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  • Baltimore - Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapsed by Collision


    This will have huge and lasting ramifications for the USA as Baltimore is a major East Coast port handling massive imports from Europe and trans-Atlantic trade (see the segment starting at 24 minutes).

    The Port of Baltimore is now out of service until further notice - none of that trade can resume until the debris has been cleared from the channel, and all the I-695 traffic will have to be diverted inland until a new bridge can be installed...

    If you wanted to create maximum chaos then this would be a good place to start, although this does appear to be an accident.

    (31 minutes)


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  • Don't Believe Any of this Rubbish


    Obviously the conspiracy theorists are working overtime, and coming up with all sorts of stuff that has already been debunked by authoritative sources, such as the BBC.

    So don't pay any attention to this nonsense about the imposition of 15 minute cities.

    Especially if you live in Oxford.

    (11 minutes)


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  • The Moscow Attack According to Scott Ritter


    Many people will have a view about the recent deadly attack on the Moscow entertainment venue, but Scott Ritter is a well-informed commentator with a life-time of experience. Always worth listening to.

    Sadly the sound quality is poor, but it's not disastrous.

    "The Russians know everything".

    Watch and weep - the perpetrators never stood a chance, rather like their victims. Will this go down as an object lesson in how not to mount a terror attack?

    (67 minutes)


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  • We Can Never Have Enough Medication ...


    ... or perhaps more accurately, "enough industrial waste product", in this case from the manufacture of aluminium. It's dangerous and difficult to safely dispose of fluoride, so what better than to dilute it by adding it to our drinking water supplies "to protect our children's teeth"?

    And since it's not a regulated medication but an industrial waste product, perhaps it doesn't need "informed consent" and so forth? 

    UK Column reports.

    (58 minutes)



  • Local Councils ... Stooges of Central Government / UN-WEF


    "... policies that are affecting people now... the implementation of those policies is being done at a very local level... that is, the local councils... the policy has come straight down from the highest levels, UN, direct to local authorities... and then the local councils are enacting the policy without any real consultation with local people... "

    "... it's becoming worse and worse every day because they are developing the devolution which is the 'levelling up' we hear about... "

    "... they should be consulting with people which of course they are not... "

    Madeleine Hunt, when active in Poland's Solidarity movement, came to recognise the words, texts and procedures that formed both the visible and hidden doctrines of communism - and was shocked to detect that very same communist language and procedure at work within the United Kingdom's 

  • Fulford Report - Monday 25 March 2024


    Assuming that there will be an end-game (and that time only goes forwards) we would always be technically correct to say that "the end-game approaches". The fact that this journey is a great deal longer than many of us expected doesn't change that, although it does compel us to re-evaluate our assessment of both length of journey and progress so far.

    Given that NATO (both official and unofficial) seem hell-bent on continuously poking the bear until he reacts out of anger rather than premeditation, it is reasonable to suggest that the bear isn't going to volunteer for further poking without calling out those who are orchestrating the poking - and those who provide the hardware and expertise needed to do that poking are not difficult to identify.

    To suggest that that calling-out will at some point be issued in kind, is simply to anticipate the obvious - actions speak louder than words.

    "The Khazarian mafia is planning a holocaust or mass murder event

  • Disempowerment Enmity and Inversion


    For those behind the curve, DEI is one of several modish fads to afflict the body corporate these days - it officially stands for Diversity Equity and Inclusion, but in the way of all matters woke it is in practice too frequently implemented as the opposite, normally to the disadvantage of the white population.

    Google whistle-blower Zac Vorhies discusses AI with SGT Report, noting how it is being warped into wokery in absurdly obvious ways - when even Microsoft's Bing turns up better results, maybe it's seriously past time to change your search engine!

    Where will this lead? Independent people like Zac will create their own AI...  stand by for AI Wars incoming!

    (52 minutes)



  • Russia Russia Russia


    This is a mighty long article that in effect seeks to unravel how the Great (Political) Awakening will emerge from the current course of global geopolitics.

    It's a big sweep and requires some determination to get through, but does it make sense?

    Yes, it majors on the political situation in the USA, a situation which even we Brits, observing from our remote homeland across the pond and beset with all our own problems (perhaps pale shadows of the problems of USA Inc), recognise as both improbable and intractable.

    Yet we share largely the same problems with many countries around the globe (immigration out of control, cretinous corporate/self-serving and yes dishonest and fundamentally unelectable politicians, dubious inordinately slow and expensive justice systems, local and national governments mesmerised by the WEF and Israel, etc).

    "They" want us to continue on the old old Left vs Right (now "Extreme" Right)

  • A Soliloquy for our Age


    Martin Geddes reviews his path of enlightenment, and shares his deductions with us.

    I doubt you would find such wisdom expressed so cogently at your local pulpit (but I wouldn't discount it altogether - " the Lord works in mysterious ways ").

    However, I'm not going to try to introduce this for you, it will either speak to you, or it won't.

    Take it slowly...


  • The Lawfare vs The Trump


    I don't normally post stuff from the USA that isn't both firm news (as against speculation, however well-founded) and likely important to the UK. OK, that's a very fuzzy line and I'm sure I don't alwaysget it right, but it helps keep this site focused on news rather than speculation. 

    (Yes, we do speculation too, when it might be something important that we don't normally consider!)

    This is such a good and brief account of the Donald's New York prosecution that I waive my usual reticence. 


  • Geddes Grinds the Traffic Tribunals


    Martin shares with us his latest broadside against the Traffic Tribunals system and Transport for London (see his previous notes here).

    At the heart of this case is the notion that "traffic tribunals" operate as kangaroo courts outside the justice system and in so doing may ignore both the statute book and constitutional law.

    Today's broadside is a legal notice to either come clean or pay up. They have a limited time to respond.


  • The New Corporate Panopticon


    When I started work back in the antediluvian 19xx's, every company had a Personnel Department. 

    Now no corporation has a Personnel Department, they have "Human Resources". Like we get mined out of the ground by huge machines somewhere remote where the pollution and habitat destruction doesn't matter, and the "produce" gets shipped in disgusting conditions aboard slave ships to France, from whence it makes its own perilous way across the Channel in cheap-as-chips expendable inflatables, to disappear across the dunes to populate the UK shadow economy... no names, no pack drill, no employer's NI.

    OK, perhaps I exaggerate slightly (but have you been to the slave mines yourself to check with your own eyes? No? Who are you to argue then?).

    C.J. Strachan (pseudonym) (an "HR Professional", so he should know) tells us exactly how it is in HR these days.

    Whilst not precisely how I outlined it above,

  • Global Extinction by Rays from Space?


    Call me old-fashioned, but what if everybody is missing the point?

    Whilst we are worrying about farmers' livelihoods and our food supply, the WEF and all its nonsensical edicts, the jabs that can do no wrong (despite pages and pages of "extremely rare side-effects"), is there yet another deadly menace that we should be worrying about, perhaps above all others?

    When I was a lad I read a book, I think by amateur astronomer and author Patrick Moore,which told a story about evil rays from an outer planet (I think Saturn) which were being beamed to Earth (possibly via Mars?) and caused everyone to go quite mad and kill each other through wars etc. Does anybody recall the title?

    Well, maybe he wasn't entirely off-beam in that! We certainly can detect a war fever which seems to have infected our body politic, that is so insistent that Russia must be fought and Israel "defended" at any cost - despite clear indications that their chosen defence now amounts to

  • Tractors in Truro - Protests at Parliament Incoming


    It's a long drive to Truro, wherever you start from.

    Martin Geddes went to report on the Cornish farmers protest against the Net Zero Nonsense that so besots what passes for our government.

    "No Farmers No Food" signs much in evidence, and family reminiscences from years gone by.

    We are all human, and humans have families, and we all depend on our farmers.Sometimes our leaders should remind themselves of that.

    Read his report here.


  • If You Want to Eat, Pay Attention!


    Richard Vobes is out on location talking to the bowler-hatted farmer.

    The UK currently grows less than 50% of our food.

    The government wants to phase out food imports by 2030, and is offering farmers incentives to take 20% of their land out of production and / or to give up farming.

    We don't need a degree in mathematics to work out the likely result... (and when did we vote for these idiocies?).

    Of course there may be reasons for these policies but would you plan for them?

    (32 minutes)



  • It's All About Our Children - They are Under Attack


    Neil Oliver spells it out.

    "Children are a product, for sale"

    "All mass movements are hostile to the family"

    "The concept of the family is under attack"

    (18 minutes)


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  • Watch Out! Climate Movie About!


    Save the Planet! 

    Watch the Movie!

    You know it makes (non)sense!

    "Tell me what I'm denying, because I am quoting... directly from the official UN scientific reports"

    Maybe they're a bit late to the party, but every little helps.

    "This film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are witnessing an increase in extreme weather events – hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and all the rest. It emphatically counters the claim that current temperatures and levels of atmospheric CO2 are unusually and worryingly high. On the contrary, it is very clearly the case, as can be seen in all mainstream studies, that, compared to the last half billion years of earth’s history, both current temperatures and CO2 levels are extremely and

  • A Strange Interview


    This is a Ben Fulford interview which really adds not much of anything to our understanding of today's world, but does add to our understanding of Ben Fulford.

    It doesn't show him (in my view) at his finest. As I regularly feature his reports I think it only sensible to show this encounter and to comment on some of the questions raised, as I was following Robert David Steele's work and the 2021 tour mentioned, at the time (indeed it was RDS who first led me to take note of Ben's journalism when he remarked that Ben was the only journalist whose work he was willing to pay for!).

    I have to say that Sean Stone knew what he was talking about, Ben was all over the place and clearly hadn't done his homework before the interview. In his somewhat threadbare defence, there are a lot of "Stone"s about!

    It is to his credit that he...

  • The View From Moscow


    Since no western media seems interested in what Mr Putin thinks, even though he has (by whatever means) achieved another incumbency as President of the Russian Federation, it must be appropriate to understand his views.

    If he is a friend (recognising that by some miracle we are not yet at war with Russia) then his views are important to us, and if he is an enemy, then "know thine enemy".

    Zero Hedge brings us up to date.



  • World on the Brink?


    Regular readers will be familiar with the inimitable Ivor Cummins, who always seems to dive into the problems of the moment with precision.

    Today he gives free reign to Simon Hunt, who as well as being a relic of Empire also knows a thing or two about economics and geopolitics, which are in many ways two sides of the same coin.

    "... if the Fed instead of dropping rates, raises them, the market will be so shocked...inflation has not been defeated, and... the Fed knows it... "

    NB: We don't do financial advice on this site, so none of this should be so construed.

    (46 minutes)


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