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Free Citizen

  • No Placebo-Controlled Long Term Clinical Vaccine Trials


    Aaron Siri, lawyer for vaccine truth, tells us definitively what we already knew intuitively - vaccine safety is a myth founded on nothing except propaganda censorship and cover-up.

    How could that happen?

    Only by suppression of genuine journalism and control of the "free" press and media.

    How are we hearing about this now?

    Control over the free internet proved too difficult, the cat is now out of the bag.

    Thanks to Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree of the Highwire, his lawyer Aaron Siri, also latterly Andrew Bridgen, the many others who refused to give up, and the countless individual others who were prepared to fund them in whatever way they could.

    "Not a single childhood vaccine on the CDC's schedule was licensed based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial. Not

  • The UN Security Council Meeting on Gaza


    (38 minutes)


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  • Geddes on Bridgen ... and Job

    To comment on this would be superfluous - Martin as always speaks eloquently for us all.

    Andrew Bridgen: a modern-day Job?


  • A Reasoned Introduction to Your Personal Universe


    Aussie Paul Wallis introduces us to his exploration of ancient history and texts (including but not limited to the Bible and those of ancient Sumer) and what they may portend for our current and future world.

    Interestingly he says that he has reached his own conclusions from his own research, and has not relied upon the research of others - even so his conclusions do parallel the conclusions of others to a significant extent.

    And what relevance may these have to the infamous black projects of modern American times that reputedly harbour hidden technology from those ancient times?

    As a level-headed (as opposed to a religiously dogmatic) approach to the mystery of how humanity originated, I find this approach encouragingly accessible.

    (29 minutes)


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  • Farage Lays Out His Stall in Parliament


    Nigel makes his maiden speech in Parliament.

    This site doesn't do party politics, but Nigel is that rare breed of politician that actually sets out to change the political landscape, and indeed could be said to be personally more influential than any political party. Whatever you think of him, he has earned the right to be heard.

    But can he reprise his barnstorming perorations of EU Parliament infamy?

    I'll wait...

    (10 minutes)


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  • Spiritual War Out in the Open


    As the covert battle for world domination seems to be approaching some sort of climax, it's  nevertheless hard to see how it will end in any kind of tidy fashion. From the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, to the implosion of the Biden Pretendency, through the obscure state of the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the ever less convincing and unelected government of the EU Commission, and the continuing evolution of eastern nations into the formidable union of the BRICS, the signs of change are unmistakable and everywhere.

    Beneath these affairs of state, the state of affairs for the ordinary citizen does not progress well either, but is in various stages of latent and in some cases overt turmoil as citizenry of all stripes come to terms with the notion that governmental agencies of all kinds are not after all there for our benefit, or if they are, then they are failing in their most basic functions.

    Our politicians are controlled by others, our legal system is incomprehensibly byzantine, 

  • The Existential Threat to America


    Quite a long video from Scott Ritter, speaking about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

    We have become blasé about some of the extreme statements that have been made by self-styled leaders politicians and others concerning how their opponents might be dealt with, but Scott is having none of it.

    As he rightly says, this is (in this case) an American problem for Americans to resolve, but if anybody thinks that other countries don't have a similar problem, then maybe they are not paying attention.

    (27 minutes)


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  • Fulford Report - Monday 22 July 2024


    As may be expected, Ben's report this week majors on the fall-out from the Trump non-assassination last week.

    Whilst things are clearly careening along a new and unexpected trajectory, it's not over until it's over.

    Modest subscription required.

    More than ever, discerning the truth from the reportage is an endeavour undertaken more in hope and faith than in confidence these days.


  • Not a Health Service


    "Our" NHS has become such a byword for IPE (inefficiency, perversity, and evil) that I hesitate to publish anything any more about this great national organ of waste and dashed hopes, but it does seem necessary to remind people occasionally that any trust beyond the fixing of minor emergencies may be misplaced, and even most minor emergencies may be better fixed at home with a little forethought.

    That's not to say that there are no good people left in the service, but like all bureaucracies it is run by rules regulations and protocols dictated by "managers" who have no clinical expertise, or by remote expert groups who may display affinities for funding from pharmaceutical producers that may not be aligned with clinical best outcomes.

    It has now become so big, so removed from the patient, and so devoted to inappropriate funding that the advent of a new government

  • New Climate Peril - World's Deserts may be Shrinking!


    The Daily Sceptic reports that due to an excess of CO2, previously arid areas of the planet may be lost to vegetation.

    So in addition to all the other perils of CO2, we must now consider the shrinkage of arid areas of our landscape due to the unwanted encroachment of green vegetation.

    Clearly there is no time to be lost - these deserts must be covered in solar farms immediately in order to prevent further loss of habitat for desert-dwelling fauna and stop further combustion of carbon-based fuels.

    Read about the new Global Greening Peril.


  • Where Are the Great Men of Yesteryear When We Need Them?


    Sometimes it takes a man of long standing to review current events of moment, and undoubtedly the "shooting of Donald Trump" is one such event, an event that seems to have sealed the fate of the Democratic party prior to the November election 2024.

    So, a very significant event indeed.

    Perhaps the Grand Old Republican Party is now set fair to sweep the board?

    And yet, "the Donald" is said to be a man of his word - and the GOP was just as much a participating member of the Washington DC "swamp" as the Democratic Party, so perhaps there is still more water to flow under the bridge between now and November if DJT is to pull off his 2016 inaugural promise: to remove power away from Washington DC and return it to the people.

    Would merely re-electing the GOP into power come anywhere close to fulfilling that promise?

    Meanwhile, Bill Bonner reviews the historical context

  • Is Power being Returned to the People?


    The reported attempt to assassinate President Trump seems somehow to mark a watershed moment in the evolution of our world.

    Where America goes, the western world follows.

    So far it's been all downhill, but is the momentum somehow now reversing?

    (26 minutes)



  • The Bridgen Verdict on Parliament


    Andrew Bridgen's speech from 28th June.

    "... within 6 weeks of polling day... "

    "... the Party system is completely corrupted... "

    "... there's going to be a reckoning for this... "

    You heard it from Andrew first.

    (6 minutes)



  • The Shot Heard Around the World - and the Aftermath Incoming


    A very American presentation by military veterans and patriots, two hours of analysis of events and informed speculation on the future.

    Not to mention a hefty dollop of spiritual awakening for those still labouring under the delusion that our governments work for us...

    "... there's some things I can tell you, and there's some things that you have to experience for yourself... "

    Maybe, just maybe... did Trump get his retribution in first?

    (2 hours)



  • The Future According to Larry Fink?


    Whitney Webb runs through the Davos plan for their take-over of the world - including us.

    Everything and everyone will be tokenised, traded, and finally r*ped and pillaged,  including mother earth herself, for the benefit of the global elite for whom these systems are set up. Universal ids, CBDCs, and ESG monitoring systems will run the world by  permitting or denying purchases at point of sale.

    All will be tracked, monitored, and controlled through AI algorithms that will be "all-knowing and infallible" (even, and especially, when they are not - for how could a remote AI somewhere in the bowels of the web be challenged? Such systems don't have to work as advertised - they just have to be in control!).

    (15 minutes)



  • The Cass Review Reviewed


    The Free Speech Union discusses the free speech aspects of the Cass Review:

    "The Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People (The Cass Review) was commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement in Autumn 2020 to make recommendations about the services provided by the NHS to children and young people who are questioning their gender identity or experiencing gender incongruence."

    "The Gender Identity Development Service for children and adolescents is currently managed by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust"

    (1hr 44)

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