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  • EU Green Lights Pfizer's Jabs for Kids From 5 - 11


    EU regulators have approved the Pfizer vaccines for children down to age 5 (although this doesn't seem to have made the BBC yet - perhaps they are too busy bulling up the "worrying new variant" from South Africa).

    I can't begin to imagine how they are justifying this, but those who may be taking this seriously (yes it is serious) might like to view the Tucker Carlson Robert F. Kennedy Jnr conversation.

    Apparently this decision still needs to be "rubber-stamped" by the EU Commission, which I have little doubt will oblige with

  • Vaccinating Teenagers - the Remorseless Drive


    The Chief Medical Officer has come out in favour of vaccination of 12-15 yr olds, on grounds that might appear not only shaky but insignificant.

    The Spectator reviews the evidence and concludes that:

    "the four chief medical officers have some serious questions to answer"

    Notable amongst the "evidence" is the "modelling". We have noted before that "modelling" does not necessarily equate to "science". In fact, models will perform exactly how the modeller instructs them to perform, and the assertion that the modeller is a "scientist" needs to be scrutinised.

    Meanwhile we have this from the

  • Jabs for Kids to be Approved?


    We have covered the proposal to vaccinate all kids from 12 years upwards previously (here here and here).

    The JCVI agreed with our standpoint (although they drew the line at saying that vaccines were more dangerous than Covid, they recognised the high level of uncertainty and the insignificance of the likelihood of any

  • The Legal Implications of Jabs for Our Kids - Anna de Buisseret


    The JCVI has come out against the unrestricted jabbing of 12-15 yr olds, but the intention is clear for the 16 and 17 yr age groups and the Government has instructed Chris Whitty et al to come up with some reason for over-ruling the JCVI on 12 - 15 yrs.

    Anna has something to say about inoculating these age groups:

    "Silence is a war crime"...

    "... there's no way that any child up to the age of... 18 can be considered to be

  • The Jabbatoirs are Coming for our Kids - Can I Hold Them Off?


    Many organisations are now set on mandating Covid jabs for employees, and the government seems set on requiring them for schoolchildren.

    In my opinion, the notion of jabbing children with these experimental inoculations which have only emergency authorisation amounts to a criminal act on many counts:

    1. These vaccinations have unknown long-term safety profiles

    2. There is no current emergency that justifies their use for this purpose under the existing EAUs

    3. Children are at no significant risk from Covid-19

    4. Vaccination may not prevent onward transmission of the virus by the vaccinated - indeed it may enable the vaccinated to harbour larger concentrations of the virus whilst remaining asymptomatic

    5. Children are at demonstrable risk from the vaccines, even if the MHRA
  • CovJabs for Kids? Call to Arms for All Parents


    This site has made no secret of the fact that the government's intention to jab everyone down eventually to babes in arms before Christmas (I'm extrapolating here, but only to be consistent with recent history) cannot under any version of arithmetic known to man be justified.

    It's as stark as that.

    TCW (formerly known as "Conservative Woman") crunches the numbers available and comes to much the same conclusion.

    Add in the now admitted truth that the jabbed can still pass on the lurgy just as readily as the unjabbed and any semblance of reasoning behind this campaign has already flown right out of the wide open window.

    All of which leaves us to speculate about why the

  • Recruiting Now to Work in the Jabbatoirs for Our Kids


    Fancy a career in the "health" industry?

    Lots of advertisements for "School Immunisation Health Professionals" all over the country, so there's sure to be one near you.

    "We are looking for motivated, enthusiastic Health Professionals to deliver the school aged immunisation programme... "

    Good salary!

    Don''t delay, apply today!

  • Our Kids Are Just Collateral Damage


    I am greatly blessed to live in rural Hampshire, but that makes it easy to forget that many others are not so blessed.

    This video is a compendium of a small subset of the collateral damage, the subset that has children who cannot go to school, who are stuck at home with a parent, who have no friends to visit and no parties to be invited to.

    Kids are by nature resilient but there is a limit to their resilience when the oppression is never-ending - and we all know their tolerance of delay from the infamous question "are we nearly there yet?".

    Anna Brees has done us a service to release this small glimpse of misery on behalf of all the many who are similarly suffering. I hope some representative of "authority" is listening.


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