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Well, it's certainly an opportune time to review how we got here on a number of fronts, so here is a very useful summary of all the major features of these so far unproven assertions.

"If you still buy into the man-made global warming narrative and are willing to surrender your sovereignty, not just for yourself, but for your family, your community, and your country, to a group of elitist globalists who fear you, then that's truly something"

"If CO2 were responsible for trapping heat in Earth’s atmosphere, we would see a direct, measurable correlation between CO2 concentrations and global temperatures. But we don’t"

"The Earth is a self-regulating, closed system. When temperature increases, CO2 is released from oceans, permafrost, and soil, but it’s the temperature that initiates the release, not the other way around

OK, the earth is by no means a "closed system" as it accepts copious amounts of heat and light directly from the sun, and radiates the same overnight back into space. Otherwise the statement seems to be substantially correct if we can ignore fluctuations in the earth's and sun's output from one year to the next. Of course that would be extremely unwise as there is no reason to suppose that either's output is consistent - but the climate catastrophists make exactly that supposition too, so we are simply arguing on like basis.

"The push for carbon taxesenergy controls, and global governance isn’t about saving the planet, it’s about creating a new system of control, where elites dictate the flow of energy and, by extension, control economies and governments"

Proof of motivation is supposedly hard to come by, but there is Biblical support for supposing that actions betray motivation (and it's simply common sense).

"The High Court Judge said that the Government’s distribution of An Inconvenient Truth to all English secondary schools had been an unlawful contravention of an Act of Parliament prohibiting the political indoctrination of children"

This is an excellent article that covers most of the salient points - hopeless rate of successful predictions, cyclical inconsistency in those predictions, and co-option of the political classes to (sadly successfully) indoctrinate our schoolchildren with their unproven nonsense.

Climate Change must be the most complex "science" known to man, with vast numbers of interacting variables that defy the 80 - 20 rule (that 20% of them are significant and the remainder are not), for many of which we may have no accurate historical records to guide us.

It certainly is not yet "settled" - indeed, according to the scientific method, science is never settled, it's only temporarily agreed upon until a better theory can find acceptance. Thus was Newton's theory of gravitation superseded by Einstein's theory of relativity, which I suspect is now in its turn due for obsolescence when the next theory that better fits the known facts comes along.

One thing is for sure - Climate Change is infinitely more complex than gravitation.

Worth perusing!