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  • The Ukraine - Brewing Since 1945


    The Ukraine has been a festering sore, assiduously cultivated by the West, for all of my lifetime.

    Scott Ritter spills the beans on the whole tragic disgraceful story.

    Anybody who still believes that the Nazis (as opposed to the Germans) lost the 1939-45 war may need to reassess that viewpoint.

    Maybe it will take another movement like the Vietnam war protests to make the point. 

    (43 minutes)


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  • The CovQuaxx Papers


    Want to know the real information on what the science has shown to result from the big C injections?

    Dr Mark Trozzi has published a library of more than 1,000 peer reviewed articles linking the jabs to subsequent harms.

    1000 peer reviewed articles on “Vaccine” injuries

    Categorised by syndrome.


  • Double-Think Rides Again


    Neil Oliver applies his analytical mind to try to uncover what exactly has been going on in the Canadian Parliament.

    His conclusions are both shocking and unbelievable - but logically consistent and (barring some strange form of mass hysteria) probably correct.

    "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" - Arthur Conan Doyle

    (14 minutes)


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  • Style Note


    I have (belatedly) realised that as a consequence of the (now not so recent) upgrade of our site software regime, videos have no longer been correctly resized to fit within the user's screen / window viewing area.

    Nul points!

    I have reverted to the old familiar pre-update formatting which, whilst it also has minor problems, is in practice a much more satisfactory option overall.

    My apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    If anybody notices anything else amiss, please do This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  • Every Citizen Needs the Great Reset Explained


    Technocracy has its roots in history - probably very ancient history - but for our purposes we need look back only to the Third Reich. I have to say that it's a salutary exercise to read Hitler's demands of the German nation, which at that time was reeling under the draconian war reparations treaty of Versailles, a treaty that we, if it were imposed on us, would consider crushing, inhuman, impossible ever to satiate. Clearly, something had to be done, and the German people were ready for it.

    Hitler's list isn't all negative. There are certainly items that would resonate with us today as perfectly sensible. It was though a product of its times - a time of empire, of implacable economic war of nation against nation, with Germany very much the underdog with no means to get out from under. 

    Hitler's rhetoric must have seemed like a breath of fresh air.

    I would have thought that somebody would have foreseen this - maybe somebody did. We have to ask how Hitler

  • Every City Council Needs the Great Reset Explained


    The UN-WEFC40 Cities project, to install the smart cities around the world, is introduced to the Aurora city council in Ontario, Canada.

    This presentation is a template that could be copied globally, and maybe we should be thinking to "get our retribution in first" so to speak. Sowing the seed early with your local council may be enough to obviate the need for a rearguard action later - and if it isn't, then forewarned is forearmed.  

    (8 minutes)


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  • It's Time for We the People


    Neil Oliver exhorts us to take the initiative, to make our views loudly heard, to take the politics by the scruff, and take back control.


    Where there's a will there's a way. Do we have the will?

    (9 minutes)


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    And here is Richard Vobes making much the same point at local council level. 

    (12 minutes)



  • Fulford Report - Monday 25 Sep 2023


    An upbeat report this week - Red October incoming? It wouldn't be the first time this has been suggested! But let's hope it's the last.

    "... the President of Ireland and King Charles III have been ordered to appear on BBC to say they have been arrested..."

    Now that would be something! But I don't think I'll hold my breath for it...

    As always, to read the full report, a modest subscription is required.

    And as always, the secret services will tell us exactly what they want us to believe... via whatever mouthpiece they have available.


  • The Online Harms Bill - Friend or Foe?


    Now primed and ready for detonation Royal Assent, this Bill (all 108 thousand words of it) has passed through all its parliamentary stages and will be law shortly.

    Of course everything Parliament does these days is always for our safety, but what about our education, our ability to research, and our freedom of speech?

    I'm not going to offer any assessment here myself, but one tenacious soul has already had it analysed by AI (ChatGpt) - one AI (automated) analysing another (the Statute Book) one might think. What did it make of it? Did it collapse in a heap, defeated by the intersectional cross-referencing, extraordinary tedium, and sheer volume of banality, or did it manage to extract its meaning andfurnish some relevant answers?

    Happily, automated AI knows neither banality nor tedium, and can cross-reference til the cows come home - once it has all the

  • Has Rishi Pricked the UK Green Fantasy Balloon?


    Rishi Sunak may have turned the greens purple with indignation at daring to row back on some minor part of the WEF-UN's beloved climate vendetta against carbon dioxide (and therefore against us), but does this hesitant move really signify a change of direction, or will he be overwhelmed by the furious response that he has just provoked?

    Nick and Nigel chew over the arguments.

    (17 minutes)


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  • Deep Woo Incoming?


    At some risk of turning off a number of readers, this is one of those down the rabbit hole reports that those who pride themselves on knowing that our three-dimensional habitat is all there is may find unbelievable, even objectionable. If you are full-on in your own opinions, and you align with mainstream media, then you may wish to skip this one.

    Our policy is to cover topics that cannot be disproved - that doesn't imply that we believe or do not believe, it implies that we are simply open to considering stuff (AKA "conspiracy theories") that has a following and that hasn't actually been disproved (in my judgement!).

    That said, these are extraordinary times, and some believe that the world is heading for some sort of climax that will likely leave a great many confused, uncertain, panicky, and generally discombobulated and anxious. This message has been coming from a number of

  • The Great Global Warming - Fact or Swindle?


    This now somewhat ancient video reminds us just how long this controversy has been running (it aired first in 2007) - yet in its fundamentals it could have been released yesterday. The argument (if that's what it is) is still completely stuck in 2007, having made absolutely no progress one way or the other since then - we do have to ask ourselves - why?

    Maybe it isn't an argument at all. Maybe it's just an idiotic duel of the completely deaf.

    (73 minutes)



  • 9/11 In Context


    It might be also called a short history of the 20th century.

    Or a brief introduction to the development of the war machine.

    The machine that brought us to where we are today.

    And that has, ultimately, exposed the existence of the "Deep State".

    (1 hr 34 mins)



  • WHO - Guilty of Bio-Terrorism?


    Dr David Martin has been featured on this site several times for his determined and fruitful investigation of the documentary evidence (including patents) underlying the Covid "pandemic".

    In this video he runs through all the evidence that he has assembled for the European Parliament, and draws the necessary conclusions.

    (24 minutes)



  • Whoa! England, Our England, Debunked?


    Joseph Gregory Hallett (AKA King John III of England), investigative author and historian, ably interrogated by the quintessentially English Richard Vobes, pulls the plug on seemingly all the cherished history that we ever thought we knew.

    I have embraced all kinds of assertions and ideas including those that many think wild and wacky, but this wasn't on my radar until very recently. 

    Even Magna Carta is in the cross-hairs (along with much of the history we thought we knew).

    And much, much more. 

    So who was behind it all? I'll allow you one guess...

    So does it stand up? Does our recorded accepted history stand up? Or is it (perhaps along with virology) circling the plughole of history? 

    And does it

  • Virology Debunked?


    Koch's Postulates. vesicles, exosomes, whatever, don't bombard me with technical terms, just tell me whom I can trust.

    Sadly trust is in short supply now because many of us have decided that we cannot any longer simply trust those who say we can trust them. 

    Dishonesty is endemic. Politicians and estate agents tend to head the list of people that we don't necessarily trust to keep their word, and cowboy builders are legendary.

    But politicians are of especial interest as they are supposed to be at the very top of the tree of power, so we must at least consider that being there may be no guide to probity, and suffice it to say that famous and "trusted" politicians have been prosecuted and found guilty of crimes. A number are openly mocked and vilified by many. Alleged crimes include going to war without due cause - for example, in Iraq, where Saddam Hussein was later exonerated of possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    So what is there to keep any area of public life free of falsehood? In the end, only public vigilance. Even professional associations,

  • Syria!


    We have become accustomed to sporadic reports from Syria, some alleging chemical attacks, some alleging incursions by terrorists, and more. Vanessa Beeley has featured on UK Column for some time, reporting on these events, whilst mainstream media has reported a different version of events.

    Of late, Syria seems to have been stabilised to some extent through by support from Russia.

    Yet the troubles continue.

    Perhaps this video will shed some light on what has been going on. 

    I present it as is without verification. It's your judgement that counts.

    (88 minutes)



  • Return to Palnackie


    Martin Geddes returns to Palnackie (of which he has written previously).

    He uses his experience to encourage us in our social responsibilities, and it is a reflective discourse on some of the problems that afflict our local governance, and how we may / should respond to them.

    Being bothentertaining and illustrative of the interactions between human foibles and the knowledge of being under observation, it is interesting on many levels.

    Essential reading for would-be local officials and politicians?
