world's political systems.

    As always his subscription (required for this Friday session) is good value!


  • Another Climate Theory Debunked (Yet Again)?


    Chris Morrison writing for the Daily Sceptic pulls the plug on the Climate Change hysteria with his latest piece about the "settled science".

    "Historically, the claim of consensus is the first refuge of the scoundrel; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming the matter is already settled"

    Of course the science is never settled.

    "There are more things in Heaven and Earth Horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy" - Hamlet.

    Science is progressed by the mavericks that question (and take down and rebuild) "the science", not by the dullards who meekly concur with the "consensus" so beloved of their paymasters.

    Albert Einstein seems to agree - "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created

  • ICAN Demands VRBPAC Decline to Authorize Pfizer Vaccine for Babies


    ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) has written to the VRBPAC (Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee) (approximately the equivalent of our own JCVI Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation) to urge them not to approve Pfizer's application for emergency authorisation for their Covid vaccine for children below the age of 5.

    They make the pertinent (and seemingly unarguable) point that there is no Covid emergency for this age group. Mind you, this point would seem equally applicable for ages 5 to 18 and beyond.

    "As of January 19, 2022, the rate of hospitalization in children under 4 years old was reported to be just 6 per 100,000" - although the true rate is likely even lower if those that died "with Covid" rather than "of Covid" are stripped out.


  • WHO Demands More Dosh for More Jabs


    It seems that some of the world's elite just can't get enough of our money.

    No, this isn't a stale article from 2021 - I checked. It's almost bang up to date (9th Feb).

    Are they still playing at pandemics? It seems that they are.

    "The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) on Wednesday demanded “wealthy countries” pay them $16 billion in cash up front to drive coronavirus schemes in developing countries, including mass vaccination rollouts"

    Given that the "vaccines" are acknowledged to be of dubious efficacy (ask the UKHSA) it seems perverse in the extreme to continue pushing them on countries that can't afford them.

    No doubt the developing countries have not been enthusiastic

  • Killing Shale Gas for Good?


    "Net Zero Watch has called on ministers to overrule the fracking regulator which is trying to terminate any prospect of shale gas developments in the UK"

    "Ruling to press ahead with closure described as ‘utter madness’ by Tory MPs who support controversial drilling"

    "Net Zero Watch is warning that the government’s approach to the energy crisis remains dangerously incoherent. On the one hand, the Prime Minister is openly calling for increased domestic gas extraction and has brought forward approvals for North Sea developments, while at the same time regulators are preventing lower-cost onshore fields from ever being exploited"

    Incoherence from our government? Who would have thought it.

    CNN to be Resurrected as a Real News Channel?


    "Billionaire Trump donor, who is the largest shareholder of the network's new owner Discovery, wants to restore it to impartiality - and INSISTED on Jeff Zucker's departure after his affair was exposed"

    Huge. Once the main news channels start reporting impartially, the WEF and the NWO will be toast.

    Has the media revolution started?


  • How Does This Differ from Outright Theft?


    "GoFundMe says it won’t be giving the C$10 million ($8 million USD) raised to support the truckers protesting COVID-19 mandates to the organizers anymore, saying it will instead work with the organizers to send the funds to 'established charities verified by GoFundMe.' "

    "this fundraiser is now in violation of our Terms of Service (Term 8, which prohibits the promotion of violence and harassment) and has been removed from the platform"

    The Epoch Times has the story.

    The Daily Sceptic concurs quoting the

  • A Short History of Medical Malfeasance


    Dr David Martin delivers (another) history lesson covering HIV Aids and vaccines through to Coronavirus. 

    "... he gave the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill a grant to create a pathogen...  so that we could actually get... the public to accept the need for a pan coronavirus vaccine... we need the media to create the hype...  we need to use that hype to our advantage... investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process "

    "... it was not a lab leak from China, it was not a lab leak from anywhere, it was an intentional weaponization of the spike protein and it is murder and we will call it what it is "

    "... he's the boss of Anthoni Fauci, he's the boss of CDC, he's the boss of NIAID, he's the boss of NIH, he's the boss of the FDA ..."

    " ... the emergency use authorisation cannot stand if the basis of it was a felony"


  • Planet Lockdown - Documentary - Released 20/Jan/2022


    (1 hr 50 minutes)

    "Planet Lockdown is a documentary on the situation the world finds itself in. We spoke to some of the brightest and bravest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters a statesman and a prince. These brave souls had the courage to speak truth against all odds and inspire us to do the same. We must have the courage to overcome our fears. Once we do, it gets easier every time"

    Listen carefully - you will learn the origin of the phrase "hate speech". It's the little things that give the plot away...



  • Why Do We Need a Ruling Class?


    Why do we need a government?

    Not quite the same question, but when we notice that it doesn't matter whom we elect, we still get the same set of policies (with one or two obvious tweeks to make them look different), it becomes obvious:-

    A government is required so that the ruling class can continue to govern whilst maintaining the illusion that it's our elected government and if we don't like what it does, well it's our fault for electing them.

    "Humanity wasn't supposed to be a domesticated species, owned by a ruling class... "

    Now that's fighting talk...

    (16 minutes)


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  • A Brief History of "Pandemic Preparedness"


    This presentation is from March 2001, so a little out of date as far as the results of vaccination are concerned.

    Paul Schreyer pulls together the chain of events that started in the 1990s... and brings it up to date with the Trump presidency.

    "... authoritarian control of citizens is imposed and remains in place even after the pandemic is over... "

    "... citizens willingly give up their sovereignties and liberties... it is only after ten years of top-down rule that people start rebelling... "

    "I refuse to accept the demise of our world order" -John McCain

    "... so from 2017 these two weighty gentlemen [from the Welcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation] have been counselling the German government and have sat at a table with Christian Drosten and the German health minister... "


  • The Twelve Days of Technocracy


    Patrick Wood is the pre-eminent expert on Technocracy, what it is, where it originated, by whom it is promoted, how it is merged into populist movements; and, perhaps, how it's onward march may be contained or stymied.

    Of course, to really put it back into its box we would need to foster an alternative vision, but currently we don't yet have any clearly defined alternative, since the old models of democracy based on political parties, or even on religions, have been shown to be both corruptible and corrupted.

    In this technological world, perhaps we need a vision that would harness technocracy in the interests of the people rather than in the interests or fantasies of the self-appointed elite. A tall order? Perhaps, perhaps not, but we need to get to work on it.

    So leaving the alternative vision aside for the moment, what we do have is a series of 12 articles by Patrick Wood, that review the history and modus operandi of the would-be technocrats, and which

  • The Monday Fulford Report


    On Mondays I usually feature a report from Benjamin Fulford (Canadian journalist resident in Japan) who hasn't yet failed to deliver a fascinating account of what he sees going on in our benighted world.

    The timing works well usually, since Japan time is well ahead of UK time and by the time I get to my PC he has already filed his report some hours ago.

    Tonight's report doesn't disappoint, but new readers should be aware that to read the full report, a modest subscription to his site is required.

    Those who already number themselves amongst his subscribers should be warned that this week, his report includes graphic content that they may (if they are like me) prefer not to view. Discretion is advised.


  • Dr Tent Unchained


    Dr Tent is from Diverse Health Services, and diverse is truly no exaggeration!

    Here (April 2021) he strays well outside the usual limits of medical practice - but is he not simply diagnosing the maladies that afflict our world?

    Worth our attention  Essential viewing. Then go over it again - you'll have very likely missed something important.

    "We're at the precipice of gigantic change - Buckle up!"

    (82 mins)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    If you like the above (and his style

  • Collapse of the Old World Order Proceeds Apace


    The G-20 becomes the showpiece for a dysfunctional global order

    Not to mention the COP26 meeting this week in Glasgow.

    Journalist Benjamin Fulford brings us up to date with the current state of play, which reportedly hinges on the bankruptcy, or impending bankruptcy, of the key players.

    It is inevitable that bankruptcy intertwined with power politics at the highest global level will make for some turbulent times to come - even if as everybody hopes any actual war can be avoided. We should prepare as best we can.


  • The Fight for the Soul of Humanity - and We Each get to Choose


    Dr Zelenko, interviewed here by X22 Report, lays out the logic of the Covid situation by asking the hard questions, challenging each of us to refute his conclusions, step by step.

    Those of us not prepared to face up to hard choices should think carefully before watching, but when all is said and done, the concepts involved are not complicated, and are well within the grasp of most. As always, it's up to us to decide on the truth.

    (55 minutes)



  • World Chaos According to Fulford


    What is money?

    Who has it and who doesn't?

    Where does that leave the world?

    Benjamin Fulford tells it as he sees it.

    (Not paywalled)


  • COP26 - Glasgow: It's Much Worse . . .


    LarouchePAC explains what they think is going on at COP26 in Glasgow (not sure where they get the idea that Glasgow is in Switzerland - I hope they don't catch the wrong flight).

    This is a conference of the Parties - not of the nations. Who are the Parties? They are whoever is invited by the UN.

    "a giant step toward the elimination of national sovereignty... the destruction of national economies, and the killing of hundreds of millions, if not several billion people" 

    Don't say you weren't warned.

    (46 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • Transhumanism - the Inevitable Ascent of Man ... to What Exactly?


    TransVision 2021 - Spain, October 8th - 10th

    Gadgetry on steroids - and we will be part of it.

    The question is, which part? Will we be pulling the strings or will we be puppets, with our strings pulled by the globalists' AI algorithms?

    Joe Allen writes for the Federalist, describing transhumanism as

    "a futuristic religion that exalts technology as its highest power"

    Commandments 1 to 3 of 10:

    1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me"

    2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or
  • The Covid Conundrum


    Covid is polarising opinion.

    Those who trust the authorities and the NHS, and those who half-trust them but find the idea that they are actively acting against the population impossible to accept, these are on one side of the argument.

    Those observers who have watched the systematic overturning of good science and good statistical process for no good reason, along with the implicit chorus of "we are scientists and we say so" coming from official advisers in the face of medical practitioners 'at the coal face' around the world who are telling them that they have got it wrong. These observers are on the other side.

    Add to this mix the blatant censorship of views that contradict officialdom, add to this the blatant campaigns of fear that were and are being waged by governments to terrify us all into compliance with ever-changing rules and saturation advertising, add to these the use of force to ensure compliance in various countries, and we can see why the
