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  • Fulford Report Monday 19 Sep 2022


    Published on the day of the Queen's funeral, this makes interesting reading for us Brits.

    Whether this report includes any misinformation is of course as always open to question, but it does highlight there is more than one alternative narrative in play.

    Clearly there is yet more water to flow beneath the bridge before we will achieve anything approaching hard clarity.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Global WalkOut - Steps 2 & 3


    These follow on from Step 1.

    Step 2

    (2 minutes)


     Step 3

     (2 minutes)



  • And Did Those Feet in Ancient Times Tread Upon England's Mountains Green?


    If this site hasn't yet challenged your thinking sufficiently, then I think that this particular video may do the trick.

    It's is a bit slow to get started, and it's not clear where the narrator is going, but eventually the proposition being put forward dawns upon the consciousness like a phantom thought-form emerging from the primordial gloom... or may be I'm just slow on the uptake.

    You may want to restart the video to pick up on the details that you missed first time through.

    Preposterous? Aye, and then some.

    But it's an idea which is not without mythological integrity, so where did that mythology originate?

    And if we would take note of Michael Tellinger's assertion that the word "mythology" originally had a different meaning altogether, then suddenly the preposterousness takes a very noticeable jolt. Not fatal, but a jolt none-the-less.


  • Gold Pricing - According to Moscow


    As Michael Tellinger points out, money has always been about gold.

    Almost the last relic of the British Empire to fall is the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association) which for many years has set the daily gold price that was used by London gold traders and no doubt gold traders around the world, but the world now wants a "fair" gold price.

    Egon von Greyerz (of Matterhorn Asset Management) brings us up to date:

    (31 minutes)


    Michael Tellinger Reviews the Sweep of Human History


    "... science and astronomy is forcing us to reconsider everything we know about our human origins and how we suddenly appeared on this planet some 250,000 years ago as a new species called Homo sapiens"

    There's nothing like a history lesson to place current events into context...

    "... we know nothing about ancient civilisations, nothing about our real history, who we are, where we come from, why we're here, we need to start again and ... there's a new body of evidence that we need to start dealing with"

    "Somehow, along the way, somebody changed the meaning of that word"

    (105 minutes)


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  • Scott Ritter Explains the Latest Ukraine Developments


    Billions of dollars of NATO equipment and a diversionary manoeuvre...

    Scott Ritter explains what has been going in the Ukraine, and how he sees the options developing.

    "The Russians are designed to defeat a NATO army"

    "... this is one of the greatest intelligence failures of modern times... " 

    "... you basically lost everything... "

    (96 minutes)


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  • Stand By for the Move to the EU's Tristatecity Megalopolis


    Can't wait?

    I thought not, but will we Brits be welcomed after we so foolishly exited the EU on the entirely unwise grounds that we wanted to govern our own country?

    Now we can truly see how the EU is leapfrogging into the glorious technocratic future whilst we poor deluded "democrats" are getting left outside the big tent. Has the train already left the station, or will we be just in time to scramble awkwardly onto the very last coach?

    In the words of the song, "when will they ever learn?".

    Still, now that both our government and our Royal Family are fully owned by acolytes of the WEF, perhaps we can hope that they will arrest our decline and pull us back into the fast lane toward the future smart-utopia, and useless "democratic accountability" be damned!

  • Climate Change Debunked Again - Will Anybody Notice?


    I guess we'll just have to keep putting articles until somebody does.

    This time it's group of "leading Italian scientists" that have reviewed the climate trends and concluded that there's 'nothing to see here'.

    "... meteorological categories including natural disasters, floods, droughts and ecosystem productivity show no 'clear positive trend of extreme events' " but "... the scientists note a considerable 'greening' of global plant biomass in recent decades caused by higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere" so that's good for food production globally - provided that our politicians stay out of the business of agricultural controls - but when could a politician not resist the urge to intervene?

    The Daily Sceptic has the story.


  • Graham Phillips Reports from the DonBass 16 Sep 2022


    There has been much news in the western media concerning the success of the latest Ukrainian moves to regain territory from the Russians, so this report is welcome in so far as it provides some confirmation from the front lines.

    It's a snapshot from a specific place rather than an objective overview, but it's more than nothing.

    (4 minutes)


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  • Fulford on Friday 16 Sep 2022


    It's Friday and so it's the Fulford weekly video.

    Following the announcement of the Queen's passing, this is a report to which to pay attention.

    Small subscription required.


  • Another Covid "Jab Harms" Paper


    It's depressing to keep banging on about the same topic, but I suppose it has to be done.

    "Well, it's nice that these people are finally acknowledging what has been in plain sight for well over a year now"

    "People... can't interpret the data, the don't have the skills... they don't have the time to interpret the data, so they rely on experts, and all these experts have been hush-hush about the vaccine, until now... it's so obvious, you cab't hide it any more... "

    (15 minutes)



  • Ukraine Update & WW3 - 15 Sep 2022


    News from Ukraine seems to be a bit thin currently - is anything happening?

    Yes, things are happening, but maybe they are not making the news.

    Maybe they should.

    Clayton Morris of Redacted reviews the latest news and scuttlebutt...

    (17 minutes)


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    It's not just about matters military - it's also about matters monetary.

    (NB: I have ended this clip at 8 minutes 30 seconds because the remainder is a sales

  • Transatlantic Geopolitics Targets EU through Germany?


    Leaked Rand Corporation document confirms (corporate) US sees the sanctions on Russian gas as a means to retain American influence (ie: control) over Europe....

    Makes sense, no? No?

    So who is manipulating whom?

    "NATO was there the whole time... "

    The "fog of war" is swirling.

    (21 minutes)


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  • Something to Remember When The Future Looks Grim


    This has got to be the greatest conspiracy theory of our times, and probably since the great flood in the time of Noah.

    Many people will be shocked and outraged by this content because it challenges everything we believe about the world we have lived in all our lives. If you are not yet prepared to consider wholesale revisions to your worldview...  best leave this page now.

    "Everything ... and I mean everything, is a lie"

    It's a story of dreadful crimes against children that have been endemic for centuries, even millennia.

    It's also the story of the Cabal's plan to depopulate the earth and enslave what remains of humanity as their "servants" under the technocratic control of AI.

    It's also a story of remarkable courage, decades of planning, and astonishingly bold action to bring all that to an abrupt (on the historical scale) and final end -

  • The Monetary and Financial War for World Domination


    A short history of the continuing economic war for world domination over the last 200 years. Or thereabouts.

    Whilst I'm not sure that this presentation is correct in all respects, it is certainly a revealing summary of how the financiers managed to corner the profits of industry world-wide, and why that has come to an end.

    One can readily see that the Great Game is financial economic and military.

    And we must not forget the plentiful use of deceit and propaganda.

    One can quibble with the definitions of words such as "neo-liberals" "socialism" and "progressive", but the gist of what has been going on is reasonably clear.

    (55 minutes)


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  • Ukraine Update - Alternative View 13 Sep 2022


    Whilst the media are full of the success of the Ukrainian forces in repelling the Russians, not all commentators agree with either the extent of the advance or the likely future progress...

    (27 minutes)


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  • Amir Tsarfati Updates us on Iran, Ukraine, Europe & the UK, and 9/11


    These are his understandings, as seen from his viewpoint.

    Whilst he does seem to be well-informed in general, I have no reason to suppose that he is correct in all matters. 

    (23 minutes)


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  • Common Law Court


    Learn about Common Law Courts.

    No, it's not a court, it's a process legal under common law for the people to hold their own courts.

    Common Law Court is also an administrative organisation that provides educational and other services relating to Common Law. 

    This Q&A video introduces us to their activities and you can visit their Common Law Court website for the full information.

    (28 minutes)

    Watch this video here.

    NB: The URL for the CLC Currency is https://clc-currency.uk/ 

  • The Fulford Report on the Occasion of the Passing of Queen Elizabeth II


    It seems that Ben may be better informed than many about the historical role of our Queen in defending the world from those forces that would do us harm.

    Big changes may be imminent across the world, and they will likely be very visible public changes, which many will welcome.

    Well worth your attention.

    Modest subscription required for the full works, but the intro is available for free.


  • Her Majesty the Queen - A Personal Viewpoint by David Scott


    This is the David Scott known to viewers of UK Column, but not here representing the views of UK Column.

    Clearly, after 70 years there is plenty that could be said and much that must be omitted, but David reminds us of both the good points and bad from her long reign.

    A very human review, and I suspect that he speaks for a great many of us as we look back over so many years.

    David Scott's Farewell to Her Majesty.

    For a fuller discussion of the recent speeches, see UK Column News of today.

    UK Column News 12 Sep 2022

    Plenty of food for thought here, including an update on
