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Conspiracy Corner
"Conspiracy" Update - Latest!
With events moving fast and apparently loose, the conspiracy universe is no doubt exploding.
Trump has been in abeyance since Nov 2020, Putin is flexing his forces in Ukraine, Brandon Biden is nearing his dispose-by date and HM the Queen (as we might expect at her age) is probably close to death, maybe even Prince Charles too according to some theories.
Merkel has gone, Macron isn't making much progress at "leading Europe", all major western nations (including the UK) are apparently led by vastly unpopular WEF protegés, all driving their energy policies into the ground in the name of global warming - to the considerable detriment of their populations.
In such circumstances it is inevitable that conspiracy theories abound.
"oil is a creator of wealth"
"gold is a store of wealth"
"who gets to serve
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An Alternative View on the US Truckers Freedom Convoy
Just another psy-op?
(15 minutes)
Down the Rabbit Hole 4 - ETS Good and Bad, Human Trafficking and Worse
"Alex Collier has been disclosing this information for 30 plus years. We are now finally being given the chance to make our own minds up"
This is reportedly an interview from 1994. I haven't verified that statement but I don't have a reason to doubt it.
This presentation has startling relevance to the situation today. Parts of it are disturbing (don't worry - no graphics).
If you have not yet done so, please read the following before continuing:
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Seen it Before? - Somewhere?
I couldn't resist this little gem, nifty ideas abound - but were they feasible, and were they real?
Is there nothing new under the sun?
Null points for the muzak sadly.
Over to you...
(13 minutes)
Like / Dislike this video here.
JFK to 9/11 and Beyond: Who Really Rules the World?
JFK's assassination was always suspicious to me - if only because such a mammoth crime obviously demands meticulous planning and considerable organisation - not a job for a 'lone gunman'.
Cui bono? Who benefitted?
Likewise very credible books have been written about 9/11 and the collapse of the twin towers.
This documentary film has a regrettably lurid opening screenplay but don't let that put you off. It's also been produced to an extremely high standard - background music which is never obtrusive, and so on.
It is a history lesson like no other.
Oil barons. Robber barons. Press barons. Bankers.
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Dark to Light - The Great Awakening in 8 Minutes
This is a surreal / subliminal / fast-paced race through the concepts of the Great Awakening.
If you are susceptible to flashing images you may prefer not to watch this video!
When is the GA?
It has been building for some time, and many think it may reach a crescendo very shortly. No dates, no pack drill!
Many may consider this unsuitable for children.
Otherwise just sit back for 8 minutes and let it wash over you . . .
They Do Things Differently Over There
The Stew Peters Show is always interesting if you want to get an American perspective on current US and world events.
This 56 minutes from Jan 11 covers a number stories and I suspect that most will find something to interest them, even the to-our-ears strange and unconvincing advertisements!
This issue qualifies for the "conspiracy" tag because it features assertions that the mainstream will deny. I neither assert nor deny - I keep my mind open. Sometimes very open, often uncomfortably open.
Warning - some of this show is distressing, and its view of the future may strike you as scary. Personally, I remain serene in the knowledge that the forces of darkness are not triumphant, indeed in many places they are in retreat (esp. in the UK currently) and are opposed daily by ever more awakening citizens of our benighted world.
There is everything to play for - so hold the line and keep the
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Down the Rabbit Hole 3 - The Human Mind as a Battlefield
If you have not already done so, I suggest that you should review Down the Rabbit Hole 1 and Down the Rabbit Hole 2 before continuing.
"Dr Evil's Weaponized Toolkit":
- Brain Hacking
- Neuralink
- Human "enhancement"
- Super soldiers
- Brain/computer interfaces
Neuroscience and Technology
Psy-ops and Influence ops
"... this is the first time that I saw
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Fall of the Cabal - Full Set Access
We have featured the work of Janet Ossebaard previously, but since that time she has released parts 11 to 20 of the Sequel (and I don't think she's stopping there!).
So this article is simply to bring you up to date with the latest releases (including parts 18 to 20 on Covid and its ramifications).
Remember, Remember the ... World as it Used to Be?
This little number is a deliberately provocative piece of... well, I'm not sure... whimsy? imagination? deception? conditioning of expectation? or just plain broadening of the mind?
I don't know the answer to that, but I think it's a question that all thinking people should take note of, in case the answer turns out to surprise us.
I'm beginning to think that nothing could surprise me any more, but given that all knowledge is now deemed resident on the internet, which is no more than a baby repository at a mere 20 years of age (most of it much less), it does fit very neatly into the challenging notion being presented.
After all, to hide knowledge away for ever it would now only be necessary to avoid it's transfer into electronic form. Only the the most dedicated researchers now resort to hunting down and poring through paper records - it's far too inconvenient.
So how absurd is absurd? I'm quite prepared to
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Down the Rabbit Hole 2 - Vaccines Clones and the Cabal
Those of us struggling to make sense of the current world goings-on realise that many of these don't make sense when considered against a traditional world view-point.
Why did more or less the whole world in concert abandon all their prepared pandemic response plans in favour of previously deprecated measures like lockdowns and masks as soon as Covid-19 appeared?
Why did the world's panic continue when the government's own skewed statistics showed that Covid is more or less as survivable as influenza (and much better than that for children)?
Why did all medical regulatory bodies ignore and
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Down the Rabbit Hole - 1
As humans, we like simplicity - hot or cold, true or false, ill or well, love or hate, simple or complex, fast or slow, drunk or sober, solvent or broke, etc.
We know that the world is not like that. The world can recognise many shades of in-between - warm or cold, glass half-empty/half-full, like or dislike, etc. But sometimes it helps us to express ourselves if we exaggerate a little toward that extreme to which we are inclined.
When we consider what we should believe, this creates some problems - we subconsciously gravitate towards the extremes of belief or denial, because it's easier than trying to calibrate likelihoods of truth or falsehood. Indeed, any specific proposition before us may well contain elements of both extremes. We may tend to make the binary choice instead of taking the less decisive label of "I don't know - file under 'undecided' ".
Given the current state of the world, I have come to terms with the fact that there are a great many
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The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’
"The silence of so many cardinals and bishops, along with the inconceivable promotion of the vaccination campaign by the Holy See, represents a form of unprecedented complicity that cannot continue any longer"
So says Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in a letter addressed to all the Catholic Bishops of the United States.
That such a senior cleric is openly criticising the Holy See in such terms tells us all we need to know about his view of the Covid vaccination programmes.
He addresses two separate issues in detail:
- the moral aspects of the use of the vaccines against Covid-19 that have been developed from cell lines derived from tissues obtained from two fetuses that were not spontaneously
Liars, Damned Liars, and Politicians
This video is an edited concatenation of parts 9 and 10 of the Fall of the Cabal series by Janet Ossebaard.
It's a useful summary of the state of world politics over recent years, and includes Janet's explanations of the Q phenomenon, Trump, and the global revolution that many believe to be currently under way - indeed, that may be about to reach a major milestone as the fiat financial and central banking system finally comes apart.
For a brief overview of how we got here, it's probably as good as it gets. It inevitably includes a great deal of speculation and deduction, some of which may be inaccurate... and some of which is definitely outrageous... but could it be true?! Oh, and it suffers from some unfortunate (to my ears) 'background music'... but heigh ho, it's the content that matters.
We can all pick and choose our truths, but it may be
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Europe - Flash-point for World War? or Covid Passports?
Was war declared on the Polish Border with Belarus?
Is Russia on course to overwhelm Europe (or at least take back the Ukraine?)?
I'm far from being convinced but it seems that some shots (maybe blanks) were fired - and the EU's puppet Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi is imposing Vaccine Passports on all workers from 15th Oct. As distractions go it's probably pretty good.
The ratchet is being tightened, and the UK is also pushing the vaccine passport idea by ensuring that Wales imposes them first, and England introduces them later as a
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WW4 Will be Fought on a New Battlefield - Your Brain
For the purposes of this article I will not differentiate between your brain (physical cells) and your mind (what you think with) - that's an argument for another day. The good news is that if as some think your mind is not a physical construct, then it is hopefully more difficult to mess with than your brain. More difficult, but probably not impossible...
We are having to navigate a world of conflicting messaging systems (social media, mainstream media, family friends and acquaintances, movies, games, personal technology, you name it).
And now - 5G.
This little video explores the means by which some well-qualified people believe unscrupulous technologists could possibly already mess with our mind/brain.
I'm not saying that it's all true, just that we should be aware that some of it may be and some of it may be still 'in the works'.
If we are aware of what may
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Global Leaders, Banks, Politicians, Criminals in the Cross-Hairs
From - the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists:
"The FinCEN Files show trillions in tainted dollars flow freely through major banks, swamping a broken enforcement system"
Like / Dislike this video here.
There is too much for me to attempt to fairly represent here - please follow the links to the
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Compendium of Corona Conspiracy
Things are coming together. All the various strands that have been painstakingly deconstructed and reverse engineered are now being reconstructed and reintegrated by diligent independent researchers so that we may finally view the whole, with all its terrible import.
The Covid-19 virus was the scare, the vaccines are the bio-weapon, the peoples of the world are the sheep whose lives health and freedoms are being destroyed, and the survivors reprogrammed to the New World Order's liking using 5G 6G etc - or so the story goes.
Is it true? Will anybody believe it?
Readers of this site will find previous articles that corroborate some of the content, and there are more references within the document.
Could we do anything to stop it?
Now may not be the time to blindly and blithely assume that this is all a storm in a teacup that will be forgotten by next year and we can
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The Sweet Sound of Surrender?
Il Donaldo Trumpo harnesses Gematria to confirm a simple message...
OK, you need to be a bit of a conspiracy theory nerd to give much credence to this but if you are, this is for you.
(You might also like to read the latest from Benjamin Fulford before you watch this).
It's a bit slow, but maybe it's important. Or maybe it's fake news... Your call!
(Originally posted on Rumble on 18/09/2021 by Patriot News and Updates)
Is an Asian Secret Society Planning to Take Down the Rockefeller-Rothschild Empire?
This is of course all "conspiracy theory" as it's difficult to corroborate, but I think that Mr Fulford has a story to tell of which we should be mindful - it may or may not turn out to be true (or we may never know) but it is another interpretation of what may be coming toward us.
Benjamin introduces himself as a Canadian journalist who has lived in Japan for some time - and he here he presents some of his extraordinary tale:
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