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  • Utterly Unfounded Public Hysteria


    Don't take it from me, take it from Dr Hodkinson of Canada.

    "I'm a medical specialist in pathology which includes virology. I trained at Cambridge University in the UK. I’m the ex-president of the pathology section of the medical association. I was previously an assistant professor in the faculty of medicine doing a lot of teaching. I was the chairman of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada Examination Committee in Pathology in Ottawa. But more to the point I’m currently the chairman of a biotechnology company in North Carolina selling a COVID-19 test"


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    Read the transcript

  • The Costs of Lockdowns - Preliminary Report


    The AIER, noting the dearth of attempts to measure the costs associated with locking down a population, has published its own summary of the many different unwanted outcomes. Whilst the many and varied effects are difficult to reduce to a single measure, the overall list makes for salutary reading.

    Based on figures mainly for the United States, they include reports from the UK and elsewhere where available.

  • "Covid-19: Politicisation, 'Corruption', and Suppression of Science" - BMJ Editorials


    Apparently the Liverpool testing programme is less than fully formed - this article in the BMJ explores the quick-turn-around test currently piloted in Liverpool and already being rolled out elsewhere in what to some might seem like unthinking haste, given that the pilot scheme has not yet been evaluated.

    "This is a screening programme, not opportunistic case finding: people are invited to have a test they would not otherwise have had, or asked for. If judged against the criteria drawn up by the UK’s National Screening Committee for appraisal of a programme’s viability, effectiveness, and appropriateness, it does not do well and has been already roundly criticised"

    "The test’s instructions for use state that it should not be used on asymptomatic people . . . . It suggests the test misses between one in two and one in four cases. The false positive rate of 0.6% means that at the current

  • Covid-19 Corona Legal Case - PCR Test "Discredited"


    German trial lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich (who practises in Germany and California) tells the story of how he became involved in investigating the Covid-19 situation, where this took him, and why he is encouraging lawyers around the world to initiate a national lawsuits against the alleged Covid fraud. He is not too shy to name names. Class action lawsuits are feasible in California but not in Germany or many other countries.

    His advice? "Do not give up, keep asking questions". Somehow I think that he is a man who will live up to his own advice.

    Here he is interviewed by Valuetainment - I think that they are living up to their name:


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  • “Fraud Vitiates Everything” - Possibly Even a Vaccine Roll-out?


    A legal opinion piece from State of the Nation reminds us of a home truth concerning fraud  - in Common Law it vitiates everything that depends upon it.

    It's true that they had the US election in mind when this was written, but it applies equally in Common Law jurisdictions.

    Something that anybody who wants to impose a new-technology vaccine (that has not completed its formal approvals process) on us for a virus that has not been proven to exist might be wise to ponder upon.

    Dr Mike Yeadon has made his views known to Matt Hancock (06/09/2020) (and to us via Twitter) - I reproduce the text below (my highlight):


  • Pfizer Covid Vaccine Success !


    And just in time for Christmas? Who would have thought it? And Matt Hancock has millions of doses lined up for mass vaccinations starting from 1st December? Wow! What foresight!

    Just a minute though - has this vaccine completed all its trials for efficacy and safety yet? (no).

    Has our government pushed through measures that enable it to proceed with vaccinations before the usual regulatory approval has been given? (yes)

    And has the vaccine manufacturer been granted legal indemnity in the event that this vaccine causes serious side-effects or even death? (yes)

    Who is shouldering all the risk here? The same mob who never got the opportunity to decide whether it would be a good idea to order all these vaccine doses at (our) huge expense? Or to decide if we wanted to bypass the usual checks and balances? (yes)


    The Trial:


  • More Tests = More Cases? Who Would Have Thought It?


    More good sense from the AIER. More tests might be a good idea if the testing regime were designed to estimate the prevalence of the infection within the population, but it seems that no statistical rigour has been employed - it's just "test more people, test everybody" apparently regardless of the absurd cost!

    Can "our" government find no qualified statisticians to get this testing shambles under control and bring the costs down to earth? If not, why not? Surely it cannot actually want the current free-for-all to continue?

    Dr Mike Yeadon has more - and more qualified than he

  • Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock's plan for permanent crisis in the UK


    Politico blows the whistle on the government's crazy response to the Covid situation:


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    For what it's worth, I think Politico is spot on.

  • Snowblind - Events and Consequences


    Andy Thomas is a long-time speaker, lecturer, researcher - and organiser of the Glastonbury Symposium (no topic off-limits?), which unhappily had to be brutally restructured this year from the usual full three day event down to a one day Zoom call.

    This video is taken from his presentation on that zoom call, back at the end of July, and it is interesting to consider where we were then against where we are now, in November.

    Whatever your take on this year's happenings, Andy is noted for his impartiality, objectivity, and meticulous search for and analysis of the evidence. I'm sure you will find much to contemplate here:


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  • Dispatches from the War . . .


    . . . but from the war on what?

    John Rappoport may seem uncompromising but is he wrong? He makes a great deal of sense to me, so I have little hesitation in featuring items from his blog on this site even though not everyone will agree with everything he says.

    He doesn't pull any punches.

    Here are his latest thoughts on vote fraud, lawyers, COVID vaccine, Biden plan, police powers, the Constitution. To which one might add the media attempting to usurp the power of the Electoral College to announce the next president of the United States - and various politicians from around the world falling in

  • LittleJohn Speaks


    Richard LittleJohn in the Daily Mail tells it as he sees it, no hold barred.

    "You can sleep with your wife but can't play tennis with her".

    The word "lies" features.

    "It’s a fact, not a ‘projection’, that 99.5 per cent of people who contract coronavirus recover from it. Many don’t even display symptoms." He doesn't mention where he gets that "fact" from but he's probably in the right ball-park.

    Good to see more and more articles in the mainstream that challenge the absurdities of lockdown.

    See more of his articles in the Mail on-line.

  • 'We've closed all of Cornwall down for three people in hospital'


    The Daily Mail reveals what is really going on in "our" NHS. A whistle-blower has publicly resigned after revealing that "she 'had no work for three weeks' at the height of the pandemic.

    Somehow I don't believe that she will be the last whistle-blower to come forward. Will the whole house of cards come crashing down shortly? Probably not, but the cracks are beginning to show.

    Meanwhile the Daily Telegraph takes apart the Covid projections that purported to show that the NHS was on course to be overwhelmed unless Boris took drastic lock-down action. If the government can't ensure that it's basic evidence is reasonably bullet-proof than what hope for

  • Sir Desmond Tells it Like it Is


    Sir Desmond is here interviewed by Jonathan Saxty of Brexit Watch.

    Some of us who have seen his recent interventions in the House of Commons may be familiar with his admirable clarity of thought and exposition. Here he reviews the status of the Covid Lockdown, moving on to give his views on the current state of the Brexit negotiations.


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  • Bonfire of Our Freedoms - Parliament Nods it Through - Plus Kristi Noem, Governor of South Dakota


    On this 5th day of November 2020 we mark the fact that Parliament for a second time simply nodded away our freedoms, with no real attempt to question the validity of the undoubtedly controversial "science" that our Government (Boris and Matt) is relying on, or to ensure that the collateral damage that will inevitably ensue has been properly assessed against the alleged risks to health and to the NHS.

    Parliament now cannot escape the charge that it is either complicit or asleep on the job.

    Viv Evans in Independence Daily sums up the thoughts of many.


    Also today Professor David Miles CBE is interviewed on

  • "Some Form of Normality" is Coming?


    Dave Cullen casts a wearied Irish eye over the latest covidiocies to be inflicted upon these isles in the run up to whatever Christmas has in store for us.

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    Here he is again, putting two and two together to make . . .     well, you decide!


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  • Stay scared, Control the individual, Save the bureaucracy!


    Brexit-Watch weigh in on Covid? What is going on?

    "What has gone terribly wrong is the Government and its associated apparatus of the state does not trust us. In effect they say we are not intelligent, or responsible enough to make our own choices based on widely available evidence. The man from the ministry knows best and you, little person, aren’t competent to make up your own mind. That is the road to serfdom."

    This has been coming a long time. The choice we are offered is between freedom and "safety". in 1949 we chose freedom, but who will lead us to freedom today?

    Apparently not the Danes, who are reportedly

    Brian Rose Interviews Dr Rashid Buttar


    Dr Buttar is one of the most outspoken doctors in America, and has not hesitated to call out the many mistakes that he alleges the governing classes have made in response to the Covid pandemic.

    Brian Rose is perhaps the most outspoken man in London, proprietor of London Real and the Digital Freedom Platform, dedicated to free speech and to providing the means by which those censored by other platforms can be heard.

    The result as might be expected is an interview which will certainly not find favour in many quarters. Do you dare to listen?

    90 minutes - but shorter clips are also available at the same URL cool

  • Reform UK Party Launched to Challenge Lockdown!


    The Reform UK Party will favour a nuanced approach founded upon the principles of the Great Barrington Declaration, allowing the majority of the economy to remain open.

    Brexit Watch brings us an interview with Richard Tice to explain all:


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  • The Shape of Things to Come?


    Couldn't happen here? Watch and make up your own mind.

  • How Spreading Covid-19 Hysteria Will Backfire for the Covid-19 Vaccine


    The AIER explains the practical implications of rushing out a Covid vaccine.