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  • mRNA Results ... of Injection of Women and Mothers-to-be


    "... we exposed the most vulnerable to new risks that outweighed by far the original pandemic risks"

    "Today, more and more [results] of coronavirus measures pop up in our official statistics but few are interested to know"

    This is something that we should all know, as it strikes at the heart of humanity's future.

    Read the report.

    Watch the video:

    (56 minutes)



  • How to Approach our Spiritual Journey


    It's been a helter-skelter few years which have posed spiritual challenges both unfamiliar and enormous - but maybe not actually complicated.

    Unless you are one of those who rejects the very concept of spirituality. If so, just consider the simple logic - if we work together we are obviously more productive and powerful than if we fight each other. 

    To work together we must reach genuine agreement, which requires the free flow of ideas and true information. To avoid the fighting we must agree to stick to peaceful discourse.

    Everybody has the equipment between their ears to understand these points, but for whatever reason we are not all willing to make the deductions that follow on from them.

    This is a useful ramble around the psychology of these situations, and it challenges us all to face up to the realities.

    As individuals working separately we are not going to

  • Thought of the Week


    Martin Geddes with another of his dissertations on the current state of events within the broader sweep of recent (and not so recent) history.

    In times like these when it's become extremely difficult to determine what is true and what is false, confusion is our ever constant companion;  yet is it possible by setting events within context to bring some clarity at least to the overall direction of travel.

    Our planetary exodus from being taken hostage


  • Fulford Report Monday 24 July


    Agreement between the powers on Ukraine - now where's the ceasefire?

    Where too is the end of "sanctions on Russia" - where will Europe get its gas supplies from this coming winter?

    Plenty of details remain to be sorted, but at least that negotiation should get under way shortly.

    Small subscription required.

    We wish Ben an uneventful time of "recharging the batteries" in Canada... events permitting! 


  • For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against ... spiritual wickedness in high places


    Ephesians 6:12

    How else to describe the battle for the hearts and minds of our compatriots who have been seduced by the many psy-ops that were unleashed upon humanity these last years? Indeed, these last decades?

    Indeed, if we think about it, these last centuries - nay, even millennia?

    And if you doubt my assertions of temporal scale, Michael Tellinger has a story to tell you.

    Which brings us inevitably to the rather serious question - how much else have we been deceived about? Must we really question everything that we have been taught?

    Amongst many other questions of relevance,  how much of our Bible is really the unadulterated

  • Clif High Reports - Summer Immediacy


    This is an audio report (with pretty but unrelated pictures) which I deduce is 2023 and very topical.

    It's a bit technical, but bear with it.

    August incoming - keep up your situational awareness, prime it by listening to this recording.

    "... they can't have you talking about [this]... "

    "... they can't go back... "

    "... this is going to be a very very very entertaining late summer, fall and early winter... "

    (28 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video 

  • The True Origin of Money?


    Richard Vobes interviews Michael Tellinger, proponent of the Ubuntu "one small town" movement.

    "... it [money] arrived as a fully evolved, fully planned, premeditated tool of enslavement "

    "... we're not opposing the system, because if you do that you're going to lose"

    Essential viewing.

    (72 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.



  • Five Eyes, NATO, & Chinese Election Interference


    Anybody that thinks they know they know their post-WW2 history may need to review this.

    Matt, a Canadian historian, has made a study of this period that paints a very different picture to that to which most of us may be accustomed.

    As so often, the secret services MI6, CIA, CSIS feature heavily...

    Sadly this Canadian presentation is heavy on the overbearing background muzak, but Matt is extremely knowlegeable and always (in my view) worth listening to.

    (25 minutes)



  • All You Never Wanted to Know About 5-6-7G Wireless Bands


    Featuring an all-star cast of technocrats:

    Prof Ian F. Akyildiz

    Prof Josep M Jornet

    Nanotechnology being used today to connect people's bodies to the internet of things

    Terahertz frequency band enabling Teranets

    Biological embedded computing devices (internet of bio-nano things)

    Covid jabs: "small-scale bio-nano machines to monitor all health" 

    All connected up via low earth orbit satellites, and yes, they benefit from geo-engineering...

    This is a crash course introducing the communications side of the incoming technocratic control grid - you may wish to halt the video and take snapshots of the diagrams.

    Keep Calm and Carry

  • No Dig, No Knead


    Charles Dowding shows Richard Vobes how it's done.

    Lot's of good tips here... so get your notepad and pen ready!

    (58 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • The Bernician Moves Hancock Case to the Court of Public Record


    We have reported on this case before.

    If memory serves, the Bernician started his case alleging "the Midazolam Murders" before Mark Sexton began his for the more general Covid restrictions. Doesn't time dull the memory?!

    His efforts were rebuffed out of hand by Westminster Magistrates several times.

    So now he has moved to convene a Grand Jury court of public record, which will mean that according to our constitution, the authorities will be duty bound to hold a trial.

    "nobody will stand in the way of our Private Criminal Prosecutions this time"

    How precisely that will pan out remains to be seen.

    (The video below is just the first of several -

  • Down the Rabbit Hole - to the Moon?!


    (New readers may like to check out the other articles in our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series, where we look at out-of-the-usual issues that many dismiss as absurd, but which seem remarkably resilient and are not easily disproved - forewarned is forearmed!)

    Ah yes, the enigmatic moon - silently patrolling our night (and day!) skies, ever waxing and waning, mysteriously controlling the female cycle, for ever guiding our tides and giving life to our beaches.

    Some say even influencing our farming practices and mental states...   is there anything the moon doesn't poke its nose into? 

    Of course NASA have already been to the moon haven't they? (Or have

  • Are We Aiding and Abetting Child Slavery?


    "The Modern Slavery Act will give law enforcement the tools to fight modern slavery, ensure perpetrators can receive suitably severe punishments for these appalling crimes and enhance support and protection for victims. It received Royal Assent on Thursday 26 March 2015"

    " * require businesses over a certain size to disclose each year what action they have taken to ensure there is no modern slavery in their business or supply chains(my emphasis)

    " * create an independent anti-slavery commissioner to improve and better coordinate the response to modern slavery"

    Yet we still import batteries that include cobalt inside all kinds of modern electronics that I have no doubt source that cobalt from mines in the Congo, which

  • "Unlawful and Possibly Criminal"


    Dr Anna Loutfi of The Bad Law Project explains what is going on in our schools in their attempt to teach PSHE (Personal Social Health and Economic since you ask).

    It seems to be inexplicably linked with RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) and HE (Health Education).

    Full disclosure - the Bad Law Project has links with the Reclaim Party. This site does not support any political party, but we are concerned about the state of our education system, upon which the government is always happy to impose its own brilliant ideologies, so on balance we are happy to feature this video.

    Of course, the government doesn't invent its ideologies, it imports them from... well, anywhere really, but

  • "Agent Zelensky" - Part Two


    Part One here.

    Part Two follows...  and the muzak is... tolerable.

    (45 minutes)



  • Update Following the 2nd Attack on the Crimea Bridge


    Scott Ritter updates us on the recent developments, including a brief history of the origins of this struggle for good measure.

    Is Odessa now in the target sights?

    (23 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Storm Incoming?


    These last years have opened our eyes to the fact that our governments do not work for us, they work for the globalists. Who runs the globalists? There are articles elsewhere on this site that may give us some thoughts about that, but for current purposes it doesn't really matter.

    What does matter is breaking their hold over us.

    It seems that the time is near.

    Mark Sexton and others have been instrumental in assembling the evidence of wrong-doing in the UK, and submitting it to the Metropolitan Police and other police forces around the country (Crime nbr 6029679/21).

    Others have also

  • You Will Know Them by Their Fruits


    Matthew 7:15-20

    My worst subjects at school were history and geography. So I'm not a historian and cannot claim any historical insight for myself.

    Nevertheless I received a Christian upbringing for which I am grateful - I find the teachings of Christ as recorded in the Bible to be relevant practical and sensible. As for the rest of it, I retain my right to suspect that over the long course of history, translation, and "interpretation", "mistakes" will have been incorporated.

    When we review the long history of European Christianity we can see that it has been an unending power struggle, complete with religious wars and the persecution and burning of heretics who displeased the various religious authorities, and foremost amongst the latter we must rank the Vatican. These persecutions were not the fruits of Christ's teachings,

  • The People Strike Back?


    The "radical left" AKA the communist/socialist/extreme-woke have been having it all their own way for what seems to some like an eternity, although in its in-your-face extreme form it is only a few years old.

    Aided and abetted by governments elected on quite different promises, they have been pushing their nonsense via non-government channels in academia, the media, the social media, and even so-called health services that in practice have a monopoly on "the truth" as handed down to their patients.

    Still, society has so far largely refused to break down, although the French have been having their difficulties recently over the perceived effects of largely uncontrolled migration.

    Instead, the "far right" (or as we used to know it, "the right", who value independence, the family, parental responsibility, free speech, and an education that inculcates the ability to learn through questioning investigation and logical deduction) has been staging a come-back,

  • Fulford Report Monday 17 July 2023


    It appears that the Ukraine war is about to be (probably messily but by no means too early) terminated, that NATO has given up on a kinetic WW3, there is therefore hope for peace, and if Russia gets her way, hope for biological weapons criminal trials.

    Still, corporatism has still not been dented and the UN-WEF Climate-Change psychos are still spreading their ridiculous fear as far and wide as they may.

    It's a pity there is no international treaty against the psychological manipulation of the public.

    A report with lots to interest us this week (modest subscription required for full version).