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" ... all gene-based vaccines ... produce the same result in the vaccinee ... post-mortems were performed because the relatives insisted on it ... the organs appeared normal ... in 90% he found clear evidence for auto-immune ... attack by killer lymphocytes on the tissues ... the heart, the lung, and after that other tissues ... "

" ... these data are so damning that you don't have to start looking for other data to know that these vaccines are killing the young and the old, and they are killing our children ... "

" ... why ... do killer lymphocytes invade the organs ... these organs are producing the targets that are seen by the killer lymphocytes, and that target is the viral protein ... this is how immunology has worked since the beginning of mankind ... "

He makes more very pertinent (if alarming) points.

The long and the short of this is that the vaccines destroy our immune defences and indeed turn therm against us, leaving us vulnerable to all sorts of dormant diseases that were previously well-controlled.

(17 minutes)


 See also:  On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination