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  • What's Up with Glyphosate?


    Glyphosate, the herbicide that remains undead - even though following court cases it has been removed from Roundup available for retail, it's still being sold to farmers and is widely used (allegedly) on grains (wheat, oats, barley etc) to make them easier to harvest.

    Breakfast cereal anybody?

    Granola bar?

    Bread and Marmite, beans on toast?

    In fact, usage is so widespread that there is practically nothing we can buy that isn't contaminated to some extent, even organic grains, fruit, and vegetables.

    Of course, it's the extent that matters - organic tends to be much less contaminated than non-organic - and I'm sure that there is some non-organic produce that ranks equally low in glyphosate, it's just that it's not identifiable in the

  • What's Up with Ivermectin?


    I'm no expert and don't have the time to look into it in depth...

    ... but these days, nothing would surprise me!

    If you are inclined to do your own research, here are some links to get you started.


  • Neil Nails It


    Parliament has arrogated our sovereignty, the sovereignty of "we the people", to itself - they're going to keep it until we take it back.

    (10 minutes)

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  • Hamas Unmasked?


    By the nature of such matters, I cannot verify this report. But I would not rule it out either, as I have seen other reports that Hamas was created/funded by Israel in order to split Gaza off from the West Bank.

    (11 minutes)



  • The Covid Confusions


    Laura Dodsworth has posted a personal reaction (not hers) to the Covid "pandemic", that well illustrates the state that some (previously trusting) people were driven into by the incessant and contradictory gaslighting put out by our government and its agencies (official and unofficial).

    Being by profession driven by logic and evidence, I personally was protected from this sort of confusion because I could see through the nonsense at an early stage, and from then on it was a case of keeping up with the evidence as it unfolded.

    However, for those who are are inclined, indeed have been trained/brainwashed by the media (and the education system?) for years to trust the government and its agencies, and to react emotionally to news reports, those had few mental anchors to enable them to make sense of the messaging.

    This lady has done us all a service by describing how she

  • Down the Rabbit Hole - What's Up with the Moon?


    (Let me start with the customary suggestion - readers are advised to read my other 'Down the Rabbit Hole' titles (use top left Search box), in particular Down the Rabbit Hole - 1, before continuing)

    Our regulars will already be familiar with Clif High, a man of remarkable talent, stupendous memory, and somewhat off-the-cuff presentation, and here he is giving us the latest "woo" on the topic of the moon - is it what were led to believe? If not, what is it and what does it do?

    Here he talks to Jean Claude (of Beyond Mystic) to bring us up to



    "The Wakaminenga Māori Government (“WMG”) operate under “Native Māori Jurisdiction.” It is the first nation jurisdiction of New Zealand. It is recognised in pre and post-treaty British imperial law"

    "Since 28 October 1835, the WMG has been recognised under international law as the lawful government of Aotearoa Nu Tireni (transl. New Zealand)"

    Agreement was reached with the British that they would protect the Maori from all attempts upon their independence, and that all who came to New Zealand to settle and/or to trade would also be protected.

    In other words, mutual protection.

    So how have the Maori government of New Zealand reacted to the Covid over-reach?

    As the lawful government of New Zealand, they have revived their administration and reportedly put some of the perpetrators on

  • Migration Situation UK - Like the Curate's Egg, Good in Parts


    Alp Mehmet of Migration Watch UK brings us up to date with the latest situation. Is improvement down to our government, or are there other factors in play?

    Perhaps Rwanda is now hosting some of those who came to our shores illegally? Or maybe some have found that the hotels in which they have been accommodated are no longer to their liking and have gone home? Or perhaps "our" government has stopped ferrying inflatables half-way across the Channel to our shores, and instead ferried them back closer to France?

    No prizes for guessing that the above measures are not responsible for the "good" parts of this egg.

    "... what the deal... shows is that when those coming illegally from a safe country know they will not be allowed to stay, they will stop coming"

    Migration Watch

  • Great Green Implosion Incoming?


    First up, NetZeroWatch:

    "Campaign group Net Zero Watch says that the wind industry has effectively admitted that it has been deceiving the British public over the cost of the energy 'transition'. RWE Renewables has just told the Government that it needs its subsidy 'strike price' to rise by 70% if any more wind farms are to be built"

    Whilst this comes as no surprise to those of us who follow such matters, given the already accelerating price of power in the UK, it doesn't really take much imagination to see that this sort of price trajectory is in nobody's interests, nor is it slowing down. After so many years of subsidies to "kick-start" the green revolution, "renewables" are still unable to stand on their own feet. Will the

  • Get Out of This!


    Martin Geddes is nothing if not persistent.

    This is his latest round of persistence in challenging the alleged fraud of the obligation to pay Council Tax.

    Whatever we may think of the notion that we may not need to pay Council Tax (after all, somebody has to collect the rubbish!) it is a sad reflection on the rule of law that it isn't obviously a lawful obligation.

    Of course it's perfectly lawful to pay Council Tax, just as it's perfectly lawful to give a gift to a street beggar - the contention lies in the notion that it is not lawful to not pay it. After all, it's a sound principle of law that an obligation to pay arises from a contract, and a contract requires a meeting of minds on the part of both parties. 

    So Martin's quest to test the lawfulness of the alleged obligation to pay Council Tax is a noble quest, because if our governments (local and/or national) are issuing fraudulent demands for payment by

  • The Whitewash Liberally Applied


    Baroness Hallett appears to be fulfilling her brief as Chairperson of the Covid Inquiry in spades, if the latest report from the Daily Sceptic is to be believed.

    Of course there can be no countering of official group-think, especially when that same group-think may have led to unconscionable crimes by the said officials, but is not the very purpose of the enquiry to hear the real evidence and to follow that evidence wherever it may lead, even to uncover and demonstrate possible perversity in the group-think itself?

    Well, maybe, or maybe not.

    "In one of the most jaw-dropping interjections of the inquiry to date, Baroness Hallett... pressed Sir Peter Horby, an esteemed epidemiologist at Oxford University, who had indicated that he believed universal masking was not a straightforward decision: “I’m sorry,

  • A Crisis of Humanity


    Technocracy News and Trends brings us the Westminster Declaration, a commitment to human rights and freedom of speech, signed by a veritable who's who of independent-minded international journalists, academics, artists, authors, activists and technologists.

    Patrick Wood comments:

    "In March 1783, George Washington gave an address, “If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” This only tells that there are always those who want to muzzle everyone else. Today, the most prominent anti-free speech cabal is led by Technocrats, and demonstrably so. These are the pied pipers, ne, the Sirens of Crete who lured sailors to their death with irresistible music.

    In Greek mythology, the music of the Sirens of Create crowded out all other melodies, and they could only be killed by more beautiful music. Today, Technocrats are wrapped in a simulacrum while

  • The Man Who Made a Difference


    This is the story of the authorities' persecution of a gym owner during lockdown, as related by Martin Geddes.

    In a world where far worse actions are routinely taking place abroad, it is still a salutary story, because it took place on our doorstep here in England, and it demonstrates exactly why a police and courts system with no "moral compass" must be held to account.

    Eddie Ellwood: the man who made a difference.

  • Our Existential Crisis


    Neil Oliver chats with evolutionary biologist  Bret Weinstein on the growing political crises, which now look very like a power struggle for ultimate control of the world and everything on it. Will it fall to the people, who would seem to have an impossible learning curve to climb, or will the self-appointed elite triumph?

    Perhaps it's too much to expect a definitive answer to that question, but maybe evolutionary biology has some relevant pointers to share with us.

    (10 minutes)


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  • Macgregor on Tucker - War with Iran - How Would That Work?


    The Israel-Gaza conflict could be the spark that ignites a regional war if the West's response isn't carefully thought through. Neither events of recent years nor current pronouncements are reassuring on this point.

    Nor can further escalation from regional war to a global war be ruled out.

    "Killing people isn't going to solve the problem"

    "Historically, wars run out of control"

    Keep calm and watch the video:

    (28 minutes)  


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  • Two Hoaxes in One Article


    Climate "science" (as practised by the IPPC-UN-WEF and our political classes) must be one of the longest running and most pernicious scams ever, or if not ever, probably in my lifetime.

    It has recently been accompanied by a supporting cast of minor hoaxes - minor that is in comparison with the Big One, but pretty big in their own right, and first and foremost among these is undoubtedly the Covid.

    Neither of these scams take a great deal of work to understand, but those who are not of an enquiring mind, and/or are wont to believe the authorities and the "fiercely independent" press and media, all fall for them hook line and sinker - thus becoming singularly unwilling to consider that they may just possibly have been hornswoggled.

    The Climate scam is of course close to the perfect scam, in as much as climate science being possibly the most complex topic known to man is really not amenable to argument by the man in the street, because so many factors are

  • The Laws of War, or the Wars of Law?


    It's some time since one Donald John Trump stepped down from the White House, and that's probably just the way he likes it.

    For those of us struggling to understand the events of the modern world, this video purports to shed some light by reviewing the laws that expert Derek Johnson believes to be guiding matters.

    We might also be advised to cast our minds back to the DJT "capitulation tour" of 2017/18 - it seems that the world has never been the same since.

    You may wish to skip the first 4 minutes of "word from our sponsor" - it's not really connected to the topic in hand - although we surely do need faith at this particular juncture of history!

    (67 minutes)



  • Seminar on Constitutional Law


    Brought to us by Martin Geddes, this seminar by William Keyte is described, Magna Carta is referenced, and the jury system is cited.

    "Knowledge of natural law has been occulted, to the detriment of the many, and benefit of a few"

    "there is massive gaslighting and miseducation, such as the constant repetition that our constitution is unwritten, when it is not"

    "Most people in the legal profession sincerely believe they are functioning under the constitution"

    "To play them at their illegitimate game is to volunteer to lose"

    "We pay too much attention to what 'they' are doing to us, and not enough to what we should be doing"

    "There is no real education here of juries as to their power and rights"

    "Alternating manifestos

  • CDBCs - Saviour of Dissenters? Or Digital Prison?


    Well, here's a new slant on CBDCs... We need them!

    They will obviate the debanking suffered by many (not just Nigel) on the whims of the retail banking fraternity, and still won't provide the authorities with the details of your purchases, so "they" won't be able to control our spending even if they wanted to

    Yes, as always, the devil is in the detail.

    Of course, if your purchasing power is held in a CBDC then it's not going to be subject to loss if your banker of choice goes bankrupt, because your banker of choice will be the central bank, which by definition cannot go bankrupt, or if it did it would take the whole country down with it. This would be an advantage of the CBDC - CBDCs are not inherently worse in all respects than the current system of banking.

    It will all depend upon

  • Colchester - Dialogue with the Deaf?


    It is noticeable that whatever anybody may say about the democratic process, our "elected representatives" all seem to spend more time following WEF-driven narratives than they do listening to their own residents.

    What business is it of any local council to even listen to the WEF? Come to that, what business is it of our parliamentarians to listen to the WEF WHO etc?

    Perhaps we need to learn to make ourselves heard and to remind our elected representatives of whom they are supposed to serve. 

    Colchester City Council appears to be a case in point, as demonstrated in this rather excellent little video:

    (15 minutes)


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