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  • World Offensive Against the Forces of Darkness


    If you want to read some positive reporting instead of the interminable nonsense about fake pandemics, then Benjamin Fulford is suggested for you.

    A Canadian journalist and resident of Japan, he claims contacts in security services the world over and produces material unavailable elsewhere.

    Whether it is accurate or not... perhaps we will eventually discover. I suspect it is as accurate a picture as is probably available to you and I, but perhaps some of the detail may be slightly adrift, but no matter.

    He does require a modest subscription but it's a sub I am happy to suggest is worthwhile :)

    This is today's report.

    Don't miss it!

  • Fruit and Veg - Elixir of Life?


    We are a long way from pre-history these days, but maybe the people of those times have something of value to teach us about longevity.

    Certainly my own health experience has improved by leaps and bounds once I started to include fresh fruit and vegetables in daily quantity - I do not wish to go back.

    It may be true that a link between diet and longevity has not been specifically proven, but it is pretty obvious that a poor diet leads to poor health. So how much extra life could we expect from dietary improvement (alongside environmental improvement of course)?

    A thought to conjure with perhaps.


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • A Brief History of "Pandemic Preparedness"


    This presentation is from March 2001, so a little out of date as far as the results of vaccination are concerned.

    Paul Schreyer pulls together the chain of events that started in the 1990s... and brings it up to date with the Trump presidency.

    "... authoritarian control of citizens is imposed and remains in place even after the pandemic is over... "

    "... citizens willingly give up their sovereignties and liberties... it is only after ten years of top-down rule that people start rebelling... "

    "I refuse to accept the demise of our world order" -John McCain

    "... so from 2017 these two weighty gentlemen [from the Welcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation] have been counselling the German government and have sat at a table with Christian Drosten and the German health minister... "


  • Lyme Regis or Lyme Connecticut?


    This is technically about health, but touches on so many topical issues that I found it irresistible.

    However, I have not personally corroborated any of the assertions made, so you are on your own there. 

    Needless to say, if you are ill you are advised to consult a qualified doctor. Nevertheless, a doctor can advise you, but you retain responsibility for your own health, and I personally subscribe to the view that good health starts with a good diet as part of a healthy life-style.

    None the less, sometimes one's health does need a helping hand.


    (1hr 26 mins)


  • Another Power-Grab by the UK Government?


    The BlackBeltBarrister reports that our over-reaching administration, not content perhaps with the destruction already wrought on our constitutional checks and balances, now intends to review the decisions of the Courts with a view to undoing those that they don't like.

    Now, it used to be that the Courts effectively reported to the then highest Court in the land, the House of Lords - until one Tony Blair decided that we needed to reform that situation, resulting in the establishment of our Supreme Court. 

    So the historical precedent is that the courts did report to parliamentary supervision (whatever the drawbacks of that particular arrangement may have been).

    Now I have not read the report in the Times (I prefer not to pay for warped news) so I cannot verify if this commentator's

  • Judge Orders FDA to produce the Pfizer Application Data Pronto


    Lawyer Aaron Siri (who has been known to work for ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) in the past) reports on the latest legal ruling requiring the FDA to release "all the data submitted by Pfizer to license its Covid-19 vaccine".

    The FDA having previously lost the battle to keep this data secret, had then declared that it needed around 75 years in order to fully release this information.

    The court however has taken a different view and given them less than one hundredth of the time that the FDA claimed to need, meaning that instead of producing the information at 500 pages per 30 days, it must now produce 55,000 pages in that time-frame, thus completing the task within one year.

    Given this volume of data it's clearly a miracle that the FDA were able to read, understand, and determine whether the Pfizer data warranted the grant of the Emergency Use application at the time of their original deliberations. I take my hat off to

  • On the Science of Pervasive Insanity


    That's a succinct title for a methodology to persuade us that we should respect our rulers and do as we are told, through a form of psychosis / hypnotism based on fear, even on almost nameless dread.

    Isn't that how our mass media have been "programming" us for the last few (or perhaps many?) years?

    First use confusion and fear to provoke an emotional state of mind in which we find it difficult to think logically, to analyse our situation, and to work out a rational response.

    Then provide a message that appears to offer some certainty and a way forward, a message that will be welcomed by the emotional confused but which leads only deeper into the morass of conflicting messaging and dire predictions.

    "In this video I expand on the theory of Mattias Desmet and explain exactly how it

  • Down the Rabbit Hole 3 - The Human Mind as a Battlefield


    If you have not already done so, I suggest that you should review Down the Rabbit Hole 1 and Down the Rabbit Hole 2 before continuing.

    "Dr Evil's Weaponized Toolkit":

    • Brain Hacking
    • Neuralink
    • Human "enhancement"
    • Super soldiers
    • Brain/computer interfaces

    Neuroscience and Technology

    Psy-ops and Influence ops

    "... this is the first time that I saw

  • PUB Supports Met Police to Investigate "Midazolam Murders"


    As 2022 gets under way, we have news that the Bernician is joining forces with Mark Sexton and others to support the inclusion of the Midazolam allegations within the Metropolitan Police investigation into alleged misconduct in public office and gross negligent manslaughter by various defendants.

    This will not (at least for now) affect the PUB's (People's Union of Britain) private criminal prosecution already submitted to the legal system.

    The onus is now on the Met to mount an appropriate combined national investigation, and on the Courts to respond to the PUB's PCP and schedule a hearing, or dismiss it out of hand as of no merit.

    "Nevertheless, given that there are already four officers, including a detective superintendent, working on the case, I intend to inform them[ the Met ] that PUB agrees in principle to submit evidence that is materially relevant to their investigation, provided that is now treated as a nationwide murder

  • Wide-Ranging Corona Update from Dr Reiner Fuellmich


    The latest review and update from the Corona Investigative Committee:

    "... the two basic lies on which everything rides here... one is there are asymptomatic infections (of course there aren't any and even if there were they don't play a role in this... )... the PCR test can tell you who is infected and who isn't... that is the second lie ... "

    "... we don't know what's in the shots, only they do... "

    "... 'we must all submit to a new world government under the UN'... "

    "... it is more and more obvious that... everyone knows someone who suffered serious problems... after vaccination... since the beginning of... the shots... we have ... excess mortality of 40% - this is unheard of... this cannot be swept under the rug much longer... " 

    "... we have to be very careful not to let this spin out of control into

  • London - Blueprint for the Technocracy to Come?



    "For better or worse, London has long been considered one of the world’s great cities. It has produced many of the world’s great artists, writers, and thinkers. Many of the world’s most renowned museums are here, housing priceless historical artefacts and works of art. London’s palaces, parks, gardens, and squares make it an architect’s playground.

    "Conversely, London is also known as a place where freedom and privacy are nearly extinct. It is one of the world’s most surveilled cities"


    The incumbent Mayor of London is of course fully on board with all such technocratic measures:

    Failed Gov’t Policies Plus Failed mRNA Shots Spell Disaster


    Robert W Malone MD MS is "Inventor of mRNA & DNA vaccines" so I presume that he may know about that of which he writes, especially when he writes about vaccines.

    It appears that an Indiana life insurance CEO has drawn his attention to an alarming rise in the death rate in people aged 18 to 64.

    I have been unable to follow the link due to "European Economic Community GDPR" requirements (being American, they do not comply), so I must refer to other sources, but it does neatly dovetail with anecdotal reports of young athletes (footballers et all) succumbing to seizures on pitches - make of that what you will.

    I'm on firmer ground in thinking that the global roll-outs that featured so highly in 2021 (and feature still in the 'booster' campaigns) are based on the shakiest of science (seeming based primarily on

  • Lord Monckton Spills the Beans on Climate Change , courtesy of Hearts of Oak


    A wide-ranging and highly revealing discussion that lays out the origins of the Climate Change agenda as set up by the communists within the bowels of the KGB...

    Have you ever wondered where Vladimir Putin stands on this?

    "This is the final assault of totalitarianism on the West..."

    Well worth our time, and very entertaining to boot. Enjoy!

    (87 minutes)



  • Law Generally Follows the Negative Externality Cost Reduction Principle


    The what?

    Caveat 1 - we are dealing with American law here, although as far as I understand it UK law should also largely conform to this principle, originally laid out by British economist (it's OK - not all economists are incomprehensible) Ronald Coase (the Clifton R. Musser Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago Law School).

    Caveat 2 - the principle was set out by an economist (although he did work for a Law School).

    "Generally, the party who can most cheaplyreduce the harm is the one legally and morally bound to do so in a free country"

    "Points 1 through 4 are not easily

  • The PCR Test Deception


    Regular readers will know that this site has maintained from late 2020 that the PCR test is flawed - and if that is flawed, then we must in all logic deduce that the pandemic is without foundation - since the Covid symptoms are common to many other conditions (even radiation poisoning!) so the test is essential to diagnosis. This video is not for you - it is for those who still need to realise what is going on.

    If the test falls, so does the pandemic. It really is that simple!

    Forward this link to those who need it.

    (40 minutes)

    Right from the time (around May/June 2020) when the emphasis segued seamlessly from the latest deaths statistics (then approaching negligible) to "cases" based solely on positive test results, it was clear that "something was

  • Enough to Dismantle the Entire Industry


    Dr Reiner Fuellmich and the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss - pay attention!

    (See also a previous report on this same topic, for the original data)

    (20 minutes)


    See also this Call for "immediate stop to the Covid-19 Experimental 'Vaccines' " by the World Council for Health.

  • Germany Rising!


    (19 minutes)


    (55 minutes)



  • We Need More CO2 - Not Less!


    Heresy! Arrest that man immediately!

    No, not me Guv - it was Daily Sceptic wot done it...

    Well actually, I must confess my sins - I did once stand before Extinction Rebellion and proclaim the virtues of CO2, so I may not have used the same words precisely but it wasn't much different. To be fair to my audience they heard me out politely enough, but it was noticeable that all the other speakers on the panel were decidedly "on-message", just not on my message.

    So it is with approval that I feature this recent article from Chris Morrison which threatens to stir up the Climate controversy just when we thought it safe to embark on 2022. At least it makes a change from the Covid narrative.

    Come to think of it, it's only really a change of complexion - they are both

  • New Year Message from the Bruges Group



    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • BMJ Editors Take Mark Zuckerberg to Task


    "We are writing to raise serious concerns about the “fact checking” being undertaken by third party providers on behalf of Facebook/Meta"

    "The BMJ commissioned an investigative reporter to write up the story for our journal. The article was published on 2 November, following legal review, external peer review and subject to The BMJ’s usual high level editorial oversight and review"

    "Those trying to post the article were informed by Facebook that people who repeatedly share “false information” might have their posts moved lower... "

    "We find the “fact check” performed by Lead Stories to be inaccurate, incompetent and irresponsible"

    Welcome to the club BMJ. Good to have you
