"This action is against 388 federal officers in their official capacities which include President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Michael Richard Pence (“Respondents”) ... "
"Respondents were properly warned and were requested to make an investigation into a highly covert swift and powerful enemy, as stated below, seeking to destroy the Constitution and the United States"
" ... During this Proceeding over 100 members of U.S. Congress claimed factual evidence that the said election was rigged. The refusal of the Respondents to investigate this congressional claim (the enemy) is an act of treason and fraud by Respondents"
"Due to the fact that this case represents a national security breach on a unprecedented level like never before seen seriously damaging and violating XXX and coincidently effects every citizen of the U.S.A. and courts of law. Therefore, XXX moves this court to grant this petition, or in the alternative without continuing further, order the trial court to grant XXX's complaint in its fullest."
OK, this is a legal struggle the likes of which the Supreme Court has probably never adjudicated, and we may be sure that all legal (and quite possibly illegal) avenues will be exhausted before a conclusion is reached, but ... watch this space!