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The Unelected

  • Twitter - the View from the Inside


    Twitter has famously (or infamously, depending on your viewpoint) made an abrupt about-face following the Musk take-over, with many employees departing and many insights into its alleged programme of censorship being published on Twitter itself.

    Professor Jay Bhattacharya (of Great Barrington Declaration fame) was recently invited by Mr Musk to "Twitter Towers" to review how the great unscrambling is progressing.

    Unherd reports.

    (40 minutes)


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    Highwire Review December 2022 - 298 Bringing the Heat


    Highwire Episode 298 - Bringing the Heat

    A sitrep on where we have been,where we are now, what may be coming...  

    Yes it's long (but visit the highwire.comnext Tuesday/Wednesday when they will have loaded your preferred clip).

    (2 hrs 50 mins)



  • The Federation of State Medical Boards


    AKA "The International Association of Medical Regulatory Authorities".

    Maajid Nawaz explains the power pyramid that controls the global medical profession.

    "Both the international one and the American one are registered to the same office in Texas

    "The body that regulates all the medical boards and councils around the world...  it's... a private company... "

    "... the entire thing is a stitch-up... "

    (The first twelve minutes suffice to make the point if you're short of time)

    (96 minutes)



  • The WHO Pandemic Treaty Threatens Our Independence


    "The WHO and its expert panels have applied an all-encompassing approach in the design of this Pandemic Treaty; but in doing so, it is arguable they have created a scope of action that has no discernible boundaries"

    "The WHO struggles to retain impartiality, as described by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly: Experts with conflicts of interest, particularly commercial interests, can influence its opinions and policy. Historically, this has resulted in a huge waste of public money"

    "In the U.K., we face the prospect of the WHO being able to police debate and influence policies in areas far removed from conventional definitions of health or health-related sectors"

    "The risk of blanket censorship is immense, and the likelihood is that censorship would be used as a lever to misappropriate public funds under the guise of

  • The Fulford Report Monday 12 Dec 2022


    The Fulford report this week presents a round-up of recent events and a positive slant on some of them that I have not seen elsewhere.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Ivor Update on the Next Pandemic


    Ivor Cummins had a good Covid pandemic, achieving prominence through outstanding excellence of both logical, evidence-based analysis and calm, reassuring reportage. 

    Here he addresses the next pandemic, as already showcased by all the usual suspects. Did you miss it? Strange how the main media are always keen to report on the activities of their approved experts when they are telling us all what to do and what not to do, but not so keen when they are rolling the simulations for the next time around...

    Well, we have been warned.

    Please at least try to keep a straight face - Ivor does manage it (though only just).

    (16 minutes)



  • The China Enigma


    Is the West at loggerheads with China - or is it cooperating behind the scenes?

    This not surprisingly is a story that goes back many years, and which (also not surprisingly) features a pantheon of the "usual suspects".

    Brought to us by the Corbett Report, this is a deep dive that paints the background to the current world situation.

    Settle yourself with a nice cup of your brew of choice and - plunge in!

    (72 minutes)



  • Twitter Upstages Durham


    As Elon releases a tidal wave of information on deep state election manipulations and free speech suppressions, Martin Geddes summarises for us.

    "... confirming beyond any doubt what many of us have been saying for years: there is a “Deep State” alliance of government agencies, (quasi-)private organisations, media, and intelligence professionals engaged in mass censorship to cover up organised crime, notably crimes against children and treason"

    The end becomes ever nigher...


  • Senate Discussion - Withdraw Them All Now!


    Senator Ron Johnson  led a round table discussion on vaccine efficacy and safety at which

    "Sen Johnson listed some of the officials who had been invited to come to this event to give balance and present their perspective on the story ... All of them declined to appear or to send a representative"

    "Dr. Peter McCullough concluded that in order to prevent future harm, all COVID-19 vaccines need to be immediately withdrawn from the market"

    Whilst I don't suppose that this tiny chip into the megalith of the official Covid narrative will be sufficient to bring it down, the reports on this meeting are informative and readable (although fully based upon the preconceptions that virology is a valid science and that the spike protein is the cause of the adverse

  • Technate Checkmate?


    This is an article about the "Technate" as it might be applied in the continental United States.

    This is of course a theoretical discussion, even if some might think that the technocrats such as the Dr Faucis of this world have been running the US for the last several years.

    I suppose that this is the difference between "technocracy" or rule by technocrats (which might compete in a multicratic political system with other "crats" such as autocrats and democrats) and the Technate: the ultimate triumph of the technocrats over all other crats.

    Of course, in the end there is either freedom or serfdom, and the Technate ends up as simply yet another means of establishing an all-stifling form of autocratic top-down rule, this time by technocratic dictatorship.

    Throughout human history, people at the bottom of the power pyramid have enjoyed limited freedom of behaviour, and the autocrat has enjoyed limited powers of

  • We're in Great Shape But It's Up to You - Get off Your A***s & Do What You Have to Do


    "Put up a video, go hand out a flyer, whatever you need to do, but do it"

    "Stop talking - do it - but definitely stop complaining"

    Riccardo Bosi sets the scene for the next six months starting now.

    It's a racing certainty that this also applies in the UK.

    (5 minutes)



  • Debi Evans Discusses the NHS with Roy Lilley


    Between them they probably have as much experience of the NHS as any two people you could hope to find, one from the front line and the other from what we might loosely term the management end.

    We can probably all agree that the NHS does appear to lurch between crises and panicked monetary infusions by government.

    So is the NHS model of "free at the point of use" as directed by the government still a viable (let alone desirable) model?

    "... the sky is dark with chickens coming home to roost ...

    "... it's not just because they are exhausted over Covid, it's because they can't sleep at night because they are being asked to do things that they're not feeling safe or confident in doing"

    "... it's just hopelessly clunky and horrible... "

    "... but they don't do that now, it's all done

  • Fulford Monday Report - 5 Dec 2022


    Ben's report this week rounds up the change of mood in China, reviews the state of play in Brazil, and notes the possibilities in Russia, Europe, Ukraine and Israel.

    It all adds to the sense of impending change unfolding, although it may not favour the Klaus Schwabs of this world...

    Modest subscription required.


  • Beelzebub's Brainwashing Coven?


    All the tyrannical tin-pot dictators that would have ruled the world had one thing in common - they wanted to destroy the influence of families and control the messaging that the impressionable minds of our kids will soak up.

    In the age of ubiquitous television, parents have been put under increasing pressure - and the ability to set their kids down in front of the TV for an hour or so of Children's Hour and the like while the adults got on with their chores (or had a well-deserved break) was more or less irresistible. I myself have happy memories of watching "Hopalong Cassidy" (in the monochrome of the day) after school as a regular feature.

    Of course over time the pressure increased as more and more mothers found it necessary to go out to work (strange that - I would have thought that with the increasing affluence of the post-war years, one salary would have become ever more than enough to enable mothers to stay at home for their kids whilst they were young, but somehow the reverse seems to have

  • What's Really Going on Inside the Information Blizzard?


    Connect-the-dots sleuth Amazing Polly lives up to her nomenclature in spades in this little monologue.

    Does she draw connections in all the wrong places, or is the world still trundling bemusedly into the dystopian technocratic command and control world slavery system, or...  is something else going on?

    Get your wet towels to hand, set aside preconceptions, dowse all distractions, and take the plunge...

    (42 minutes)



  • Dark Age Incoming - Thanks WEF-UN-EU


    This isn't any longer a time to laugh at the antics of the globally self-important - it's time to chuck them out before they destroy our civilisation.

    Clayton Morris of Redacted spells out the glad tidings for those lacking situational awareness.

    I don't normally feature his offerings that include long (and frankly irrelevant to most) messages from his sponsor because it detracts from our perception of his independence, but to be honest the message is pretty incontrovertible now and needs as much air-time as possible - next years crops (ie: our food) depend upon the continuity of this years farmers, and that continuity is under attack like never before.

    As usual he is refreshingly direct and to the point in his delivery, an example many others might usefully take to heart cool.

    (9 minutes excluding sponsor's

  • PR - Solution, or Distraction?


    Another email plopped into my inbox - probably yesterday, maybe before - exhorting me to support their latest project - Proportional Representation! And guess what? I'm invited to send them money!

    Well I'll be jiggered, I didn't see that coming...

    Now, I'm all for solutions, but they have to be solutions that work, and we've been around the proportional representation loop before, so what's different this time?

    Maybe I'll pass up this opportunity to "make a difference". Still, as a confirmed critic of the current political settlement in this country, I probably ought to explain my thinking.

    Before we can address a problem we have to understand it. We have to diagnose the problem, identify the underlying cause(s), and then we can check whether the proffered solution actually addresses the causes - if it doesn't, then we know what not to do.

    So what are the

  • David Icke on the Onward March of Global Fascism


    Love him or hate him, David has been at the forefront of the exposure of the global project to convert the world into a global-corporate-fascist-government slave colony, seemingly from time immemorial.

    He is also very articulate and clearly expresses his views. We may not always agree with everything he says, but does he have the right to say it?

    Free speech has become a bit like Brexit - of course we are all free to express ourselves - or to live free of control by the EU - but of course (!) there are limits (which may be invented/interpreted differently to suit the elite at any time).

    It used to be that the law clearly recognised that the freedom to only speak without offending anybody is not worth having. In recent years the invention of "hate speech" and other more or less elastic definitions of speech that some people won't like has reached an incomprehensible level of ever mutating convolution, designed to keep us constantly confused and scared to

  • Make of This What You Will ...


    This is "advanced conspiracy theory" - that perhaps only a minority will find credible. I feature it not because I know it's right, but because even if nobody accepts it, those who have seen it may be better prepared if it comes to pass.

    From my viewpoint, it's all unproven theory and there are a great many strands to it. Some of those strands may be familiar, and many may seem outrageous - take from it what you will, but for me there is no real argument that the world faces a huge reset, and the primary decision is "whose reset will that be and what will it look like?".

    It's beyond my pay-grade to say what will happen with much certainty or to suggest a time-frame, but I would suggest that the WEF-UN "Great Reset" is going under the bus, along with much else.

    Does this affect the UK?

    "... we're going to see more and more militaries become actively involved in their governments... first in the background

  • The Biggest World News Story - and Not on the BBC?


    Well, it either isn't the biggest story, or the BBC is asleep at the wheel...  and we know what happens when drivers fall alseep.

    Well, if it isn't the biggest, it's hard to think of a bigger one, although perhaps not absolutely impossible (should China stage a revolution to topple the CCP for example).

    Well, it's only Musk cleaning the stables at Twitter...

    ... except that it isn't, because it involves the corruption at the highest levels of the US Federal Government under the Biden pretendency, and probably prior under the Trump presidency.

    Of course that could not have taken place under the watchful eyes of a vigilant free press, so either it didn't, or the free press was neither watchful nor vigilant, for whatever reason.

    Once again there are many facts to be established and holes in the story to be filled in, but it's not that difficult to make sense of whom
