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  • "The EUA of Pfizer's Vaccine for Ages 5 - 11 is Illegal and Unethical"


    Readers of this site will know that we have featured articles from ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) from some time. They were some of the first to openly criticise the US regulatory bodies, especially over their laxity in overseeing the safety of vaccines.

    Below is their latest legal update explaining exactly why Pfizer's vaccine should not have been authorised for children between the ages of 5 and 11.

    (See also their subsequent letter to members of Congress).



  • Not Convicted of Any Crime, held in Pre-trial Detention with no Court Date in Sight


    Yes, this is the plight of detainees arrested over charges related to the 6 Jan incident at the US Capitol building. Only it's much worse than this bald statement implies, if reports are to be believed.

    "Dear Fellow Americans –

    I never thought I’d write a letter like this, but we’re living in very different times. This is my cry for help... "

    Read the letter.

    Read the comments from independent attorney Sidney Powell.

  • Petition to the International Criminal Court to Prosecute Crimes Against Humanity


    Dr Richard Fleming interviewed on Brighteon explains his petition to the ICC to encourage them to take up the complaints that have been made to them by various international lawyers (including some from the UK).

    "everything is unravelling..."


    Together we are stronger than ever, and together we will make the difference for the future of our children.

    Visit https://www.flemingmethod.com/.

    Sign the petition.

    Share it everywhere.

  • Spain Cleans up After Constitutional Court Strikes Down Covid Emergency



    "The Government has created a work team to proceed with the return of all the fines that were imposed on citizens during the first state of alarm by COVID-19 and cancel the files that were still being processed by the administration, as reported to Europa Press sources from the Ministry of Territorial Policy."

    Spain's Constitutional Court has ruled that the first State of Emergency was unconstitutional and therefore all the fines imposed under those rules will have to be returned.

    The Court has still to rule on the second State of Emergency.

    Read the report!

  • Michael O'Bernicia - Latest Update (October 2021)


    Regular readers (should that be "browsers"?) will have noted that we have reported on Michael's case against the Government and its medical advisers before, most recently in June 2021.

    Since then the trail has gone a bit cold, but today we find that he has been interviewed by Mark Devlin, in which he updates us on what has been going on behind the scenes - both since June and indeed on much that went on in his earlier life - perhaps best encapsulated as "my word is my Bond".

    Don't miss this latest update!


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  • Aussie Court Rules Mandatory Jabs Violate Free & Informed Consent & Therefore Break The Law


    The ex-Convicts' descendants "down under" are leading the way!

    Mandatory Covid vaccines are ruled legally invalid by the Fair Work Commission - and for all the right reasons.

    44 pages long - Part Two "Vaccine Requirement in Relation to Covid" pages 32 to 44.

    Note paragraph [113] of the Fair Work Commission's ruling:

    "[113] Before turning to a consideration of these reasons, it is important to set the context with some information that is publicly available and should be uncontroversial:

    1. Unlike many other vaccinations such as
  • Case CCT299/21 Filed with Constitutional Court of South Africa


    We are asking the Court:

    • to grant the South African People relief for the national state of disaster and all its measures including the lockdown etc to be declared invalid and to be set aside immediately
    • that the Covid-19 budget... that was decided upon on 24th June 2020 in which the South African people incurred indirectly a great deal of debt to fund the lockdown and the national disaster - that that budget must be declared invalid and set aside, and that the South African people must not be responsible for any debt incurred as a result of this unproven pandemic

    • that all the respondents be held financially liable personally for all the financial losses suffered by the South African people, because
  • The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 – Please Share this info!


    1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Have Filed a Lawsuit for Violations of the Nuremberg Code

    This article was actually published in May, but bears repetition at this time when everything seems to be happening in quick-fire succession.

    "A large work team with more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts under the leadership of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has initiated legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

    Fuellmich and his team present the incorrect PCR test and the order for doctors to describe any comorbidity death as a Covid death - as fraud"

    "The "vaccine" does NOT meet the following five requirements in order to be considered a vaccine and is by definition a medical

  • Legal Investigation Update from Dr Reiner Fuellmich


    Dr Fuellmich is probably the pre-eminent Covid lawyer world-wide, who formed the Corona Investigative Committee in Germany soon after the pandemic started.

    Since then they have been painstakingly collecting and marshalling the evidence from around the world that the pandemic may not be all that it has been cracked up to be.

    Here is the latest interview brought to us by Mike Adams of Brighteon:

    "... we have come to the conclusion... that these are crimes against humanity, probably the worst ever committed..."

    "... they raided the offices of the judge who simply did his job... "

    (one hour)


  • Plea from the People's Lawyers - "Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void"


    The below is posted verbatim from their latest newsletter issued via Crowdjustice: 

    "Update on The Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void!
    To our Wonderful Supporters,
    Just to let you know that we are still fighting against the tyranny that has been imposed upon us by this Government of Occupation! Do not be fooled by their lies about no more lock downs or no 'vaccine passports' etc!  We do not comply and we do not surrender to their dictates and demands or believe their lies! We will also not surrender ourselves or our children to their lethal injections!
    We also have some Aces up our sleeves that we will shortly be revealing that will give 'them' some big shocks and some big problems!

    Legal Challenge to Vaccine Roll Out to Healthy Children


    Law or Fiction report that hey have been instructed to challenge the vaccine roll-out to healthy children.

    "... the Judge initially considering the papers has for the time being refused the application for a hearing to consider pausing the roll out. The legal team has filed an urgent application to the Court to reconsider that decision"

    "The documents ... expose some of the important information not widely known or reported in the mainstream media"

    Read the report. This includes the documents referred to above.


  • Discussing Common Law with Peter Stone and Dr Charlie Ward


    Common Law is something we should all know more about, and is something that was bequeathed to many former colonies of the British Empire, in that upon independence they chose to continue that legal system.

    So now the citizens of the mother country are also being urged to understand our legal inheritance! It isn't something we can take for granted - we have to qualify for it.


    Visit Peter Stone's web-site for more information. You my wish to bookmark it.

    "If you truly want to be free then you must take it, you cannot wait for someone to give it to you"

  • Food for Thought ...


    The Power of Common Law, of personal resolution not to be intimidated:


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • A Rare and Vital Win for the Future


    This success story well illustrates the truth that incessant propaganda over many years can lead even the finest lawyerly minds to join the most dubious of band-wagons.

    Of course if

    (a) you believe the hype about the "settled" nature of probably the most complex science known to man (settled according to the many climate science models, which inevitably perform exactly according to the wishes of their designers - we have explored how models may not be science elsewhere) and

    (b) that legal coercion is an acceptable way to enforce an entirely political agenda, 

    then you will share the delight of the climate zealots who still believe that our world

  • The Legal Implications of Jabs for Our Kids - Anna de Buisseret


    The JCVI has come out against the unrestricted jabbing of 12-15 yr olds, but the intention is clear for the 16 and 17 yr age groups and the Government has instructed Chris Whitty et al to come up with some reason for over-ruling the JCVI on 12 - 15 yrs.

    Anna has something to say about inoculating these age groups:

    "Silence is a war crime"...

    "... there's no way that any child up to the age of... 18 can be considered to be

  • What Lies Behind the FDA Approval of the BioNTech Comirnaty Vaccine?


    Edited 2021-09-28

    In the public understanding, the BioNTech vaccine is the one for which Pfizer has an Emergency Use Authorisation. 

    In the legal understanding, is that actually the case? It appear that it may not be.

    In the real world is it physically the case? This may not be clear-cut either!

    Technocracy News digs up the drains beneath this FDA "approval" and explains their understanding of what is going on here, and why.

    I have to say it's one of the most complete analyses that I have seen. It's necessarily fairly complex but that comes with the territory.

    Peter Doshi also had some questions to ask in the BMJ.


  • Indian Bar Association Sues WHO Chief Scientist and Others


    Technocracy News publishes a report that seems to have eluded the mainstream western press.

    The Indian Bar Association has taken the bull by the horns, suing the WHO Chief Scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan "accusing her ... of causing the deaths of Indian citizens by misleading them about Ivermectin".

    This is the first legal action that I am aware of that takes any authority to task for suppression of prophylactic treatments for Covid-19. 

    Perhaps it will be the first of many.

    Read the full

  • The Jabbatoirs are Coming for our Kids - Can I Hold Them Off?


    Many organisations are now set on mandating Covid jabs for employees, and the government seems set on requiring them for schoolchildren.

    In my opinion, the notion of jabbing children with these experimental inoculations which have only emergency authorisation amounts to a criminal act on many counts:

    1. These vaccinations have unknown long-term safety profiles

    2. There is no current emergency that justifies their use for this purpose under the existing EAUs

    3. Children are at no significant risk from Covid-19

    4. Vaccination may not prevent onward transmission of the virus by the vaccinated - indeed it may enable the vaccinated to harbour larger concentrations of the virus whilst remaining asymptomatic

    5. Children are at demonstrable risk from the vaccines, even if the MHRA
  • Judge Files Covid Vax Complaint against Portuguese Government


    The Daily Sceptic reports today on a legal development in Portugal.

    Judge Files Complaint Against Portuguese Government For its ‘Criminal’ Mismanagement of the Covid Crisis

    If you can read Portuguese then you can visit the original article for the link to the original PDF file.

    If you can't read Portuguese then just for our readers, here is an English translation of that PDF file.

    Don't say I don't look after you cool.

    This is a

  • UK Family Apply for New Inquest into Son's 9/11 Death


    The application for a new inquest is supported by evidence that was not heard at the original inquest.

    Briefly, it includes evidence that the twin towers were not brought down by the impact of aircraft and the subsequent fires, but by "the use of explosives and incendiaries".

    This is clearly a momentous claim that would have enormous political ramifications if proven.

    Incidentally, the 20 year anniversary of 9/11 arrives imminently, in September 2021.

    Read the full report at Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

    We await the result of this application with interest.