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The Covid "pandemic" will undoubtedly go down in history as a most nefarious event that demonstrated beyond question that the very highest levels of national and global government are not beyond the reach of organised crime.

How we deal with that situation in the future remains to be resolved, but if government by the elite doesn't work then perhaps we should try government by the people?

Whatever that means, it must of necessity involve a huge program of decentralisation so that the "levers of power" become too many, too numerous, and too jealously owned by the locals to ever again be co-opted by the few.

But I digress.

The world is still coming to terms with the damage inflicted

(a) by the virus (not very much - hardly noticeable in statistical terms) 

(b) by the associated jabs that have been foisted upon the world by any and all means conceivable, both soft and hard.

We still don't understand the full extent of the latter damage, but the revealed prognosis becomes worse with every passing day as ever more latent effects (miscarriages, sudden adult death syndrome, myocarditis, pericarditis, infertility, strokes, dementia, etc etc) reveal themselves over time despite the evident determination of authoritative sources never to acknowledge the proposition that at least some of this carnage might, just might, be down to novel injections, that had no long-term safety data, being rolled out to the entire population.

This is long past the attribution of ignorance, or even mere recklessness.

Now due to legal action in the United States the FDA has reluctantly released the information that it had about the Pfizer injection, and as may be expected these documents are being carefully scrutinised to see just how much both Pfizer and the FDA knew before the Emergency Use Authorisation was given.

"You only have to look at the things women were told to avoid during pregnancy prior to being told it’s perfectly safe to take an experimental injection to realise something just isn’t right here"

" ... Pfizer Documents reveal 90% of Covid Vaccinated Pregnant Women lost their Baby"

" ... Pfizer Documents reveal the Covid-19 Vaccine accumulates in the Ovaries"

"Our final piece of evidence to support the claim that Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to depopulation comes in the form of more real-world data, but this time from the USA

"Covid-19 Vaccination increases risk of suffering Miscarriage by at least 1,517%"

Infertility doesn't lead to immediate depopulation, but over time the implications are stark