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The Church of England, the Queen (or King) of England, the Bank of England, and so on - we don't speak of the Bank of the UK, or even the Bank of Britain.

Somehow the the relics of the old superiority of the English over the other nations of the UK is still apparent in our national naming conventions - after all, the outlying bits were all conquered by messy force of arms as much as by agreement ("here's an offer you can't refuse"), and the old enmities have been buried beneath time and common cause in adversity. Only the Irish managed to shake off the shackles that bound them, but maybe it took the Irish potato famine to goad them into it.

And "England" is by far the greater part of the UK however you look at it, whether by land mass, or population, or gross national product (whatever that may be!). 

Who are the English that allow their rulers to submit to firstly the EU, and lately the WEF-UN partnership that if anything pose a far greater and more insidious threat, apparently without too much objection, perhaps until it will be too late to resist?

And what is this England that so commands our allegiance? 

Is it merely a corporation - a commercial entity with limited liability and a special tax regime? How could this be?

Richard Vobes finds himself discussing exactly such thorny questions with Jason Noble, with some unexpected twists ...

(61 minutes)


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