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  • Dr. Montagnier Shines a Light on COVID-19 and The Future of Medicine


    The medico-political Covid situation is confusing on multiple levels which will clearly not be resolved any time soon, but just when you thought that there can't possibly be any more new hypotheses to discuss, along comes Matt Ehret with another.

    It is widely accepted that electromagnetic radiation can be damaging to our health. X-rays, gamma rays, nuclear radiation, ultra-violet sunshine are all acknowledged to be damaging, whilst sunlight (excluding damaging UV) is known to be beneficial both physically (allowing the body to generate vitamin D) and mentally (cheering us all up :) .

    Infra-red can be damaging if it causes us to heat up too much.

    All other radiation is thought to be harmless . . .   except where it isn't, such a microwave radiation which causes us to heat up and is used for that purpose in microwave ovens (and for communications purposes in WiFi at low levels thought to be safe by regulators but disputed by campaigners).

  • US Supreme Court Dismisses Presidential Election Lawsuits


    The US Supreme Court yesterday dismissed cases that it had previously declined to expedite, concerning challenges to the validity of the contentious presidential election processes followed by the various swing states.

    The Court simply declined to hear the cases, no reasons were given. However, the decisions were not unanimous.

    The Epoch Times has the details.

  • Ben Habib Launches Lawfare over the NI Protocol


    Ben Habib explains what he is up to - he is taking Boris to task for the Northern Ireland protocol that is currently dividing the Union.

    Today we are writing to the Prime Minister. This government is driving a coach & horses through the Act of Union. We have no option but to take legal action

    Whilst it's good to see initiatives like this that take the preservation of the Union very seriously, surely the point is that Parliament should be taking the lead here?

    The very fact that politicians are now resorting to legal action speaks volumes about the fiction that Parliament is composed of those who represent the views of the people.


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  • Bitcoin - Trick or Treat?


    Bitcoin recently appreciated significantly when Elon Musk bought a vast tranche.

    Since then it's seemingly done nothing but go up in value. So what to do - is it about to collapse or will it go on up for ever and make its owners extravagantly wealthy?

    I have read many articles on crypto but I have not invested any actual money as yet. Should I now break the conservative habit and buy in?

    Catherine Austin Fitts gives us a wholly different take on what is going on here, and I suspect that her analysis will come as something of a surprise to many.

    She succeeds in relating the financial elements to  our real-life needs and experience, as well as to the global political and financial situation - she paints a very complete picture.


  • Zero Covid - Coming Soon?


    This utterly preposterous idea is, believe it or not, seriously being touted by those who think they can bully or manipulate us into accepting whatever they say as the gospel truth - or at any rate a plausible alternative to it.

    The AIER now feels compelled to take this absurd threat seriously, not because it has any merit, but because the associated politics has all the hall-marks of a totalitarian agenda that they would steamroller across the world whether we the people want it or not.

    "Those who follow this philosophy fail to recognize the glaringly obvious truth that suppression tactics have not succeeded because they run contrary to human nature"

    "The ZeroCovid

  • The Good Law Project Wins PPE Procurement Case against Government


    The BBC reports:-

    "Matt Hancock acted unlawfully when his department did not reveal details of contracts it had signed during the Covid pandemic, a court has ruled"

    When the Covid pandemic struck the government allegedly threw all its normal procurement processes out of the window as it seemingly fell over itself to place orders for PPE.

    Many questioned the rationale for placing such orders with suppliers who appeared to be manifestly unsuitable under all normal sourcing criteria, but in any event the government was still under a legal obligation to publish details of its procurements within 30 days after the event.

    It appears that this obligation was not fulfilled.

  • The Covid "Fraud Triangle" Hypothesis


    For those of us who still wonder why seemingly all previously accepted tenets of epidemiological, medical, statistical and governmental good practice were promptly thrown out of the window a year ago, possibly never to return in our life-times, Lockdown Sceptics take the bull by the horns and introduce the hitherto unmentionable (in gentlemanly circles) idea there might be a motivation in fraud.

    Personally I think this idea is long overdue an outing - any rational enumeration of the possible causes of the current imbroglio must include fraud on the list, and given what we know about human nature, it seems ridiculous that this possibility should be excluded from investigation merely on the grounds that somebody somewhere may think it to be in bad taste.

    Logic is impervious to taste, and as far as I know bad taste has never been known as a sure preventative of criminal

  • UK Government Coronavirus Adverse Events Reporting


    The government has released it first report on the adverse events reported following UK Covid-19 vaccinations.

    The "Yellow Card" system records unsolicited reports of vaccine adverse events, as reported by members of the public. As far as I know these are analysed as reported without moderation or verification.

    Report any Coronavirus vaccine or other Yellow Card event here.

    Whereas the MHRA asserts that it has proactive systems for monitoring adverse events, the above Yellow Card system is not proactive, as it relies upon the initiative of members of the public

  • US states taking steps to nullify ALL of Joe Biden’s unconstitutional laws and executive orders


    It seems that North Dakota is following in the footsteps of South Dakota in seeking to ensure that no Federal laws or Executive Orders that they deem to conflict with the US Constitution will be respected.

    Whilst legally arguably superfluous, this will make it much easier for such unconstitutional measures to be disregarded since such action would be much less likely to result in a lawsuit.

    Natural News has the story.

    Once more we can see the strength of the decentralised American model where the powers of the federal centre are strictly limited by the constitution, thus ensuring that each state retains autonomy in its own affairs.

    I can't help but wonder if there is a lesson (or several) for the future of the UK in there somewhere?

  • Financial / Geopolitical Review - Matt Ehret and RDS


    Robert David Steele is a very well-informed and assertive individual (who I think could learn to interrupt a little less frequently) and Matt Ehret is a Canadian who seems to be enormously well read in geopolitics and its history.

    They make up  formidable duo.

    Here they discuss the causes of the current financial/geopolitical state of the world, and very interesting they are.

    So, without further ado, please watch:


    See more at Matt's web-site The Canadian Patriot.

    See the RDS blog at phibetaiota.net.

  • Texas Freezes!


    Texas freezes in the grip of very unaccustomed sub-zero temperatures, accompanied by widespread electricity black-outs as the power grid effectively collapses due to inadequate supply.

    Wind turbines are frozen stiff, solar panels snowed over, natural gas coal and nuclear generation are maxed out but nowhere near making up the loss of renewables.

    Oh, and the planners didn't plan for unusual but not unprecedented severe winter weather.

    Doesn't that sound a bit like the UK?


    Sounds like just the same green energy planning mindset as in the UK.

    Makes you think . . .   will we be next?

    Here is another report from Texas, this time from Del Bigtree of

  • Actual Lockdown Results


    Lock-downs were instituted in the West when Neil Ferguson infamously predicted some wildly improbable death tolls if they were not. Notoriously, Sweden did not follow that advice, and lived to tell the tale.

    Ivor Cummins (of Fat Emperor Podcast fame) has given us the list of published papers which investigate whether lock-downs have worked.

    So don't hang back - plunge in!


    Of course Ivor is not the only one to have reviewed the literatures and identified similar papers.

    See also: 

  • Our Kids Are Just Collateral Damage


    I am greatly blessed to live in rural Hampshire, but that makes it easy to forget that many others are not so blessed.

    This video is a compendium of a small subset of the collateral damage, the subset that has children who cannot go to school, who are stuck at home with a parent, who have no friends to visit and no parties to be invited to.

    Kids are by nature resilient but there is a limit to their resilience when the oppression is never-ending - and we all know their tolerance of delay from the infamous question "are we nearly there yet?".

    Anna Brees has done us a service to release this small glimpse of misery on behalf of all the many who are similarly suffering. I hope some representative of "authority" is listening.


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  • How to Stay Healthy?


    We are what we eat, and what we drink. This is indisputable.

    The human body is a remarkably self-adjusting and self-cleansing organism that can cope with a wide variety of diet, environment, life-style, and temporary imbalance in any of these factors, but unsurprisingly it cannot cope well with permanent imbalance.

    So if we want to stay healthy and (in the nicest possible way) stay away from the NHS (which is where we are expected to go if we are sick), then we need to understand how to maintain a healthy balance.

    The "Fat Emperor" podcast is a vehicle for Ivor Cummins to bring "engineering problem solving rigour and the scientific method to some of the more interesting issues in the world today" many of which involve health in one form or another.

    I find him informative, logical, unflappable, and reassuring in a uniquely Irish way.

    In this episode he

  • Latest Wind Farm Costs - Not So Cheap?


    The Global Warming Policy Foundation reports on the latest accounting information for the new wind farms so beloved of the elites who govern us.

    And sobering reading it is.

    "Since 2017, renewables advocates have argued that offshore wind power is now very cheap. However, closer examination of their claims reveals a different story"

    "The levelised cost (LCOE) remains 3-4 times that of a gas turbine running flat out"

    "Ministers and the media 'must stop deceiving the public'"

    Amen to that.

    Maybe they, like us, need to

  • World Politics and the Distortion of Science for Political Ends


    When I was a schoolboy in the 1960s I was aware of Bertrand Russell as a prominent and opinionated leftie, but not being inclined in that direction I ignored him as being of no interest.

    Big mistake. Know thine enemy.

    Matthew Ehret (AKA the Canadian Patriot) has opened my eyes to his pernicious influence, influence which (whilst no doubt assisted by many others) seems to have now led us to the perversion of science known as the pandemic.

    That this perversion exists is not news to me, but that it had its roots so far back in history (and probably Russell was not the first to promote

  • When is a Vaccine Not a Vaccine?


    Dr David Martin explains that technically, some of the so-called vaccines for Covid do not legally qualify for the term since they do not operate like a "normal" vaccine (whether that works in UK law or not I'm uncertain):


    Towards the end, Judy Mikowitz hits the nail on the head when she says that it works by inserting instructions into your cells to cause them to generate a synthetic pathogen (not a virus) that will prime your immune system to create an immune response to that pathogen.

    That's all very well, but nowhere have I heard or seen it explained how your cells are subsequently prompted to turn off the generation of this synthetic pathogen when the immune system has been primed. In my simple mind, your body will continue generating this synthetic pathogen and your immune system will continue to mount its immune response indefinitely, or until

  • A Ramble Around our Current Predicament


    Those who maintain their implicit faith in the modern medical establishment may not agree with much of this, but the discussion covers a great deal more than merely the medical aspects (critical as they are), including the control of our food supply and the influence of the United Nations "homogenising every aspect of human life" across the world.

    This is a whirlwind and rather unstructured discussion, centred upon the USA but covering the world and (in my view) especially relevant to the UK, which is very close to the USA in all material aspects and suffers from exactly the same pernicious defects in its bodies politic legal and corporate.


  • From Ancient Sumer, Via Buzz Aldrin on the Moon, to Today


    The happenings in our world today should be understood in perspective, and this article from Your Own World USA (yowusa.com) approaches it from a challenging historical perspective with which few of us may be familiar.

    For the uninitiated, the postings of Q (which have been appearing since autumn 2017) are thought by many to be the unattributable work of military intelligence, whose prime objective has been to (a) demonstrate knowledge of events before they occur (sometimes years before) and (b) wake the general public up to the fact that their government, mainstream media, courts, academia, politicians, religions, and global NGOs of all descriptions (inclusive of the UN) have been corrupted.

    Not just a little bit corrupted, in pockets here and there, but comprehensively and completely everywhere.

    To the extent that "they" now feel ready to take over the world, dictate policy to the nation states, abolish private property, vaccinate us all with

  • Corona-Religion and UK Lockdowns Policy


    Freedom or Lockdown?

    The AIER highlights two pertinent articles today, one extolling the advantages that freedom of choice confers on us if we have the wit to discern them, and the other suggesting why the UK government should (but obviously won't) end the lockdown in favour of the more nuanced tactic of protecting the vulnerable, which we may assume (although I would disagree) has been adopted in the policy of vaccinating the most elderly. The logical course would therefore be to now open up the
