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The Unelected

  • The Fulford Report Monday 14 Nov 2022


    The implosion of the "Rules Based Order" continues.

    "Germany intends to improve relations with Russia and China, despite US’ objections…Let’s not forget that the Netherlands lifted sanctions against Russia…the US does not have the power to impose order on the world and introduce new rules"

    Germany is not by itself.

    "... they cannot figure out who won the November 8th mid-term elections until December or beyond... "

    An interesting report.

    Modest subscription required to read it in full.

  • Another Reason NOT to Jab Our Kids


    ICAN draws attention to another side-effect of the jabs in kids - Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Whilst similar to the flu and not normally problematic, RSV can be serious in the "very young".

    Not that that has been recognised by the regulatory authorities...

    Read the ICAN Legal Update.


  • A Geopolitical "Brains Trust" from Israel


    The state of the world today, discussed in Israel by a distinguished panel of international "experts".

    Make of this what you will...

    (58 minutes)


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  • US Intervenes in Haiti?


    Fuel terminal wars... 

     ... and is it the Russians again?

    All done to popular acclaim:

    "Every time the Americans come into this country, they leave more fatherless children"

    and there'e more where that came from.

    (9 minutes)


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  • Something We Were Not Told About the Pandemic?


    Including who was in charge of the pandemic response, apparently.

    Of course the lead was taken by America, but evidence has been uncovered that the Anthony Fauci - Deborah Birx duality was not in charge.

    It seems that the legal situation was changed, effectively by presidential fiat:

    "An astonishing Government document dated March 13th 2020 ... reveals that United States policy in response to SARS-CoV-2 was set not by the public health agencies... but rather by the National Security Council"

    "The NSC does not include as regular attendees any representatives from public health related agencies"

    "... on March 18th 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) – which comprises the CDC, NIAID, NIH and other ... agencies – had no official leadership role in pandemic response"


  • Dr Mike Yeadon Tells It as He Sees It


    The now famous (or infamous if you prefer) Dr Yeadon has extended his study to include global politics, especially those politics as promulgated by the UN.

    What has this got to do with medicine? What has medicine got to do with politics?

    Well, he applies the same analytical research and thinking that led him to a successful medical career to the field of global politics, in particular the politics of the United Nations.

    And yes, his starting-point is the Covid-19 "pandemic" and all its works.

    If you ask me (oh, go on!) he has excelled himself in this exposition for Halloween on CHD.TV yesterday - a must-watch.

    Unmissable (68 minutes). 

    Do also check out the links to Hedley Rees, whom Mike mentions

  • Halloween Horror Show Collapsing?


    Benjamin Fulford's Monday report doesn't pull any punches.

    The criminals that have become used to getting their own way are no longer in control. The world isn't having it any more.

    This week's report is worth accessing even if you don't subscribe to his site - the first section is available to all, as usual, and this week doesn't shy away from "hard truths".

    Perhaps unlike last Friday's video, this report is no placeholder.

    A modest subscription is required (recommended) to read the full article.  

    As always, discretion is advised. No one source of information in this fractious world has the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


  • "This House Has Had Enough of Experts"


    In a seriously well-argued presentation to a Cambridge Union debate, Laura Dodsworth blesses us by filing her transcript on Substack.

    Yes, primarily she has the Covid-type experts in her cross-hairs but the psychology experts in the infamous (and if it's not infamous yet then it should be) nudge unit come in hard on their heels (to mix my metaphors).

    It's a polite but uncompromising indictment of government by "experts", but it's also a criticism of the many who, despite all the signals that conflicted with seemingly everything we should have known, still meekly, even gladly, did as we were told.

    A tour de force.

    If I have a criticism (yes I do) it is

  • Can we Duck and Dive Around the Great Reset?


    "Prof Frank Furedi, Ben Pile, Dr Tara McCormack, Matt Gubba Guest Videos from Nick Hudson (SA) and Michael Driver (UK) Chaired by Alan Miller"

    #together bring its panellists together. A bit slow to start but very revealing.

    "... globalism from the top down is just another version of all the things that failed in the last century, be they fascism, communism, and so on... "

    "... the Universe has a tendency towards beauty, towards complexity, and most of all towards higher levels of consciousness, and this is something that we witness every day... "

     (1 hr 53 mins)


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  • The UNN Responds to IMPRESS


    IMPRESS is the "Independent Monitor for the Press" (Wikipedia).

    "We help to build understanding and trust between journalists and the public - and provide the public with trusted sources of news"

    They have "excommunicated" UNN for breaches of their code of journalism or some such, it isn't exactly clear why, although "vaccines" and "the Ukraine" seem to be high on the list.

    One wonders whether "independent analysis" and "having the brass face to publish it" might also be featuring some where on their dislike list? Or perhaps their definition of "independent" and David's definition may not be entirely compatible?

    Not one to let an opportunity go to waste, David Clews (love him or hate him) has penned a detailed

  • Report of the Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse - October 2022


    The Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse (IICSA) has published its final report.

    It can be downloaded here.

    There is also a Rapid Read, and an Executive Summary.

    Just a few quotes from the Executive Summary:

    "The deviousness and cruelty of perpetrators

  • The "CDC Unleashes Hell upon Children"


    The title sounds a bit melodramatic, but in the light of

    (a) the microscopically insignificant risk of Covid-19 to babies, toddlers, and children of all ages, and 

    (b) the vastly higher risk of horrible adverse events including but not limited to death, blindness, heart problems, cancers, and almost any other ailment you can think of...

    I recommend that this article should be taken very seriously.

    See also the view from the U.K. Medical Freedom Alliance.

    Look at it this way:

    What is the upside possibility of benefit?

  • Time for the Return of Farage?


    Dan Wooton talks to Nigel - is it a coup? would he return to politics?

    Do we need a new "centre right" political party to kick the Tories into touch?

    (Or do we need to kick the whole rotten system into touch? Sadly this option wasn't discussed)

    (10 minutes)


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  • Where Are the MHRA's Vaccine Safety Reports?


    "the MHRA set out an excellent plan for safety monitoring of the Covid vaccines which was required because of the minimal safety data from trials and the planned extensive rollout"

    After two years, they are well overdue. Did they send them by rail? By Carrier Pigeon?

    "The only publications from the MHRA in the last two years on safety have been the Yellow Card reports and even these do not divulge the number of people affected or the seriousness of the reports"

    HART (the Health Advisory and Recovery Team) wants answers, but I'd bet a pound to a penny that none will be forthcoming.

    "Where are these weekly analyses of GP data, proactive surveys of the vaccinated and academic studies of large medical databases? We’re approaching two years into the rollout – where are all these promised reports? And why is no one apart from HART and a smattering of others asking these

  • For the Globalists Bureaucrats et al: Beware Claim of the Life


    "But as is said, freedom is not given, it is taken. And, we must take back our freedoms"

    "... the people in the spotlight are too busy talking to listen"

    "[Russell created the Quantum Grammar and Claim of the Life system so that we have a chance to learn how to live in peace by communicating in a mathematically certifiable construct... "




  • The Fulford Monday Report 17 Oct 2022


    For a different point of view about world events Benjamin Fulford is hard to beat.

    That doesn't mean to say that he gets everything spot on correct, but I suggest that he may well be in the right ball-park on the major issues.

    With the war in the Ukraine, the changes triggered by the death of Her Majesty, the ever-growing absurdity of "ruling" politicians in the UK and USA, and the onward march of the BRICS toward economic cohesion, the world is certainly at a turning point.

    Mr Fulford tells it as he sees it (modest subscription recommended).

  • The Prototype Smart City?


    The Netherlands is forging ahead, reportedly under the guidance of the WEF, with a 5G smart network, but without any public consultation, let alone consent.

    "the municipality of Apeldoorn and RadioLED signed a secret agreement in 2021, giving RadioLED permission to install 500 small transmitters (square white boxes) on lampposts"

    Not all of the citizenry are impressed:

    "One of the initiatives of this working group is the petition 'Stop Smart City Apeldoorn and the rollout of the boxes of RadioLED'"

    Strangely, no politicians seem concerned that there has been no public debate about this development - you would think that such debate would be meat and drink to the political classes, but apparently not. 

    Who needs politicians anyway? Perhaps the good burghers or Apeldoorn will find a way to deal with this intrusion on their lives without

  • Good Morning CHD - Episode 156 with John O'Looney


    We have featured John O'Looney before, but his testimony is clear, succinct, and as compete a story as we are likely to get on the damages that he attributes to the quaxxines.

    He has seen it all, and he tells it all. He's quite extraordinary, and very lucid.

    (64 minutes)

    "They are hiding it, they are complicit in it... and they are still trying to ... cajole, coerce and frighten ... people into getting more poison"

    "They want to sterilise them... "

    And finally, his take on the current 'energy crisis'...

    "The idea is to make the cost of living so expensive that you're reliant on the State, and the only way that you can get those finances from the State is to be vaccinated and to have your digital passport, and be part of the digital financial system they're about to set up...

  • View From Within the NHS


    It has been apparent since around May 2020 to many that the NHS is a captured institution that now works for "big pharma".

    Anyone that still believes that it works for us should read this testimony, from a nurse who, in the end, could no longer square her employment with her conscience.

    This is her letter of resignation.

    If the NHS continues on this course, it will surely collapse.


  • Finances Teetering, Black Markets Thriving, EU Burbling


    It has been reported that the Bank of England has been intervening in the markets in order to stave off the collapse of pension funds and linked financial institutions. 

    Who controls the B of E? 

    Find out what UK Column think of this and other pressing questions in today's news programme.

    Be aware - home truths abound.