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The USA didn't gain it's independence and become the premier world power by nicely doing as they were told by the Crown.

Freedom and independence must be asserted - our objective is to encourage all free citizens of the United Kingdom (and of the world!) to institute a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people".

This site is set up, funded, and managed by Jim Makin of Petersfield, Hampshire, United Kingdom, in furtherance of this objective.

Jim studied at Brighton Polytechnic (simultaneously serving two years in the TA), graduated in 1972 with BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Data Processing, and spent his working life designing installing and servicing information systems for manufacturing industry. He is a (retired) member of both the British Computer Society and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, has lived in Petersfield since 1989, and joined the UK Independence Party in 2006 (the clue is in the name). Since then he has campaigned for UKIP in the majority of its by-elections, has contested local elections since 2010, and has chaired the East Hampshire branch of UKIP and maintained its web-site. He also contested the UK parliamentary election (December 2019) in East Hampshire for UKIP.

Following the UKIP response to Covid, he resigned UKIP membership and set up this website to challenge those official narratives that need challenging.

Jim is married with two children, enjoys selected you-tube channels, cycling, and undertaking new challenges . . .  and claims "free citizenship" of the United Kingdom.


In 2020 the great Covid "pandemic" burst upon the unsuspecting world and governments globally seemed to lose all sense of proportion, taking wildly over-the-top measures which drove a coach and horses over previously accepted epidemiology and normal democratic process alike.

Something was very seriously up.

In the UK there has been no significant opposition to the Covid emergency laws, despite the massive infringement on personal liberties, huge life-changing economic damage, and draconian imposition of unscientific measures to . . .    well, to do what exactly?

Originally the stated objective was merely to flatten the curve and avoid overwhelming the NHS, but measures continued in place long after these objectives were achieved. Covid hospital admissions and deaths trailed away almost entirely by July but suddenly talk was about nothing but "cases" - in reality merely positive results from a PCR test of uncertain accuracy that the inventor stated should never be used for diagnostic purposes.

As the test numbers ramped up, of course more positive "cases" were identified!

More dire warnings of an imminent second wave were promulgated!

More restrictions were imposed!

You couldn't make it up, yet still there was no effective opposition in Parliament to speak truth unto power - they even voted to extend the Covid emergency laws for another six months!

Has someone cast a spell over our democratic institutions? Why are other democracies globally following similarly disastrous paths apparently under the same spell? 

Logic suggests that our democracies are broken. It is very clear that we can no longer take our freedoms for granted. We do not have governments "of the people, by the people, and for the people" or this would never have happened - "the people" collectively are too sensible.

Our UK parliamentary system is based upon a very few political parties that effectively act as gate-keepers to permit only party-approved candidates to be elected to Parliament in numbers. Through the party whip system these MPs can then be told how to vote. This scheme enables those who control our political parties to control both our democracy and our government.

This has led directly to the tacit understanding among many citizens that getting involved in politics is not for them. This gives free rein to a privileged few to gain a nomination by a major Party to run for Parliament in the name of that Party.

The inescapable conclusion is that we must develop a better concept of democracy that will support a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" to replace the current two-party parliamentary system.

Such a people-centric concept must inevitably be built from the bottom up rather than on any top-down design. If founded upon the concept of the "free citizen" then it will have freedom built in. Without this foundation any design for government would be open to undue influence from other interests.

The challenge of course is "how to do this?". Political apathy runs through much of society - this must be significantly overcome if the concept of the "free citizen" is to take sufficient hold.

This web-site doesn't pretend to have all the answers. However, we do state the problem and suggest the necessary condition for beginning the process of redesigning and reforming our political landscape to enable control by "the people" first and foremost.

If we get that wrong then any reforms that are put in place will be in vain.

Jim invites all those who aspire to reforming democratic government through "free citizenship" to contribute ideas and support in whatever way you feel able.

Let's make start!