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Free Citizen

  • The Covid Narrative Methods Investigated


    Mark Sharman (formerly of ITV and BSkyB) reviews the Covid news and propaganda management with Brian of UK Column, one of the few upstanding genuine news outlets in the UK, and still a pioneer in well-researched independent news.

    "Why is it that we... still do not... see any proper investigative journalism by the big media names... ?"

    "... what they're basically saying is 'Don't question the Government's line... "

    (69 minutes)


    Also from UK Column we have David Scott and Alex Thomson talking to John Cullen about UK Column, the treatment of the population by the World Government's subversion programme, and the treatment of statistics by the official sources:

    (1 hr

  • NHS Roundup


    Debi Evans reviews the current state of "health care" in the UK for UK Column.

    Lots of good info here:

    "Anyone of pensionable age (66 years) cannot be cut off between October and March. It is that simple; it’s against the law"

    No prizes for guessing what cannot be cut off.

    On the other hand it's perfectly OK to cut other things out if you are a young girl confused by your school's propaganda:

    "Gender-affirming hysterectomies" is a fancy euphemism for the hacking-out of a girl’s reproductive system because she is confused about her identity ...These barbaric procedures on minors need to be criminalised. Instead, they’re being

  • And So Say All of Us


    Distressing scenes. Viewer discretion is required. This is not over just yet.

    (38 minutes)



  • Bob Tells It Like It Was, As We Guessed it Must Have Been


    But it still shocks to the core, because it confirms beyond any doubt that "our government" is not ours when push comes to shove.

    Yes we knew that, or those of us who thought about it knew, but seeing it in black and white brings an inflexion point, a point of no return to the days when, well, when we might have been mistaken.

    The media left many questions unasked - deliberately. Does that not make them complicit?

    "How many more months will they spend sitting comfortably on the truth, watching millions of people suffer at the hands of a lie?"

    TCW tells the story and asks the questions. And, just maybe, helps open the flood gates.


  • The Power of Rome, London, and Washington DC to Rule the World will be Cancelled


    Do we want a MEGA hat?!

    A Make England Great Again hat?

    It's a catchy concept that has some allure.

    Did you know that there is an English Constitution Party? Nor me, but our English Constitution deserves to be widely known and respected.

    How is it not already widely known? Because our schools do not teach it!

    It is said that our Constitution is the antidote to slavery - so one may ask what happened to it? Since slavery is a hot topic these days, the antidote should be equally hot, so why do our schools not teach it? Do our elites not want it widely known?

    It isn't just England that is in trouble, the whole (mainly English speaking) western world, all of which governments tried to treat their entire populations like slaves

  • Review of Events in the Middle East


    Amir Tsarfati (Israeli) reviews the ongoing disruptions in the Lebanon - Syria - Iraq - Iran crescent - also in Libya.

    (36 minutes)


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  • Swindon Residents Association research 5G


    Two videos of local residents association members checking out the 5G towers in their area.

    Not exciting, and not too difficult!

    (23 minutes)



    (25 minutes)



  • The Covid Story from an Insider


    Paul E Alexander worked for the WHO and then the Trump Administration in April 2020, trying to make sense of the best response to the virus.

    The Brownstone Institute presents this interview for those who would like more information about the "office politics" of the pandemic.

    Don't miss.

    (86 minutes).

    Watch here.


  • Hospitality Faces an Extinction Event


    The Morning Advertiser does not mince its words.

    "Three Quarters of pubs facing extinction"

    The reason isn't hard to guess, power price increases of hundreds of percent are simply unmanageable.

    Add to that the inevitable loss of custom as everybody starts to hoard their cash, and the writing is clearly on the wall.

    The Morning Advertiser brings the bad tidings.


  • So Will the Vatican be Humble and Obedient, Or Will they Unleash a Last Throw?


    The Fulford Report today throws out a question that will be answered shortly, when the results of this past week-end's Vatican conclave of Cardinals become apparent.

    It may take a while, but it's in nobody's interests to spin this out.

    Now that the damage caused by the jabs is hitting insurance companies in the pocket, the corporate ranks are under increasing pressure to face the truth, and the media will have a hard time not following suit.

    An interesting report (modest subscription required).

    (NB: IOR: Institute for the Works of Religion, AKA the "Vatican Bank")

  • Policing - Fit for Purpose? But Which Purpose?


    Philip Flower (former Met Police Chief Superintendent) writes for the Daily Mail:

    "... senior officers appear to have completely lost sight of their basic role: to catch and deter criminals... "

    "... junior colleagues, the products of a woke education system, often have totally unrealistic notions of what their job entails... "

    "Drug-dealing, burglaries, car theft, dangerous driving, mass shoplifting raids and all kinds of other crime seems to go increasingly unchecked"

    "As recently as 2014-2015, some 16 per cent of reported offences led to a suspect being charged. That figure has collapsed"

    ‘Pride is one of the many wonderful community events we are there to police,’ he said, ‘but also to allow people to look behind the uniform and see who we are’

  • Are You a Citizen of California, or a Citizen of the UNITED STATES?


    We in the UK might equivalently ask "are you a citizen of England / Scotland / Wales / Northern Ireland, or are you a citizen of the UNITED KINGDOM?

    Are we free if we have to pay taxes under coercion?

    Are we free if we have to obey the commands of our government under coercion?

    Are our make-believe democratic governments really only the "acceptable" face behind which the bankers exert the real control?

    It's your decision.

    (16 minutes)


    Below is the Derek Johnson video referred to above, concerning the status of Donald J. Trump.  Yes it's a bit long, so it takes second place in this article - not everyone has the time.

    So What's Wrong with Red Meat?


    Well, I guess it depends on whom you ask.

    You might equally ask "What was wrong with local slaughterhouses?".

    (3 minutes (almost!))


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  • Quick Reminder to Prime us All for September


    It's all been said before (this video is from Dec 2020) but it bears repeating - the great one percent unelected elite are out to rule the world, and democracy is no part of their plans - they have already corrupted the democratic systems of the western world to be their obedient servants, and used Covid to demonstrate exactly that:

    (6 minutes)



  • Sex Education? Relax, the WHO Has it Covered (with a little help from its collaborators)


    Rest assured, the WHO is collaborating to ensure that there is a complete global public-private industry dedicated to providing your children with approved relevant sexuality education and development from birth to old age, as only they know how.

    UK Column have the story... in with the latest news on current affairs.

    (73 minutes)

    00:23 Energy prices

    09:09 US States Stand Up to Corporate Government

    18:14 Covid Gravy Train

    23:09 WHO's Sexualization of Infants 

    40:16 Big Tech Covid Collusion

    53:16 UNESCO's 'Think Before Sharing' Campaign

    64:24 Western State Approved Assassination List



  • Did the US Provoke Russia?


    Noah Carl writing for the Daily Sceptic examines this all-important question.


    Well, if Russia was indeed provoked then the western narrative, that Russia is an evil nation ruled by a power-mad despot desperate to reconstruct the old Soviet Union, does rather take a hit. It opens the door to consideration of whether Russia is doing no more than defending (a) its reasonable interests and (b) the people of the Donbas.

    As in nearly all such questions, much is lost in the mists of times past and war current, and almost nothing can be said to prove the point beyond reasonable doubt, but when so many issues all point in the same direction then the reasonable man on the Clapham omnibus might think "if the cap fits, then wear it".

    So where does the Nordstream pipeline fit into all this?

    "In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading

  • SELECTION CODE - The Movie


    This video is all about the US Election Fraud issue - an issue which isn't apparently guided by the evidence, but by political allegiance.

    If there was nothing to hide, why bother to hide it?

    Let's have the evidence (if any) out in the open where everyone can see it for what it is.

    Until then, the accusations and insults will continue. This is surely the biggest and most dishonestly handled issue in the USA today, and I can't see how they can allow this to fester indefinitely.

    This video gives us a potted history of US voting, the politics of voting, and the evidence for (and humour around) corruptible voting.

    "[S]ELECTION CODE is a political thriller uncovering a secret so critical to the survival of America it transcends political parties. It is not about correcting the past. It’s about correcting the future"

    Choices About Which Nobody Asked Our Opinion


    This title does sum up the manner in which our world is being guided into an apparently chaotic and uncertain but very likely not at all tranquil future.

     reviews the European situation (although he apparently wrote this before Boris told us all to pay the higher living costs "for the Ukraine").

    Wherever you look (honourable exception: Viktor Orbán), much as they did in response to Covid, politicians are banding together to punish their peoples, this time for Russia's activities in the Ukraine.

    Oh wait (nearly forgot) and to punish them for... well, living and breathing and creating CO2, in contravention of UN Agenda 2030, i.e.: for just being

  • Down the Rabbit Hole - and Into the Earth?


    There are many provocative ideas in this video, and all, some, or none of them maybe true. But wherever the truth may lie, it's a good exercise for the mind to think about what is being said here, and determine (a) what we can rule out (b) what we can think about further, and (c) what we should rule in. 

    I'm not making any suggestions either way, but if any of this should turn out to have substance, we may be in for even more interesting times than we have so far grappled with!

    "Current models of Earth's interior are not facts, they are theories... "

    (44 minutes)


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