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The Unelected

  • Fulford on Monday 10 Oct 2022


    Yes, I know it's now Tuesday but yesterday was a day of distraction :) . I don't think I would make it as a military commander!

    China, Poland, Italy, the Vatican (inevitably) to name but a few countries of note that feature in this week's report.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Chinese Police in Canada and Elsewhere?


    Hold on to your credulousness ...

    "China has opened dozens of overseas police service stations in about 30 nations around the globe in order to 'monitor' its citizens living abroad"

    Rebel News reports from Toronto:

    (8 minutes)


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    Read the report.

  • Fulford on Friday 7 Oct 2022


    Identity theft rules...

    Chinese politics explained.

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  • NHS - One Foot In the Grave?


    The NHS has always come in for a certain amount of stick, and some suggest that if a service is free at the point of use then it will inevitably be overwhelmed because the means of rationing a finite resource is simply moved from money to queuing. 

    Others think that anything organised by "the government" is bound to fall over sooner or later due to both ever-changing political meddling and management by a remote multi-layered bureaucracy in semi-perpetual reorganisation. There is obvious truth in this - when did you ever hear about a shortage of NHS managers? Or about a new government that didn't have some pet scheme to "fix the NHS"?

    In past times when I used to knock on doors to campaign for Brexit, I was "treated" to some horrific stories of those who had been unable to access any sensible treatment from the NHS. I wasn't specifically talking about the NHS but these stories came out anyway. 

    Have things improved since then?


  • Will the Pound Join the Control Grid?


    This is a bit like "Banking for Dummies" and shows how banking transfers work, but it is also "Control Grid for Dummies" which shows how a control system is being constructed under CBDCs - the Central Bank Digital Currencies.

    Time to wise up.

    (15 minutes)


  • The Global Test by Torture


    Part 25 (yes, there really are so many, and no doubt there will be more... ) of Sequel to Fall of the Cabal is released. You can catch it there, or watch it here.

    The science of torture is not just ad hoc unpleasantness, it is also precise psychological conditioning based upon manipulation of our emotions and starvation of our powers of rational thought and spiritual independence.

    Our news media frame their reports to provoke emotion rather than to present the facts and the reasoning. We get the emotional stimulae but the information that would enable us to react rationally with independent analysis and spiritual acumen is withheld.

    Today's real weapon of war is psychological conditioning. Was this the real purpose behind the Great Covid Event?


  • We Are All Doomed!


    Matterhorn Asset Management has been looking after its clients physical gold and precious metals for years. 

    So they know a thing or two about these markets and financial markets in general.

    Their latest article reviews current markets in accordance with the broad sweep of historical precedent, and finds them wanting.

    "The above scenario is the inevitable consequence of a world that has lived above its means for a century and especially since 1971"

    The purpose here is not to cry doom and gloom but to warn their customers (and us!) of what they believe is likely to happen in the coming months and years. And of course they exist to persuade you to buy gold and have them store it for you - but few of our readership will be in that category, given their minimum holdings rules

  • "Surrender or Die"


    The crisis is now, the final moves are taking place and cannot be stopped.

    The Monday Fulford Report is not for the faint-hearted and may not be for you if you haven't been following the global battle for Freedom against Slavery and Death. 

    Just a reminder - I can't verify any of this, although I suspect that Mr Fulford is better informed than most.

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  • 500 New Vaccines by 2030?


    "Dr. Rima Laibow joins us to discuss the WHO Pandemic Treaty, and her extensive research over the years into this corrupt, genocidal organisation"

    I think that adequately sets the scene...

    (68 minutes)


     See more from Zeee Media.


  • Stop the World, I Want to Get Off!


    This article from UK Column correspondent Mark Anderson reviews how the ultimate fund manager Black Rock, (and no doubt fund managers State Street and Vanguard), are channelling funding through their ESG goals (Environmental and Social Governance - the acceptable newspeak for Climate Change and other unacceptable WEF-UN partnership proposals) to primarily invest in those corporations which are said to comply with their requirements rather than those that simply make a profit.

    In other words they are effectively molding and regulating the corporate economy according to their own preferences and bypassing the "democratically elected" national governments who are supposed to be doing this job in the interests of their electorates.

    Attorneys-General of nineteen American states have taken up the cudgels on behalf of the their states' citizens whose pensions are invested by Black Rock.

    Since this trio of fund managers effectively control the majority of the

  • Are You Denying my Humanity?


    There but for the grace of God go we all.

    Sometimes we need a reminder of times we would prefer to forget, lest similar circumstances should arise again.

    (95 minutes)


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  • War Means Business - Even for European Shipping


    You could read this two ways:

    - European shipping companies are disgracefully profiting from the Ukraine war sanctions...   or

    - European shipping companies are doing their damnedest to keep the populations warm(ish) and employed despite the idiotic sanctions imposed by their rulers.

    Either way, it does highlight the total stupidity (and almost certainly worse) of our ruling classes.

    Investigate Europe has the story.


  • Making Sense of History


    It has been said that history is rewritten by the victors, but this exposition suggests that it is written by those who never - ever - give up.

    Whilst this covers a good few centuries, its unifying theme is clear and almost certainly controversial (although the idea that the Vatican has been involved in historical power struggles is not at all controversial to the English).

    This is a veritable tour de force, first posted on Bitchute 15 months ago, and recently reposted. Whatever your religious beliefs or none, this is primarily a historical video that I suggest is required viewing - after all, it might just be substantially accurate...

    (2 hrs 54)



  • MHRA - 20 Sep 2022 Board Meeting


    If you ever wondered what the MHRA gets up to, here, courtesy of UK Column, is their September board meeting.

    If you find this interesting, that's great, but remember that you may not have enough lifetimes available to translate their newspeak, navigate their diversions, and penetrate their obfuscations, in order to pin any misdemeanour upon them.

    So either nail the key point (horrendous vaccine injury rates on their watch) or find something more productive to do with your time .

    (2 hrs 22 mins)



  • The Monday Report from Benjamin Fulford 26 Sep 2022


    Whilst I don't suppose Ben can get everything right he does seem to be well-informed.

    With the pace of global unrest ramping up seemingly everywhere, his report is not to be missed.

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  • Why Would the US Need Germany & the EU at Odds with Russia?


    The struggle to set ones enemies against each other in order to gain significant advantage to oneself regardless of the cost to others, is as old as the hills. It maybe regarded as the primary methodology of those who would rule the world, since it gives them exactly what they want - preeminence and supremacy.

    In keeping with this principle, here is a viewpoint that promotes the idea that through NATO, Germany (and Europe) have been manoeuvred into self-destructive sanctions against Russia to keep them at odds, even though this is clearly in neither party's interests.

    Why on earth would that be in anybody's interests?

    We should note that the think tank allegedly behind the plan has denied

  • Everything About the New World Agenda


    If you have been following this site you may know much of this already, but Stop World Control has pulled together much of the history of the quest for world domination, together with the means now being deployed to achieve it, in a nicely presented (albeit with a few typos) but humungous page covering all the main bases.

    The "what", the "how", the "who", the "where", the "whither" and the "insanity" are all covered, together with some suggestions on how to get it all stopped.

    Steel yourself.

    Worth reviewing.


  • Charles - The Great Reset Champion


    King Charles has a history of support for the WEF. Indeed, not just support, but active involvement in promoting its aims and agendas.

    On the face of it, that is now a huge conflict of interest for a monarch of the United Kingdom. 

    We are supposed to be a democratic country under a constitutional monarchy, but there is nothing discernably democratic about the WEF.

    Are we worrying over nothing?

    The People's Voice provide a short summary of his involvement with the WEF, featuring the (as he was then) Prince of Wales himself. 

    So we can judge for ourselves.

    (11 minutes)


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  • Ze Big Enchilada


    Clif High ruminates on the expected failure of the deep state to comprehend why their plan for world domination will eventually fail.

    Failure upon failure.

    (41 minutes)



  • Peace Through State Care?


    I don't think there is anything new in this video that has not been said elsewhere, but sometimes its useful to recap on past events that would otherwise be swallowed up in the maelstrom of past history.

    "... it all makes sense only when you force yourself to think the impossible" - Dr Mike Yeadon

    (85 minutes)