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Whitty - Not What You Thought He Was?
"Chris Whitty... told the Covid Inquiry this week that the decision to mandate Covid jabs was “100 per cent a political one” and he was "sceptical" of it"
"Has the public health establishment at least learned something from the last few years?"
If nothing else, these last few years have permitted the "public health establishment" in all its varied forms to demonstrate that they are totally immune to all criticism, whether justified or not. Immune even to the Nuremberg Codes that declared unequivocally that anybody to be subjected to a medical experiment must be (a) fully informed of the risks (b) free to decline to take part. They were coerced at every turn into taking an experimental intervention described as a "vaccine" which was in fact a largely untested gene therapy that turned out to confer no stoppage of onward transmission and negligible effective
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Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford et al
"Grooming Gang" territories, to mention three not at random.
These are murky waters wherein the judicial authorities intersected with local and national politicians, police, and indeed the press, evidently to suppress the criminal tragedies that took place over many years.
Consequently, informed and considered discussion about these matters is difficult to find, and prone to degenerate into political point-scoring which isn't productive.
So I welcome this interview between Peter Whittle and Simon Danczuk, a former Labour MP for Rochdale, who gamely answers Peter's questions as best he could - nobody comes out of this topic totally smelling of roses, but it is the sort of discussion that actually does advance our understanding of what took place, how and why, and what might now be best done about it.
You may or may not agree with everything said, but they do bring out some highly pertinent
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Mistakes Were Not Made?
"Mistake" is an ambiguous word. On the one hand it can reflect a happenstance where the effect is unwanted but was not intended, on the other hand it may indicate that the action was intended but that the result was unwanted. Unhappily, some events such as "yes I thought that hitting the cricket ball out of the field was a good idea, but I hadn't reckoned with it smashing a window or hitting a passer-by on the head" might be considered a "mistake" on both counts.
However, deliberately throwing the cricket ball out of the ground at the head of a passer-by would not normally be regarded as a mistake, as the result would be clearly intended.
So we could recognise an intermediate state where hitting the ball out of the ground may avoid damage to windows and heads most of the time, but not all the time, so may be considered deliberately reckless, and thus culpable.
So we may transpose the argument to a different situation, and ask whether recommending a novel
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Welby Resigns over Child Abuse Scandal
It's not the crime that gets you, it's the cover-up.
Somehow I suspect that this is the tip of the iceberg - expect more as the Biblical Revelation gets into full swing, and not just among the Anglican religious community.
(For the avoidance of doubt, I have no known connection to Keith Makin, whose review led to this event)
How Do We Know When a Politician is Lying to Us?
It's an old joke, and of course the answer is:
"when we see his lips move"
Of course it's not as simple as that...
... or is it?
II have to confess that on all the major issues of our day, it seems that both the politicians and the "free" press (mainstream) have consistently "been mistaken" and determinedly continue to "be mistaken".
A Piece for Our Times
This article gets to the heart of exactly where our world seems to be today.
"After disputing the classification of occupations into essential and non-essential in 2020, they now seem to apply these very terms to humanity itself"
Perhaps we should remind ourselves:-
“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one” - Charles Mackay
Perhaps it is now time for some serious introspection.
Neil Oliver Draws the Necessary Conclusions
It's hard to argue with Neil, so I won't.
Yes, we've heard it all before, but this is as close to throwing his toys out of the pram that I have seen our normally serene and civilised Neil approach.
"The legal definition of genocide is the committing of acts with the intention to destroy a people"
But is Ed Miliband stupid? (Is he even real?)
See what you think.
(15 minutes)
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Fulford Report - Monday 14 Oct 2024
In summary, the various hotspots remain active, although hard news remains elusive.
Ukraine is still crumbling, Israel is still trying to ignite WW3, the UK government is still making "news", but with AI and CGI rampant seemingly everywhere, one suspects that at least some of these players are already gone.
Lots of stuff is supposed to be happening "soon" but "soon" seems to be as elusive as ever. However, "patience is a virtue".
Still, it does seem that with the US hurricanes / "weather warfare" out of the way and FEMA exposed, the next big thing will be (as we are talking about the US) pedophilia as perhaps pushed by P Diddy and G Epstein. When/where paedophilia will come (if at all) is unknown, but perhaps the "special relationship" may turn out to have unexpected connotations.
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Neil Oliver's Thought for Our Times
Neil's narrative this week packs a sting in the tail - watch to the end.
(17 minutes)
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Update on Darkest Africa
Rwanda, DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), history of manipulation and exploitation of Africa - Matthew Ehret reviews the situation with PD Lawton.
Why no reports about this in the media?
This needs to be much more widely known:
(81 minutes)
Loath though I am to comment on the latest outrage (there are always more layers to unpack than seems reasonable for any "random nutcase" event), Claire Fox for the Daily Sceptic provides what strikes me to be a very level-headed review of what we know so far.
"... silencing, gaslighting and repression are the only political weapons the political elite feels at home with"
Sadly, this does seem to express a truth (although "only" is really a stretch too far). Just as every problem once seemed to the government to require either (a) more spending or (b) a new law (did they know how to do anything else?), now it also requires public opinion to be moulded by some form of gaslighting, or even (God forbid) by a false flag attack designed to set public opinion against the fingered perpetrator class (a pattern that has now become reasonably clear and provides Ole Dammegard with a previously unimagined but now busy career
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UK Column on NATO, Russia, Ukraine, UK, US War and Propaganda
Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson review the state of past and present UK government, UK media, the UK-US "special relationship"... and current and recent warmongering.
It's a deep dive into a very wide subject area indeed, but it does give a flavour of what UK Column was and is about and why they are about it.
" the policies are coming down this pipeline from the people who appear to be sociopaths... or... psychopaths... "
(1 hr 45 minutes)
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EDI = Self-Censorship - and We Pay For It!
EDI 30 years ago used to be Electronic Data Interchange, but since the internet made that passé, the TLA has been co-opted for "Equity Diversity and Inclusivity".
And there's a whole media and financial industry sprung up to enforce it. Who financed that?
It isn't clear that EDI has any positive financial implications, since in business, getting the best person for the job is likely to achieve the best financial results, all other things being equal; but since when did crusading politics care for financial results in the real world?
So who is paying for all this now?
Hidden History of the Khazarian Mafia - Parts One & Two
This is a History of the World as you have never been able to access before... and not for the faint of heart. Relax, it's over - if it wasn't, we wouldn't be watching it now.
Part One: Who Are You?
(96 minutes)
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Part Two: Who Are They?
(2 hrs 26 mins)
The Biggest Fraud in the World?
That is quite an assertion.
I have no information, but I know of a man who clams to have supportive information.
(56 minutes)
This is the link to find Gary's evidence:
Tutorial video link to help people find their own evidence:
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Medical Democide?
Was the alleged pandemic an excuse to kill the elderly?
Was it simple incompetence?
Or something else?
It's your view that counts.
(72 minutes)
Systematic Corruption?
Richard Vobes investigates... the worst type of corruption.
This needs to be investigated and heard in open court so that justice can be seen to be done. It is intolerable in a civilised society that such accusations can be left to fester unaddressed.
(57 minutes)
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The Cass Review - Portent of Transanity?
The Cass Review, as I need hardly remind everyone (!) is an "Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people".
Quite why we old relics are excluded from gender identity services, or perhaps merely from the independent review, is unclear, but maybe lack of demand had something to do with it, even though that same lack of demand didn't seem to stop them including children and young people.
Or maybe we old relics were too stuck in our ways to be manipulated into having ourselves so hideously reassigned, we may never know. Surely more research is needed?
Anyway, the review may not have turned out too favourably for the woke crowd, for whom nothing as traditional as the concept of a man and woman getting together to create a family and further the human race independently of state control, can be left unchallenged and
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It's All About Our Children - They are Under Attack
Neil Oliver spells it out.
"Children are a product, for sale"
"All mass movements are hostile to the family"
"The concept of the family is under attack"
(18 minutes)
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Freedom of Choice? Of Course Sir, Tory Labour or LibDem?
I suspect, I hope, I have faith that political life in this country is growing up.
In many places now we see the stirrings of disillusion, the crumbling of the assumption so assiduously cultivated until now, that having a choice of political parties at elections equates to freedom of choice.
What matters to the man on the Clapham Omnibus is not the colour of the party in power, but whether its policies are to the overall benefit of the people. We see now more clearly than perhaps ever before that on the policies that matter to the WEF, all major parties are at one with the monarchy.
There was a time when Parliament was happy to project the views of the people to the monarch and act as a restraint upon the monarch's power - Charles I took the fall in 17th century to achieve that status quo, yet here we are in the twenty first century with Charles III in close cahoots with the WEF corporate global oligarchs, and a supine Parliament in full lockstep with
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