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The Unelected

  • Totalitarian Tip-toe - UK Economics Progressing to Schedule


    "Boris Johnson's Tories cornerstone policy is right out of Orwell's 1984: Oligarchical Collectivism"

    "Economic plunder"... "Woke Wash" - accessible economics from Mitch Feierstein talking to Renegade Inc / RT:


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • CDC TO Withdraw its RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel


    "... the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only"

    "CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses"

    Read the full announcement.

    Of itself this would not invalidate the RT-PCT test technique (although there are many who consider it unsuitable, especially at higher amplification cycles), but it does affect the assay used by the test to identify the target molecular sequences to be amplified.

    This announcement seems carefully phrased but the implication is clear enough. 

  • World View from a Financial Technical Analyst


    Clive Maund is a financial adviser who charges for his services, but he also make some articles available on a free-of-charge basis as a public service.

    His views are, we may suppose, well-formed from his in-depth understanding of the financial universe, and as the financial aspects of the "pandemic" are not inconsiderable (to say the least) we should perhaps take note of what he has to say.

    However, don't imagine that this is a dry analysis of the financial implications only - Clive regards the financials as only one aspect of the overall situation, an aspect which can only be properly understood within the context of the whole, warts and all.

    So today I offer you his latest reflections on where the world is going (and what that may mean for our finances, families, health faith and freedom).

    This is not to say that I

  • JVCI Baulks at Vaccinating Healthy Children for Covid, But ...


    The JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation) has published its guidance on vaccinating children against Covid.

    Have they been reading articles on this site?

    This advice runs diametrically counter to previous findings of the MHRA.

    The JCVI is still proposing to vaccinate the "most vulnerable" children, presumably on the basis that vaccines are safe for those with compromised immune systems and will protect them from falling ill from

  • How the World Really Works - according to ZeroHedge


    This article doesn't really need much introduction, so I won't waste my typing on it except to say that it's probably the most concise and readable exposition of the "conspiracy theory" mechanism of world power-play that I have seen.

    It is of course for you to judge how true this theory may be.

    Worth reading

    On the other hand...  

    there are signs that the carefully constructed web of disinformation control is beginning to crumble. Here is an article by Fox News which may be reporting a truth which would normally be overlooked by the mainstream

  • Pandemic Truths are Patently Obvious


    Some videos are informative and some will bring the house down - this one falls squarely in the latter camp, so pay attention!

    Dr David Martin has been following the trail of Coronavirus-related patents for many years, and here in this virtual meeting with Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his team, he explains it all - and just when you think there can't be any more, he produces more.

    "... since 1998 we have been the world's largest underwriter of intangible assets used in finance in 168 countries; so In the majority of countries around the world, our underwriting systems, which include the entire corpus of all patents, patent applications, federal grants, procurement records, e-government records etc, we have the ability to not only track what is happening and who is involved in what's happening, but we monitor a series of thematic interests for a variety of organisations and individuals as well as for our own commercial use...  our business is to monitor the innovation that is happening around the

  • They are Real, They are Frightening, and Are They Already Here Among Us?


    Invading aliens from the Planet Zog?

    Unspeakable creatures from the Ocean Depths?

    Monstrous insects from unsuspected underground hatcheries, primed to emerge in terrifying numbers at midnight on the next full moon?

    What could be more scary?

    Well, indulge me for a moment in my flight of fancy, for I propose a more scary story yet...

    Imagine if you will a scenario where we live comfortable lives in a supportive world, a world where we feel safe and competent to carry out our daily routines, cocooned within a familiar community, managed by benevolent authorities, our life plans progressing as expected. More or less. Which is pretty much the story for most of us in the UK for the last half century. (We should perhaps in passing remind ourselves that it was not always thus - in the preceding half century we had fought two world wars, and in that same half

  • Do we Live in a Stakeholder-ish Corporatist Fascist State?


    I think it was in the days of Tony Blair that I first heard the term "stakeholder" applied to corporate / political affairs. I didn't properly understand it then because it was not an obvious fit with the standard shareholder - employer - employee - customer - lender paradigm, and it wasn't until later that I came to assume that that was the point - it permitted the elites to waffle on about various things political and financial(ie: our future) without most of us having the understanding to challenge their "argument".

    Together with the acquiescence (or worse) of the journalists of the time, this helped them get on and do whatever they wanted without the associated inconvenient popular outcry.

    Now that the idea of a greedy-minded elite is gaining ground (certain large banking organisations being openly known as "giant vampire squid"

    Stealth Network from Amazon?


    Hardly a day goes by without news of some technical innovation or other, but we are used to that - so much so that we scarcely take the time to register the fact, never mind stop to think about whether or not we ought to worry about it.

    So it is with this one - Skynet went live on 8th June . . .

    So what? No doubt it's some new satellite group to be used for some good purpose or other.

    Which does not actually preclude its use for purposes which we might consider to be not so good - should we be worried?


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • Dr McCullough et al Openly Talk Bio-Terrorism with Dr Fuellmich


    Dr Peter McCullough introduces himself (eventually!) and describes how he has been trying to counter the official Covid narrative and provide early intervention to Covid sufferers, with the objective of obviating the need for them to be taken into hospital.

    "My quick analysis is that we are under the application of a form of bio-terrorism, that's world-wide, that appears to have been many years in the planning, and the first wave of the bio-terrorism is a respiratory virus that spread across the world and affected... about 1% of many populations, but generated great fear"

    "... every single thing that was done in the public health response to the pandemic made it worse"

    "... what we have discovered is that the suppression of early treatment was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine... and the entire programme... was really all about keeping the

  • WHO Bid for World (Medical?) Domination


    Give us the money and all the authority we could (and will) ask for, then we can save the world! What could possibly go wrong?

    " ... you will not find one mention of any aspect of a political system in Brave New World - not one! There was no government, there was just 'scientific' management - this is the mind-set of these people - you don't need government, you don't need representation of people, you don't need a constitution... "

    Is this not exactly the mindset of those 'scientists' that are currently working our politicians strings?

    We have mentioned this proposal before but this video covers more ground:


  • Dr Shiva Takes Twitter to Court for Collusion with Government


    We have reported on this case earlier - in short, when Dr Shiva was running for elected office in Nov 2020 he was deplatformed by Twitter. He went to court:

    "Following the deplatforming of Dr.SHIVA, testimony and hearings in Federal court elicited how government and Twitter have created an infrastructure for government to launder censorship of speech through Twitter"

    The case continues, and those who are interested (if they do this in the States then who would like to bet that they don't do it in the UK?) can follow the case on the case web-site created by Dr Shiva, who is representing himself (I guess he wants the job done properly and to his satisfaction).


  • WW3 - or Something Else?


    Never before have the world's governments contrived - with the aid of global institutions such as the UN, the WHO, global NGOs such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and global corporate interests such as the big pharmaceutical companies - to destroy the existing economic and political order on a global scale through the apparent use of lies, misinformation, double-speak, fear, confusion, and outright in-your-face censorship.

    It is perfectly clear that we are no longer living in ordinary times.

    New concepts of nebulous clarity (such as "hate speech") have been proposed and indeed  written into law.

    New legislation is proposed to counter "on-line harms", to enable censorship to be applied to on-line publishing of hitherto perfectly legal material.

    An alleged pandemic (that nobody would recognise without the now infamous test) has been used to strip citizens across the globe of their historic rights

  • The CDC "Cooks the Books"? Surely Not?


    The RT-PCR test for Covid-19 is said by some to create false positive results if run for too many cycles.

    The labs who run the tests have been reluctant to disclose how many amplification cycles they use.

    There have been reports that upwards of 35 or even 40 cycles have been used.

    But now, Zerohedge reports that the CDC has published guidance that for vaccinated people, no more than 28 cycles (download) should be used. But wait - is this test not a standardised test? Perhaps the CDC is at last catching up with the situation and laying down a welcome and much-needed standard, but surely a standard is a standard and should apply across the

  • WHO Bid for Power


    The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a report calling for more of everything for itself: more authority, a global surveillance system, and billions more in financing.

    More accurately, the report,entitled COVID-19: Make it the Last Pandemic, is released by The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness & Response which was commissioned by the WHO.

    "It reports to the WHO Governing Bodies, and not to the WHO"

    The Co-chairs were selected by the WHO Director-General and these co-chairs then selected the eleven panel members.

    Perhaps not so independent then. So who is

  • Potemkin Science - the Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine


    "we spend a billion pounds a year and we get back articles"

    "if you control access to the scientific literature, it is to all intents and purposes, like controlling science"

    "who is looking after scientific integrity?"

    "... of all the scientific literature that is published, surely the medical journals must be the most rigorous"

    "... the peer review system is so weak that we really can't trust what's going on out there in the medical literature"

    Who are the "key opinion leaders", the "trusted voices" and "trusted interlocutors"?

    "in addition, you want to work with the private sector and those who are spreading information generally, to see that they can bring things down that are in fact lies or false information that is put forward, as a way

  • What Exactly does "Sustainable Farming" Entail?


    Ice Age Farmer analyses the ownership of America's farmland, and examines what these owners intend to accelerate in terms of farming innovation.

    The UK Government's role in similarly modifying our own farming landscape also gets a mention.

    What do you think about it?