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  • Another Documentary on the Covid Pandemic


    This site has been reporting on the Covid pandemic from the autumn of 2020, and I have no wish to cover old ground on this topic, but this is a new documentary which covers most of the main points in one video. 

    If you need a reminder, or want to suggest a video that covers most of the main points, then this may be for you. Be warned, it's revelations are appalling, unbelievable, but absolutely necessary viewing for those new to the topic.

    (53 minutes)



  • Are They Trolling Us?


    Daily the news is full of ever more ridiculous pronouncements by politicians, to the point that one really must wonder if they are taking the p**s.

    Nigel fields some easy questions from Nick... but where do we go from here?

    (13 minutes)


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  • Quebec Military in the Lead?


    Fake news, or the start of the end-game?

    You decide.


  • Dr Reiner Fuellmich Strikes Down Under


    A New Zealand Maori Court seems an unlikely venue for holding the Deep State operatives to account, but in the world of legal precedent this may be seen as an opportunity.

    Step 1 - Assert their authority as the Maori nation (Declaration of Independence 1835)

    Step 2 - Prosecute the miscreants on the merits of the case

    Stop World Control reports...

    (65 minutes)

    (and no, she's not wearing a face mask!)



  • Matt Ehret Discusses the British Monarchy and Empire


    Matt is a Canadian historian of encyclopedic knowledge, with some rather unconventional views that many may feel unwarranted; but what he has to say isn't based on mere conspiracy theory, it's based on his interpretation of a great deal of circumstantial evidence - "you shall know them by their fruits".

    (See also this analysis of Britain's second empire) 

    Perhaps Matt's perspective isn't so far-fetched...

    (56 minutes)



  • Vatican, Nazis, Swiss Banks and More Explained


    This video from an event in 2000 recounts history from the personal perspective of someone who spent his life somehow becoming familiar with WW2 and subsequent events unfolding, as described in this rather unusual and engaging presentation. 

    Of course, as in all matters involving high politics and intelligence agencies, it's up to us to determine how much truth and/or disinformation is revealed...

    Nevertheless, it offers a welcome respite from some of the rather more in-your-face reporting that current affairs tend to generate.

    (48 minutes)



  • PCPW at Parliament Square!


    An excellent report from PCPW on the 17th of May protest outside Parliament - 

    "It should never have been necessary in any country that prides itself on fair play and decency to have to campaign and gather in public to advocate for the safety of children"

    Indeed so, yet we have now come to the stage where black is white, up is down, and wrong is right. There is no rhyme or reason to it, except to convince people that the battle is lost, even kids are fair game, and resistance is futile.

    Wrong on all counts.


  • "NATO Attacks Moscow" - Redacted


    The latest developments in the Ukraine, following the fall of Bakhmut. 

    How deep does NATO involvement go? 

    UK and US politicians haven't exactly distanced themselves from the conflict at any time since it started, apparently believing (along with all our famously "independent" and "unbiased" and now unquestioning media) that negotiations with Russia to end it would not somehow be appropriate.

    (25 minutes, plus additional topics)



  • The Global Fascist Biosecurity State


    David Scott (in a suit?!) for UK Column interviews Simon Elmer in this somewhat academic discussion around the latest form of fascism to strike our world.

    "Fascism has gone global"

    (78 minutes)



  • Clash of the Narratives ... or of the Facts?


    Ambassador Andrei Kelin interviewed by the BBC's impartial Laura Kuenssberg.

    It's not my place to comment, so I won't.

    It's for each of us to make up our own minds.

    (30 minutes)


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  • Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser


    Every once in a while we need to step back from the brink and remind ourselves just what a familiar yet naggingly strange world we live in.

    And when the reminder comes in serious form humourously presented, our cup runneth over.

    (Still, you do have first to get past the "word from our sponsor", but it's worth it)

    (56 minutes)


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  • The Fulford Monday Report - 29 May 2023


    A roller-coaster of a report this week, indicating many things that we thought true to be false, alongside evidence that more bad actors are being uncovered world-wide. The landscape is changing.

    How much longer can this tottering edifice continue to totter?

    Hopefully, we will find out soon...

    Modest subscription required.


  • WHO to Protect Us from "Infodemics"


    Are there any lengths to which the WHO will not go to protect us from...  well, anything they don't like?

    Apparently not.

    It seems that they noticed that during the recent "pandemic" there was a certain amount of disagreement, even push-back against their pandemic narrative, and, well, if that sort of thing happens again at the next pandemic (which we are assured is definitely incoming, although the reasoning behind that assertion remains unexplained and therefore unsupported) then who can predict how matters will turn out?

    Hence the need (according to the WHO) for PRET (the "Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats" - catchy titling still isn't their forté).

    Becker News (no, me neither, but the mainstream

  • Neil Oliver On A Roll (or two!)


    Comment from me is superfluous - Neil is far more capable than I to expess his views.

    (12 minutes)

    Watch this video on the "green agenda" here.

    (YouTube doesn't permit it to be embedded! Perhaps you should be protected from too much straight thinking?)

    (11 minutes)


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  • Lord Frost - Is Net Zero Compatible with Mass Prosperity?


    Will Lord Frost be the last honest politician standing?

    "Lord Frost delivered the 2023 Annual GWPF Lecture to an audience in central London on the evening of Thursday 25th May"

    "... 30 years dealing with the EU gives you a very good nose for bad economics, for lobbying, rent-seeking, for la pensée unique, for corporatism, and indeed for a suspicion of capitalism and markets... "

    "... whether we in the West can sustain the confidence to face our challenges and to succeed as the world’s leading economies and societies... "

    Quite so.

    Where does confidence come from? 

    Do we become

  • Down the Rabbit Hole - Into the Hive Mind


    Setting aside my preconceptions... there is good logic in this one!

    Whatever preconceptions you may be carrying, just check out the logic here. We should always think for ourselves, we should not accept unquestioningly anything that we are told - by anyone - and really, that is exactly her message.

    Does it stack up? Go figure.

    (8 minutes)

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  • The Murky Waters of the Universe, Life, and Everything


    This is a bit long at 90 minutes, but he covers a great deal of ground at quite a pace - please try to keep up!

    The inimitable Michael Tellinger delves into pre-history, and pulls out some extraordinary stones,  interesting theories, and astounding connections - yes, it appears that "they" may have really lied to us about everything...  and we may never be the same again. It will be a brave new world, but not as Aldous Huxley documented it.

    Fasten your seat-belts and plunge in...

    (91 minutes)


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  • The Murky Waters of Council Tax "Liability Orders"


    The Martin Geddes Council Tax saga takes another turn around the vortex.

    Is this a "steady eddy", or is it liable to collapse one way or the other?

    Martin takes time out to regale us with the latest (not entirely fulsome) data request response from the man from the ministry.


  • "People are Sobering Up, But Will We Sober Up?


    Colonel Macgregor reviews the situation around the Ukraine (again).

    (19 minutes)


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  • Cornwall Ups the Anti!


    The fight is moving from the national level to the local level.

    Local councils will now be in the firing line, and Cornwall has thrown down the gauntlet, "pledging its support for local farmers and the role they play in the local economy".

    "There is no county farm that survives solely from arable in Cornwall"

    "The motion in Cornwall was first proposed by Conservative councillor... and was passed almost unanimously"

    Tories take note.