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The Daily Sceptic brings us up to date with the official thinking (and remarks thereon).

"1. Examine the COVID-19 response and the impact of the pandemic… and produce a factual narrative account"

"2. Identify the lessons to be learned from the above, thereby to inform the U.K.’s preparations for future pandemics"

As the author notes, the scope has been drawn sufficiently widely to cover just about everything, including the "development and delivery of therapeutics and vaccines". That might or might not include whether any therapeutics were suppressed, and whether the vaccines were actually proven effective - both highly significant issues.

It will also consider "preparedness and resilience" - will it determine why the lessons from project Cygnus were seemingly ignored and make recommendations that its own recommendations should not be ignored? Hmmmm ....

If IICSA (Independent inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, established 2015, ongoing, although some reports have been published) is any guide, we probably should not hold our breath for a result any time soon.

Will the report be in time for preparations to be made for the next pandemic? Answers on a postcard please, to the usual address.