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Much has been written about the effect that consciousness may have on reality - indeed some think that reality only has any reality within the perception of those who are conscious!

So if we follow that train of thought, it follows that the world that we know may be a manifestation created by those who live upon it.

Thus if we permit others to drive our thought processes, through suggestion or intimidation or distraction (AKA brainwashing) we will live in a world created by those others ...   but if we drive our own thought processes and our own intention, we will (acting in conjunction with our neighbours) create our own version of reality.

OK - I've skipped over a whole sea of assumptions here but you perhaps catch my drift.

The Pulse in its article Our World Is “Spiritual, Mental, & Immaterial” Says Renowned Physicist surveys the history of the link between consciousness and reality, citing learned professors, Nikola Tesla, and Greek philosophers as writers are wont to do:

"A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality"

The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence

"These phenomena are within the realm of parapsychology, which is directly intertwined with quantum physics"

" ... there is still a tremendous lack of attention paid to immaterial science in the mainstream academic world"

"So why is there such a strong resistance? Could it simply be that the implications with regards to the findings within these realms are too great?"

Well - carrying this to its logical conclusion - here's a thought for you:

If a sufficiency of the world's 99% wake up to the possibilities here and get their act together, the world imagined by the 1% would be snuffed out in an instant. Is this why the 1% needed to control all government, media, and educational establishments?

Is this why a biblical Great Awakening is key to breaking the grip of the 1%?

No wonder the last thing the 1% want is a "Great Awakening".

Spread the Word. Get manifesting!