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Propaganda is much in the news these days, but many cannot see it.

Many expect that our official bodies will tell us the truth, but it doesn't take very much investigation to reveal that ...  they don't.

They repeat the favoured assertions that are untrue, then construct arguments upon the foundation of sand that they chose, in order to prove the official narrative.

Covid is a case in point, the official assumption being that the test does not lie. That falsehood was exposed early on by Mike Yeadon et al, but the media sail blythely on seemingly unaware. But it's their job to be aware. If I can be aware, they can too. So we deduce that they don't want to be aware.

Even the WHO admits that in a "low incidence" population (such as the asymptomatic!) where you are in effect testing the test rather than testing the population, nearly all the positive results may/will be in error.

And the CDC as good as admitted (very late in the day) that it could pick up alternative pathogens.

So we must ask ourselves the obvious question - if they will lie to us about Covid, what will they not lie to us about? We are going to have to assume that everything they tell us could be a lie.

The follow-on question is simple - are they lying to us about Climate Change?