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Free Citizen

  • Vanguard Drops ESG Adherence


    Vanguard is one of the top three asset managers that between them own just about the whole world.

    And they have now forsworn the ESG investment philosophy in favour of (wait for it... ) investing in profitable businesses!

    Now I would never suggest that investments should be made on the basis of profitability alone or we would all be running drug cartels, but the fact that such a mammoth investment house has thrown in the towel on "green" investments represents as big crack in the "green" narrative as we could imagine.

    "In other words, saving the planet has suddenly taken a back seat to client returns at two of the foremost climate change virtue signallers on Wall Street…"


  • B of E CBDC Incoming - Despite the HoL


    Politico bring us up to date with PM Jeremy Hunt's latest thinking (yes I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here) on the much-propagandised Digital Pound (as I suppose it will eventually be christened).

    The House of Lords has already considered it and branded it a "solution in search of a problem", but since when did logical analysis get in the way of instructions from the unelected WEF-UN partnership (who have a number of their "Young Global Leaders" including but not limited to one Boris Johnson installed within our governing classes)?

    (9 minutes)


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  • Vanessa Reports from Syria


    Syria is the country that the MSM has forgotten, so it's up to independent journalists to do what ever they can to make up the shortfall.

    Vanessa Beeley (often featured by UK Column) has been reporting from the Middle East for many years, and she still does.

    Yes it's two hours, but the situation is complex, as ever, with too may powers wanting their fingers in the pie.

    So remind me, why have the western powers imposed sanctions on Syria?

    (2 hrs 5 mins)


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  • The Fulford Report Monday 12 Dec 2022


    The Fulford report this week presents a round-up of recent events and a positive slant on some of them that I have not seen elsewhere.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Is This How Putin Wins the Economic-Monetary War?


    Another on-point offering from Redacted...   

    NB: This is not financial advice! 

    (9 minutes - excluding trailing message from his sponsor)


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  • Ivor Update on the Next Pandemic


    Ivor Cummins had a good Covid pandemic, achieving prominence through outstanding excellence of both logical, evidence-based analysis and calm, reassuring reportage. 

    Here he addresses the next pandemic, as already showcased by all the usual suspects. Did you miss it? Strange how the main media are always keen to report on the activities of their approved experts when they are telling us all what to do and what not to do, but not so keen when they are rolling the simulations for the next time around...

    Well, we have been warned.

    Please at least try to keep a straight face - Ivor does manage it (though only just).

    (16 minutes)



  • Ukraine Update


    I can't verify any of this or add sensible comment, but I can assert my viewpoint that Russia will have its way.

    You must form your own viewpoint.

    (34 minutes)


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    Also this interview where Colonel Macgregor goes into the options facing the protagonists and potential protagonists:

    (24 minutes) 


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  • The China Enigma


    Is the West at loggerheads with China - or is it cooperating behind the scenes?

    This not surprisingly is a story that goes back many years, and which (also not surprisingly) features a pantheon of the "usual suspects".

    Brought to us by the Corbett Report, this is a deep dive that paints the background to the current world situation.

    Settle yourself with a nice cup of your brew of choice and - plunge in!

    (72 minutes)



  • Twitter Upstages Durham


    As Elon releases a tidal wave of information on deep state election manipulations and free speech suppressions, Martin Geddes summarises for us.

    "... confirming beyond any doubt what many of us have been saying for years: there is a “Deep State” alliance of government agencies, (quasi-)private organisations, media, and intelligence professionals engaged in mass censorship to cover up organised crime, notably crimes against children and treason"

    The end becomes ever nigher...


  • A Tribute to David Ray Griffin


    "One of the great pioneers of the 9/11 Truth Movement, David Ray Griffin, passed away on November 25, 2022. He was 83 years old"

    I was interested not so much in the announcement, but in the report that he had worked at the Claremont School of Theology:

    "Fifty years ago we organized the Center for Process Studies that undertook to help scholars in many fields of study to understand that shifting from mechanistic to organic theory in the way Alfred North Whitehead had developed would benefit their work. The scientific evidence is that the world is made up of interrelated events (or processes) rather than tiny bits of separate static matter"

    Now that got my attention, because where I used to work in manufacturing, the process was key to the quality of the end product, whether that product was a TV set or a packet of teabags or a new computer system. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense - you have to perfect the process to perfect

  • ICAN Legal Update on Merck's Vaccine Production Plant


    "The inspection uncovered a number of highly disturbing findings, including unsanitary practices, mislabeled vaccine products, unqualified workers, mold contamination, bacteria contamination, and failure to report or investigate production issues"

    "Merck’s West Point facility still remains in operation today"

    A damning report.


  • How the Sanctions on Russia are Biting in Moscow


    Rebel News Reports from the belly of the beast...

    (6 minutes)


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  • Technate Checkmate?


    This is an article about the "Technate" as it might be applied in the continental United States.

    This is of course a theoretical discussion, even if some might think that the technocrats such as the Dr Faucis of this world have been running the US for the last several years.

    I suppose that this is the difference between "technocracy" or rule by technocrats (which might compete in a multicratic political system with other "crats" such as autocrats and democrats) and the Technate: the ultimate triumph of the technocrats over all other crats.

    Of course, in the end there is either freedom or serfdom, and the Technate ends up as simply yet another means of establishing an all-stifling form of autocratic top-down rule, this time by technocratic dictatorship.

    Throughout human history, people at the bottom of the power pyramid have enjoyed limited freedom of behaviour, and the autocrat has enjoyed limited powers of

  • We're in Great Shape But It's Up to You - Get off Your A***s & Do What You Have to Do


    "Put up a video, go hand out a flyer, whatever you need to do, but do it"

    "Stop talking - do it - but definitely stop complaining"

    Riccardo Bosi sets the scene for the next six months starting now.

    It's a racing certainty that this also applies in the UK.

    (5 minutes)



  • BMJ Weighs in on mRNA Jab - Risk/Benefit Analysis


    Risk / Benefit analyses have been remarkable throughout the Covid experience by their total absence (please correct me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if I am wrong).

    Finally, now that the regulators in both US and UK are all set to begin rolling out Covid jabs to babes of 6 months and above, the BMJ (why not the MHRA, in the interests of transparency?) has published a paper on the risk / benefit of jabbing healthy university students (aged 18 - 29) against the "omicron variant".

    Obviously the devil is in the detail and the

  • Hard Videos - But What to Do?


    Some videos are a bit too in-your-face for some, and this may be one of them, but...

    ... is there anything said in this clip that is untrue, disingenuous, or misleading?

    This has been going on for years and "our" government has never matched its rhetoric with any effective action. It's very hard now to conclude that they are not saying one thing to our faces and doing something else again - and again - and again.

    There comes a time when governments must listen to the people. Or be seen as a tyranny.

    (1 minute 30 seconds)


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  • Hard Truths for the EU Parliament


    In four minutes this professor, speaking for the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, skewers this institution - not with academic learning, but with basic analysis and common sense, plainly spoken.

    Would that all videos were so succinct and to the point!

    (4 minutes - he obviously overran!)


    Like / Dislike this video (and view the text of his speech!) here.


  • Debi Evans Discusses the NHS with Roy Lilley


    Between them they probably have as much experience of the NHS as any two people you could hope to find, one from the front line and the other from what we might loosely term the management end.

    We can probably all agree that the NHS does appear to lurch between crises and panicked monetary infusions by government.

    So is the NHS model of "free at the point of use" as directed by the government still a viable (let alone desirable) model?

    "... the sky is dark with chickens coming home to roost ...

    "... it's not just because they are exhausted over Covid, it's because they can't sleep at night because they are being asked to do things that they're not feeling safe or confident in doing"

    "... it's just hopelessly clunky and horrible... "

    "... but they don't do that now, it's all done

  • Why the Albanian Invasion?


    Reports have it that many of the illegal migrants landing on UK south coast beaches are from Albania.

    Albania does seem a long way away, and I'm sure it has a rather warmer climate than the UK, so what is it that propels so many to try their chances with a long and no doubt tricky journey and the risk of a ducking in the decidedly unwelcoming waters of the Channel?

    This is a rather important question, as the answer may tell us much about the way the UK is perceived abroad and the state of the world elsewhere.

    So this article in Unherd is a timely piece even if it does leave me wanting to know a bit more.