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Lucky Dip

  • "Who Watches the Watchers? Who Guards the Guards?"


    Neil Oliver needs no introduction from me. Here he speaks to our times and he speaks for the growing army of citizens all over the world who don't outsource their thinking to anybody.

    Does he speak for you also?

    (12 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • The 9/11 Story, as Revisited by a Flight Attendant


    Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth maintain that the World Trade Centre 1 and 2 buildings were demolished by controlled demolition.

    This presentation is by a lady who made a career as flight crew, who has spent years making her own investigation of the alleged aircraft movements on that day, and here she tells us how she thinks the 9/11 event was created - so here is a completely different viewpoint that also indicates that the official story of 9/11 is bunk.

    Not only bunk, but also...  outright impossible.

    "This video is based on combined segments from an interview conducted by George Noory on Coast to Coast AM with 9/11 researcher author and now retired Flight Attendant Rebekah Roth. This version of the interview is shortened and edited"

    Originally posted in 2017.



  • A Short Interpretation of the Council of Nicea


    "The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit" is a saying familiar to most Christians. But is there more to it than the merely spiritual?

    And has the Devil (or your spiritual baddie of choice!) conspired over the centuries to hide the true meaning of the Scriptures?

    And was it the Council of Nicea that wrought the damage?

    Before I dig myself into any larger hole than I am already in by merely broaching this topic, I should say that a person's spiritual and other beliefs are for each of us to decide for ourselves. I am not promoting or decrying the thesis expounded within this video, but I am offering it for your attention as I suspect that it may have merit for many.

    I am also sure that there will be many who reject it out of hand as itself the work of the

  • Largest Pyramid is in ...


    ... Egypt Bosnia?

    If you are interested in our ancient history, then this is for you.

    And just as in Egypt, water seems to play a major part in the pyramid's operation.

    What is that operation?

    The hypothesis put forward will take your breath away - and does it have parallels with the Thunderbolts project?

    And that's just the start...

    What are the implications for our health? More than you might

  • Calling All Budding Gardeners - Power Up Your Plants!


    It's a nightmare of conflicting advice - we know how it goes - we determine to do something in the garden this year, to grow stuff, to eat some home produce. So we find some nice looking plants at Tesco or wherever, buy some compost, take them home and plant them in the garden (if we can find room) or in a tub on the patio, we water them, we tend them, and (if we are lucky) one of them survives and we finally harvest around 3 raspberries.

    What did we do wrong? Did we over-water them? Did we under-water them? Should we have used more plant feed? Less plant feed? Who knows?

    Perhaps we need to go back in time to a better age when qardening was, well, more organic.

    Or perhaps we need to overcome decades of garden mismanagement and approach things differently?

    Here's a guy who has some simple ideas and grand claims - but haven't we heard them all before?

    I suspect that

  • The Great Global Warming Swindle


    This video "premiered March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4", was uploaded to YouTube 2018.

    Another excellent account of the political history (Lord Monckton) behind the Climate Change narrative can be found here.

    And a short summary of how the techniques of propaganda have been and are still being used to scam us all in 20th and 21st century.

    The Great Global Warming Swindle (2007) full documentary:


  • The Most Egregious Example of Propaganda


    The problem with "Climate Change" is that we fall into the trap of arguing the toss on the basis of "the science" (which is monstrously complex and therefore impossible to prove, and - more to the point - very hard to disprove in the minds of most).

    But the truth of the matter is that it isn't science, it's propaganda.

    So let's look at it from that viewpoint...

    What is propaganda?

    Neither more nor less than the art of deluding the public to believe something that isn't true. The Nazis of Germany in WW2 are reputed to have been adept at this skill (but I don't think they were by themselves). What was their secret?

    "tell a lie big enough and repeat it until people believe it"

    Obviously, the ideal world for the propagandist is one in which the media of the day are controlled. In Germany in 1940 the

  • Down the Rabbit Hole 9 - When the Mob Rises Up!


    Our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series deals with matters that many would dismiss as fanciful speculation of unproven (and even unevidenced) nature - wishful thinking on steroids if you like.

    Yet there is a great deal of it "out there".

    I personally am not so arrogant as to dismiss it all out of hand - there are many things we don't understand about this life, and grounds to believe that much has perhaps intentionally been hidden from us.

    There are also many things going on right now that we don't fully understand, and for myself I have learned of so many matters unsuspected since I started this site, that I can no longer dismiss the outlandish as... well, merely outlandish. My outlandish may be somebody else's lived experience.

    From ancient artefacts and

  • Are We Heading Into a Constitutional Crisis?


    We've been seeing a lot of Richard Vobes recently, but that's because he's exploring topics of which we really should be aware.

    Here he is with constitutional experts William Keyte (again) and Justin Walker (Hardwick Alliance) (again) to talk about the Coronation Oath, which, together with Magna Carta 1215 and Common Law, form the bedrock of our constitutional system of law.

    What Oath will King Charles swear on his coronation, and how will it sit in relation to the Oaths of previous monarchs? How will this affect his duties as monarch and his relationship with Parliament? Will it even be made public?

    Or will it open the door wide to effective (if unlawful) Parliamentary tyranny?

    Why is this important (indeed vital for the future of our nation), and what about his relationship with the WEF?

    It turns out that there is a lot to unpack here, some of which perhaps isn't

  • Slavery is Optional - TV Licensing Plot Thickens


    As tragic events continue to unfold globally, NATO (still!) pushes WW3 via the Ukraine, and the UK political parties (still!) plumb ever greater depths of incoherence, it remains appropriate to remind ourselves of matters spiritual.

    For those of you who have not yet sussed our Rolling submenu (craftily hidden beneath the Latest main menu item!) I would direct you towards Martin Geddes, who is very generously chronicling his own journey towards the spiritual so that we too may benefit from his experiences.

    I think you may agree that it is no mean thing to open up your personal journey to public inspection as Martin has done - and continues to do - and I salute him for it.

    What has TV licensing to do with matters spiritual? Maybe it's symptomatic of the basic need to distinguish right from wrong, fraud from honest endeavour, and generosity

  • Another Take on the Current Situation


    Mr Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong, outlines his vision of the purpose of humanity, the Universe, and where we are in the current universal life-cycle.

    For my own part I have learned to respect the principle of intellectual humility. We all have something to offer and baggage (Latin: impedimenta - which I think says it all) to hinder our progress.

    I'm sure that Mr Li is no different in that respect, but to us in the West his viewpoint may seem ignorant and outrageous in a number of respects. I don't share that opinion. His cultural background differs from ours but rather than dismiss it out of hand, perhaps we should celebrate our points of agreement before we highlight our differences.

    One of our shared beliefs may well be in the "end of times" scenario. The book of Revelation ought to be

  • TCW - Celebrating Dissent Event


    Film of the TCW recent Event at the Emmanuel Centre, Westminster.

    Laugh, cry, and cheer with Kathy Gyngell, and a host of guests who have become celebrity dissenters, willing or not.

    Accept the challenge!

    (94 minutes)



  • Russia-Ukraine Explained in 4 Minutes


    A brief exposé of the history behind Russia's intervention in the Ukraine.

    (4 minutes)


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  • Destination of Humanity?


    When I was in my teens I was always a bit flummoxed by the TV series "The Prisoner".

    I couldn't see the point in a nameless person held captive within a nameless but apparently comfortable - even luxurious - village.

    Where was the action? Plenty.

    Where was the good guy? Patrick McGoohan. Number six.

    Where were the bad guys? Only the minions were ever in evidence, never the big bad bosses.

    Where was the victory of good over evil? Nowhere to be seen - it was a never-ending dystopia.

    It broke the mould of TV adventure series where the goodies always triumphed over the baddies, so there appeared to be no point in watching it - we knew how each episode would always end: more of the same.

    So why watch it?

    Now in 2023

  • Origins of Humanity?


    There is little doubt in my mind that Steven and Evan Strong (Our Alien Ancestry) are a rum duo. There is also no doubt in my mind that the existence of stone circles, megaliths, and ancient pyramids etc of uncertain purpose littered around the world are a collective conundrum that when solved will reveal a great deal about the origins of humanity - and it's not likely to be what we have been told.

    So any rediscovered information that comes to light is to be taken very seriously, and recent (2022) revelations about a pre-war Australian amateur archaeologist's work are to be welcomed and should be checked out.

    It's a truism that science has never been advanced by conventional thinking, but only by open-minded consideration of the evidence, logical deduction, and advancement and testing of explanatory hypotheses.

    Will the name of

  • View from the Bottom


    UK Column brings us some very interesting contributions from members of the Love Party - no it's not a hippy collective high on LSD, it's the views of three citizens who realise how the world is moving and are doing something about it.

    "... ultimately, that is the end-game... "

    Their tactic is to form a political party to take on the establishment.

    More power to their elbow.

    Maybe however they should note that in addition to corporate takeovers of small businesses through a variety of tactics, the deep state / corporate media is also expert at marginalising smaller parties, taking control and if required neutralising them by any means necessary, whenever they threaten to get out of hand (whatever happened to UKIP?).

    (64 minutes)